My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 205 Next Day

The next day came unexpectedly sooner, or at least to Satoshi it did. Last night, his father managed to briefly stop by and give him some words of advice and congratulations before he left. He didn't forget to ruffle Satoshi's hair, a ritual he usually does before he goes off on a mission.

"Do your best out there, you're carrying the Midoriyama Family name after all." Those were Tatsuki's last words to his son before he left.

When morning came, Satoshi couldn't help but feel like some part of him was missing. The sun's rays were barely peeking from the curtains as he did, and the coldness of the morning still got to him, causing him to shiver as a yawn came out of his mouth. He struggled to get up from bed to stretch. And when he finally got back to his senses, that was the time he realized that his dad was nowhere to be found—

"I guess there will be no morning training for today... and the internship is also temporarily postponed because of the sudden appearance of Dungeon Spire... what do I do?"

So bored.

Satoshi returned to his bed since he lost all motivation for his morning run. He had all the time in the world so he could do his exercises and physical training later. There was nothing particularly interesting in his room and staring at the ceiling wasn't all that exciting either. In the end, Satoshi got up from his bed a second time and headed downstairs, his footsteps heavy on the wooden stairs that connected the second floor to the first.

On his way down, he saw Emma with his mom by the kitchen, preparing a breakfast of rolled omelets and fried rice. "Mornin' Satoshi," Emma greeted first.

"Morning, where's Aira?"

Emma didn't answer, instead, she pointed towards the couch with her lips. And there was Aira, her eyes glued to the screen, unblinking.

"She's watching the latest episode of spy wars. A series about a certain spy called bondman or something." Emma said. "In any case, are you heading out today, Satoshi?"

"Not really, why do you ask?" Satoshi responded, grabbing a cookie before sitting beside Aira. He couldn't tell what the hype was all about with the series that Aira was watching but he was interested nonetheless.

"Um... I was wondering if... um... you know... you could accompany me somewhere." Emma bashfully asked, turning her back towards Satoshi to hide her flustered face.

"Mhmm, not bad." Meanwhile, Ayumu gave Emma a thumbs up, teasing her for her assertiveness.

"Is it a good show?" Satoshi asked, trying to start a conversation with Aira.

"Yes, Aira likes this one," Aira cheerfully chirped, pointing at the television with eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

[I have to go through this jungle.]

[Put myself in countless death-defying experiences to improve.]

[I am bondman.]

While the television displayed the show and Aira continued to explain the plot to Satoshi, Satoshi's mind wandered a little bit. He just couldn't help but get worried about his dad. With that said, this wasn't really his dad's first dungeon exploration. He was usually the captain/party leader when a dungeon appears in Japan so Satoshi should've been used to this by now.

All things considered, however, the current dungeon didn't look like your run-of-the-mill dungeons. And Satoshi concluded that it was more dangerous than the previous dungeons.

"And then bondman went woosh~ then bam! Then— " Aira continued, excitedly doing her hand gestures as she summarized everything she watched to Satoshi.

A smile formed on Satoshi's face. To think that Aira had been living in a different world just a few days ago, it was hard for him to imagine. Then again, Aira was safe now, and she was doing a lot better compared to before. He saved her, there was no doubt about that fact. And now that he's got his superhero license, he vowed to be the very best like no one ever was, to become a superhero that saves everyone with a smile on his face, unwavering, and full of hope.

It may sound cliche but that was Satoshi's dream. For the moment his eyes were opened to the fact that his parents were the number one and two superheroes in all of Japan, he vowed to surpass them one day. With the superhero license, he was one step closer to that goal— one step closer to becoming the number one superhero.

Breakfast was called and the four of them ate heartily. As usual, Ayumu's rolled omelets and fried rice were as impeccable as ever... even though she did cook more than usual. Satoshi had been under his parent's wings since birth and he knew full well that her mom only ever cooks more than usual when she's anxious... or if she's got a lot in her mind. Either way, it was a crystal clear sign that she was worried— and those worries usually revolve around their hero work, more specifically the dangers they had to face on the battlefield.

In short, she was worried for her husband.

"Satoshi, you up?" When Satoshi got back to his senses thanks to Emma's call, Emma had already changed from her sleeping clothes to a casual t-shirt and pants as well as rubber shoes.

"What do you mean?" Satoshi asked. It totally flew out of his mind that he promised to accompany her somewhere after breakfast.

"You were supposed to go somewhere together, remember?" Ayumu lightly reminded him.

"Ah, right..."

'But where though?' Satoshi thought. He didn't bother asking the question since it didn't seem like the right time to. In the end, he went back to his room, did a couple of body weight exercises, and then changed into a fresh set of clothes after a quick shower. Emma didn't complain, she patiently waited by the couch, watching Spy Wars with Aira. Unlike Satoshi, Emma is actually tuned to the series with Aira. That's why she could keep up with the subject every time Aira did that enthusiastic summary of hers.

By the time he returned downstairs, Aira was already pouting, grabbing Emma by her shirt. "No, Aira wants to come! Let me come uu~~" She complained.

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