My Sexy CEO Wife

Chapter 2 - 2 Encounter Danger

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Encounter Danger

Gao Fei secretly planned in his heart that once he successfully cultivated Heavenly Eye, he would resign, and then start making his way in the world. With the ability of Heavenly Eye Clairvoyance, he was sure he could carve out a place of his own.

By then, he too would live the life of the privileged.

Who says a small fry is destined to live at the bottom of society? I, Gao Fei, am determined to break these chains! Let everyone see that even the small fry can have a grand life!

At this moment, Gao Fei was filled with fighting spirit!


When Gao Fei arrived at the company, it was already 7:58 AM, barely avoiding being late.

After changing into his uniform, he went to the underground parking garage. His usual task was to guard the parking lot, which was relatively leisurely. The only downside was the long working hours, as he had to wait for all the company employees to leave before he could finish work—adding up to more than 10 hours a day.

"Gao Fei, why did you get here so late today?" A dark-skinned young guy came over from the other side. His name was Niu Gang, another security guard at the company, who usually watched over the parking lot with Gao Fei.

"Don't even mention it; I got up late and almost arrived late." Gao Fei patted his flat belly: "I didn't even have breakfast today."

"Did you go out partying last night? Is that why you got up late?" Niu Gang chuckled.

"Nonsense! I'm a good citizen; I never go out partying," Gao Fei glared fiercely at Niu Gang.


Suddenly, there came a sound of an urgent brake from behind.

Gao Fei turned his head and saw a red Ferrari rushing in like an angry lion, followed by a cool drift that brought it to a steadfast stop on the parking line. "Ping ping..." the car door opened, and out stepped a woman dressed in a women's suit, her long wavy hair cascading over her shoulders, her slender eyebrows framing a pair of bright eyes, a high nose, and thin lips coated with light lipstick. With fair skin, a tall stature, and black high heels on her feet, she walked with an imposing gait—a true beauty! A stunning beauty, indeed!

This gorgeous lady's last name was Su, fully named Su Xiaorou. She was the young lady of the Su Group and also the Chief Executive Officer. She was noble, reserved, and known as the "Ice Beauty" of Bright Pearl City.

"She's so beautiful!" Niu Gang exclaimed: "Miss Su is so beautiful! Whoever marries her would be undoubtedly thrilled to death." People like Niu Gang, mere nobodies, would only dare to mutter behind others' backs, venting the passion in their hearts.

"She's the group's young lady, noble and aloof. Even if she is looking for a husband, she would go for those social elites." Gao Fei curled his lips: "To her, small-time security guards like us wouldn't even catch her consideration."

"Huh... Miss Su is waving at us!" Niu Gang suddenly widened his eyes.

"You must be seeing things. How would she bother with us... uh..." When Gao Fei looked up, he stalled, truly astonished. Su Xiaorou, standing about ten meters away, was indeed beckoning to them. What was this about? Why was she approaching them? Gao Fei saw Su Xiaorou driving her Ferrari to work every day, but she had never given him a proper look, much less spoken to him. In Gao Fei's mind, Su Xiaorou was a very proud and aloof woman.

"Don't just stand there, hurry over," Niu Gang pulled Gao Fei toward Su Xiaorou: "Miss, what do you need us for?"

Su Xiaorou surveyed the two men, finally resting her gaze on Gao Fei: "You, help me with some boxes." Gao Fei looked more pleasing to the eye than Niu Gang, so she chose Gao Fei to help.

"Ah?" Gao Fei was completely taken aback.

"What? Is there a problem?" Su Xiaorou's eyebrows creased slightly.

"No no no, no problem at all," Gao Fei hastily waved his hands, returning to his senses: "May I ask what Miss would like me to carry?"

Su Xiaorou opened the trunk of the Ferrari, pointing to a small box inside: "Help me take these documents up; I need them for a meeting today."

"Sure." Gao Fei went over, picked up the heavy box with a grunt of effort—it was surprisingly hefty.

"Let's go," Su Xiaorou walked towards the elevator with Gao Fei carrying the box, following behind. Moments later, they both entered the elevator.

Niu Gang watched Gao Fei enviously, feeling it was so unfair: In what way was Gao Fei better than me? Why did Miss Su choose him? Life's just not fair!


In the elevator.

Gao Fei stood in the corner, sneaking glances at Su Xiaorou. It had been more than half a year since he joined the company, and this was the first time he had spoken to Su Xiaorou, and the first time he was this close to her. Undeniably, Su Xiaorou was truly beautiful, breathtakingly so.

Beautiful in appearance, with a good figure and an equally noble background—her life seemed close to perfect. Su Xiaorou was definitely a favorite of the heavens.

The only flaw was her somewhat cold personality.

Gao Fei wanted to find some topics to chat about, but whenever he looked at Su Xiaorou's reserved demeanor, he swallowed back the words he had been about to say. Better not to speak; if she ignored him, that would be too awkward.


The elevator that was rapidly ascending suddenly shook violently, and then the lights inside went out.

"What happened?" Gao Fei was startled.

"It seems like the elevator is malfunctioning," came the cool voice of Su Xiaorou beside him.

"Boom! Boom!!"

The elevator shook a few more times, then they heard a "crack-crack..." sound above them, as if something had broken.


The elevator suddenly tilted to one side, causing the two unprepared people to collide with each other.

"Not good!" Gao Fei's face changed dramatically, "Judging by this situation, it must be the steel cable that has broken... We must find a way to get out quickly, or it's going to be dangerous." Only if the steel cable had snapped would the elevator tilt: "If we wait until all the cables have snapped, the elevator will crash to the ground, and then we'll both be turned into meat paste."

"I'll contact the elevator repairman now." At that moment, Su Xiaorou was also somewhat panicked, she pressed the alarm bell with her hand and took out her mobile phone to make a call... Just then, the elevator shook violently a few more times, and because of inertia, Su Xiaorou involuntarily fell to the left, and her phone slipped from her hand and fell to the floor.

A pair of strong, capable hands reached over from the side and directly caught Su Xiaorou; the owner of these hands was, of course, Gao Fei. He held one of Su Xiaorou's arms with one hand and supported her slender waist with the other, hmm, Su Xiaorou's skin was really soft.

Once Su Xiaorou was stable, Gao Fei let his hands go; he didn't want Su Xiaorou to mistake him for a pervert.

"Thank you," Su Xiaorou said gratefully, "I've already pressed the alarm, the staff on duty must have received the alert, we just need to wait a little while and they will come to rescue us."

"I'm afraid it's too late." Gao Fei looked very grave, "The elevator's shaking is getting more and more frequent, and there's also a scraping sound coming from above... It won't be long before the elevator falls."

"Ah! What should we do?" Su Xiaorou was in a panic. She was young, life was so beautiful, she did not want to die.

"We can only try to save ourselves." Gao Fei glanced around and finally stopped his gaze on the top of the elevator, "There's a cover here; let's see if we can open it." Gao Fei stood on tiptoes and pushed a few times, finding the cover somewhat loose, "There's a chance!" His face lit up with joy, and with a stronger push, the sealed cover was opened, a blinding light shone down from above, making Gao Fei squint involuntarily, He looked up, "Just as I had thought, three of the four cables have snapped, and the only remaining one is barely holding on..."

"Such a major hidden danger in the elevator, and those maintenance workers didn't even notice! Once I get out of here, I'll make sure to deal with them harshly," said Su Xiaorou through gritted teeth.

"That's a matter for later, the most urgent thing now is to escape. Come on, hurry up through the hatch on top," said Gao Fei.

At this moment, Su Xiaorou was panicked and at a loss, she could only follow Gao Fei's arrangements. No matter how sharp a woman is, once faced with the threat of death, she will become flustered. She looked up at the hatch, a bitter smile on her face, "I can't climb up there by myself."

"I'll help you." In this critical moment, Gao Fei couldn't care about much, he reached out and carried Su Xiaorou, prompting a startled cry from her. Without waiting for her to speak, Gao Fei used the strength of his arms to lift her up, "Quick, climb up!"

Su Xiaorou's face turned slightly red, she had never been held by a man before, especially not in such an intimate posture...

"Hey, what are you daydreaming about? Hurry up and climb! If we delay any longer, we're done for!" Seeing Su Xiaorou dazed, Gao Fei was immediately irate. Did she not see what time it was, to still be daydreaming? She really didn't know if she was alive or dead!

"Umm..." Su Xiaorou, coming back to her senses, quickly climbed out of the hatch and then squatted on top of the elevator, "Okay, I'm up; you'd better come up quickly, too."

With a light jump, Gao Fei grabbed the edge of the exit with his hands, and with a strong pull, he hoisted himself out, "Huuuh..." Gao Fei exhaled a breath of pent-up air, "Finally out."

"What do we do next?" Su Xiaorou asked, "We can't squat on top of the elevator forever, can we?"

Gao Fei looked up, then said something that struck fear into Su Xiaorou, "We climb up."

"What did you say!" Su Xiaorou gasped, "Climb up? How do we climb up?"

"Of course, by climbing up the steel cable," Gao Fei said.

"Are you crazy?" Su Xiaorou's complexion changed dramatically, "That's too risky, a slight slip can be life-threatening."

"Do you have a better plan?" Gao Fei asked.

"I..." Su Xiaorou was at a loss for words.

"If you can't come up with a better plan, then follow my lead," Gao Fei's tone was very determined.

"But..." Su Xiaorou was still hesitant.


The only unbroken cable suddenly made a snapping sound, and the elevator below them shook even more violently.

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