My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)

Book 1: Chapter 5: (6)

Book 1: Chapter 5: (6)

T-This is very different from the above world that my comrades had described to me.

Uhm, actually, about that, this is a different world. But Ill explain it to you later, OK?

I understand!

She didnt ask me for any details or follow up questions or anything. Thats proof that she was clever.

For the time being, Im going to tell you some stuff I want you to memorize.

I pointed at a car.

Thats called a car. Its kind of like a horse-drawn wagon, but the speed is different. Oh and, If you get hit by it, youll die, so be careful.

Yes! This is also written in the doujinshis!

But I feel like the kind of cars shes read about in doujinshis are probably the type that takes you to hotels. I taught her about sidewalks, roads, traffic lights, and other things while heading to the family restaurant I worked at.

Alright, so this is my workplace.

I understand! From the Japanese style room, Master takes 20 steps to the left, then 123 steps to the right, crosses at the first traffic light

That surprised me. I didnt know the exact distance by steps, but she got the general directions and everything else correct. Because its 3 am right now, there probably isnt anyone around. Itd be the perfect time to stop in and mess around for a bit.

Okay! After we head inside, I want you to stay quiet and pretend to be my clothes.


I opened the front door of the family restaurant that I worked at and then I rang the bell at the front of the restaurant to let the staff know we were here.

Welcome! Heyisnt that Suzuki?

Ms. Kuno came over and welcomed me into the shop.

Sorry about dropping in so suddenly. I even went to the effort of getting time off, but Ill be able to come in starting tomorrow.

You were moving, after all, cant help that. Speaking of, how was the apartment? Was it really haunted?

N-No. There arent any ghosts

Huhhhhh, really? Thats sooo boring.

But there are slimes and female knights. Ms. Kuno was a 30-year-old woman who worked here part-time. She was brash and had a bad mouth sometimes, but she looked after me. She was often here at this time because the late hours of the night paid more money.

So anyways, Im coming back again tomorrow, so I thought I should come over and organize my locker in advance.

Hoo, Im impressed. Were you always so diligent with your work, Suzuki?

You know me. After all, I really enjoy cooking.

Fair enough, you do like cooking.

It seemed like she was convinced with that.

By the way, is there anyone in the kitchen today?

Just the manager. It was Segawa earlier, but he had some urgent business come up suddenly. Knowing him, it was definitely about a girl, right?

I see. Segawa has the tendency to take time off because of women. And the one who had to make up for it was always our poor manager.

Im going to go say hi for a second.

Oookay. Catch ya later.

I walked away from Kuno and called out to the manager from the hall near the kitchen.

Ah, Manager. Good evening!

Oh, Suzuki? Werent you coming in tomorrow? Are you finally ready to start working again?

Yep! Just like the shift schedule that I turned in.

Thats good! You moved to such an interesting place after all. There was a rumor going around you probably wouldnt be able to make it back to work alive.

I wasnt sure what to think of that rumor. These kinds of strange things always came up at work.

Hahaha, its just an ordinary apartment, I swear.

Oh? You can get an ordinary apartment for only 300 a month? Thats lucky~ maybe Ill save up some money and we can be roomies! I wish hah!

By the way, this manager here is the only management we have at this family restaurant. Hes the top guy, but hes surprisingly really nice. Before I started working, I thought the manager was really cool, but hes always picking up the slack and cleaning up after other peoples messes, so I feel really bad for him. It feels like Kuno is more in charge around here.

Anyways, youve got it rough tonight. I cant believe youre working here this late at night to cover for Segawa. Werent you also here in the afternoon?

Yeah thats right. But Segawa is a college student, you know. Rather than working at a family restaurant, girls take priority. Plus, Id be in more trouble if he quit on me.

This might be my chance. Hes feeling used and abused right now!

Oh, thats right! I know I said Id be on leave until tomorrow, but how about you take a quick break for a bit? Ill take over the kitchen for an hour or so if youd like?

The manager gave me a relieved and happy smile.

R-Really? B-but I cant pay you anything

Its fine, its fine! Theres some stuff I want to prepare for tomorrow anyways. Ill go get changed.

After saying that, I headed to my locker and showed Shizuku the kitchen uniform.

I should transform into this, right?

Exactly. Youre pretty smart.

Shizuku became my kitchen uniform in a flash, and I headed back to the kitchen.

Alright, go take it easy, Manager; Ill take over from here.

O-Okay. I have to do some office work, so I guess Ill leave it to you. Ill come back in 30 minutes okay?

The manager is a pushover, so I thought hed give up after I changed clothes and came back. Ill have to leave in a little under an hour then. I watched the manager exit the kitchen and then spoke to Shizuku.

Alright, watch the food I prepare and dish out carefully. Also, how you make it is written right here too.

I guess the main thing about my family restaurant is, everything is made and prepared in this central kitchen. And the oven is an induction style one. So, all you really have to do is remember how to prepare stuff. You didnt have to worry about the equipment and being seen. I trusted in Shizukus memory and went and accidentally taught her everything in one go. She was listening quietly.


Yes, I have memorized everything.

Really? Thats pretty impressive Shizuku.

Im so overjoyed to be praised by Master!

Hehehe, if thats true Im really thankful, but come on, theres no way you were able to memorize all of this cluttered information I gave you in one go. And as I was thinking that, something happened.

Suzuki! The Late Night Kids Group just came in!

What? What about the Manager?

He stepped out for a smoke or something I think. Ill have to leave it to you!

The Late Night Kids Group isnt hostile or violent or anything like that, but theyre sometimes really discourteous and come in annoyingly large numbers.

They arent exactly the type of customers I want to handle while Im unpaid, but I said Id do it so might as well

I will handle this!

Huh? My kitchen uniform, or rather Shizuku, had said that in a rather positive and uplifting voice. Before I had a chance to react, my body started to move on its own.

Wait wait wait!

Please watch me, Master.

Shizuku moved my body on her own. I was thinking about what I should do when my body started automatically cooking orders with ease.

S-Seriously?! The food is all being prepared flawlessly!


It looks like she seriously remembered everything after seeing it just one time! I thought I would just leave everything to her, but then I suddenly saw something and had to speak up.

Ah, wait a sec before you put that gratin in the oven

P-Pardon me. Am I making a mistake, Master?

No, its right. But sprinkle on two more pinches of cheese and leave it in the oven for 10 seconds longer.

I do not recall these procedures being listed in the manual though

That customer always orders the gratin. They like it when the cheese is a little more browned. If you leave it in a little longer, the customer will be really happy and theyll keep coming back, so in order to insure they keep coming back, you have to adjust the recipe properly.

I understand! I knew it, Master is really kind!

Ehh, you think so?

Yes, it is wonderful!

With that, after a long night of cooking and explanations, we were finally able to head home around 5 AM.

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