My Reflector Is Invincible

Chapter 14

My Reflector Is Invincible 14

14. One is Enough


The eyes of the soldiers who ate the drugged food became strange.

As if possessed by rabies, they foamed at the mouth.

His eyes were also tinged with red.

Joo-yeon immediately recognized the symptom.

‘Crimson Azalea.’

It was a herb collected from the southern jungle.

In particular, when combined with southern witchcraft, it became a forbidden drug that made one lose their reason and attack their surroundings for a short while.

That meant Count Sanderson was related to the southern forces.

‘That bastard Count Sanderson. Did he join hands with them this time?’

From the beginning, the count had joined hands with one of the other regions from the start.

And he used their techniques and resources.

This time, it seemed to be the south.

‘The south is famous for all sorts of poisons and witchcraft.’

The snowy mountains of the north.

The jungles of the south.

The sea to the east and the plains to the west as well.

Each region had its own characteristics.

However, there must have been a special reason for him to join hands with the south.

‘For example… using poison and witchcraft as their main assassination route.’

They could also use spies to cause a collapse from the inside.

In fact, of the four routes, it was the dirtiest.

You had to be suspicious of all food, and you had to be nervous in case an assassin suddenly popped out.

You could get a good reward, but in fact, it was also the route Joo-yeon hated the most.

But now it was different.

‘I was going to test whether witchcraft could be reflected anyway. This works out well.’

If it really was the <Crimson Azalea> of the south, there was a way to use it.

At that moment, the hunter Jack nodded his head.

“As expected of Lord Joo-yeon. He said that if he couldn’t lay a hand on us or the prisoners, he would lay a hand on the soldiers….”

“He didn’t just lay a hand on the soldiers.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the gazes of the knights gathered separately changed.


Crimson-tinted pupils.

Foam as if they had lost their reason.

All of the knights were affected by the Crimson Azalea.

It would be one thing if they were soldiers sharing one meal, but even the knights who had their food prepared separately were affected.

It was impossible without a traitor on the inside.

Aiden’s expression hardened.

“Really… not only in the important positions of the family, but there were also traitors among my troops.”

“Will you believe me now?”

“I have no choice but to believe you.”

Aiden’s face looked very complicated.

‘That can’t be helped. It’s not just anyone else, but a direct knight who protects me has betrayed me.’

Not only had a thorough background check been conducted, but even his family had been taken as hostages and were being protected separately.

And yet, a traitor still emerged?

Moreover, they even managed to include the direct subordinates of the successor of the Edmer family, who was known as the king of the north.

As expected, it was a tactic befitting of a usurper who had overthrown the King of Knights.

If only I can survive this?

‘His face is quite handsome.’

The more dangerous Count Sanderson felt, the less he would ignore the Edmer family and leave it alone.

The main character intended to clip his wings before he could become active.

That is, by using the Edmer family’s power.

‘I’m sorry, but I can only achieve my achievements if I make the ruler of the north the King of Knights.’

That wasn’t all.

[King of Knights] was also a character he had played. Moreover, it was one of his favorite characters among the ones he had played.

‘Above all, Aiden was wearing the necklace I gave to [King of Knights].’

Judging from that, there was a high probability that the Edmer family was also in the state he had played.

It really displeased him that some random bastard was ruining the family he had worked so hard to build.

That was when it happened.


The knights and soldiers who had gone mad turned their eyes towards Joo-in’s group.

The foreheads of Aiden’s escort knights creased.

“Don’t you even recognize your lord?”

“To think you’ve lost your mind to mere poison. It seems like your mental fortitude has weakened since I last saw you.”

“You need some training.”

Olsen and Loren, who were knights, stepped forward.

Their bodies turned orange as the power of <Obedience> was unleashed.

<Obey the rightful authority>

A power that subdues the enemy by asserting the dignity of the lord.

In an instant, an overwhelming aura was emitted towards the enemies.

It was a power that only Joo-in had been able to withstand.

However, this time was different.


The enemies tilted their heads.

Unlike when the powerful wave had spread before, there was no change at all.

Everyone was taken aback by that reaction.

“Obedience doesn’t work?”

Joo-in sighed as if he was disappointed.

“Did you think that would work?”

“Do you know the reason? Why doesn’t <Obedience> work?”

Aiden asked anxiously.

He must have been worried in case something had happened to the knights’ <Obedience>.

Jooyeon answered with a shrug.

“Even the aura works on sane people.”

“What are you talking about? Sane people?”

“Among those who are drugged and have lost their minds, do you think there are any who are sane enough to follow orders? They’re like beasts.”


In short, it means that the authority of rank doesn’t work on crazy people.

Because they’re not in their right minds in the first place.

I don’t know if you understand what rank is.

That’s why it was a method often used in games.

‘I used to cast spirit magic like Berserk on soldiers to counter the power of <Obedience>.’

At the same time, the gazes of Adien and the knights turned strange, as if they had noticed something.



Their gazes turned to Jooyeon.

It was a gaze that seemed to know the reason why <Obedience> didn’t work on someone.

Jooyeon grimaced.

“That’s not it! You guys!”

It wasn’t because he was crazy, but because he had <Reflection>.

The knights turned their heads away.

Anyway, it didn’t matter if chivalry didn’t work.

“There’s no need to use chivalry on such opponents in the first place.”

Poison for poison.

The knights drew their swords.

“We won’t kill you.”

“You serve Lord Adien like we do, so just faint for a while.”


From Noble mtl dot com

The knights’ swords struck the enemies directly.

Their knees buckled and their spines snapped. Normally, that would be enough to knock them out.

But soon, the knights’ expressions hardened.

‘They withstood the attack?’

No matter how crazy they were, they shouldn’t be able to withstand fainting on a biological level.

That wasn’t all.


The knights groaned as the enemies counterattacked.

They were incredibly strong.

“……It’s not just a matter of not recognizing their lord!”

Jooyeon said.

“It’s the effect of the drug called <Crimson Spur>. It can even blow your head off, but it also removes the body’s limitations, allowing you to surpass human limits.”

Adien looked stunned.

“Even if they are enemies, that’s an amazing drug.”

“It’s not ideal, is it?”

“Not ideal?”

“There’s a reason why the human body has limitations. They’re a minimal defense mechanism.”


Aidan, who followed Joo-Yeon’s hand, was surprised despite wondering what she meant.


The bodies of the enemies who had just attacked the knights were strange.

Some parts of their bodies were turning black.

They looked as if they couldn’t withstand their own power and their muscles were dying.

“If we keep fighting like this, they’ll all die from the aftereffects of the drug.”

“Then we need to take them down before that.”

Aidan’s voice turned cold.

The knights shouted as if they understood.

“Master, your orders!”

The power of <Subservience> wasn’t just about using the master’s authority.

The greatest power comes from the master’s orders.

“<Command> Suppress those soldiers.”

“Yes, sir!”

Suddenly, light erupted from the knights’ bodies.

But it was a bit different from before.

Orange light radiated from the knights’ eyes.

They released their own limits to receive the master’s orders.

‘If you only look at this, it’s the same effect as those affected by <Crimson Haze>.’

But there was a crucial difference.

The two knights’ eyes weren’t filled with madness.


In an instant, the enemies began to fall.

But it wasn’t easy.

The enemies rushed forward, even crawling. They even uprooted trees to charge.

They probably wouldn’t stop until their heads were cut off or their hearts exploded.

“Just one drug has this much power.”

It was no wonder Aidan’s pupils were trembling.

Joo-Yeon nodded.

‘As expected, it’s the South’s poison.’

It was difficult to解除even for the most part because it was mixed with witchcraft.

The knights were also troubled.

“They’re the master’s soldiers. They’re essential for the master to ascend to the throne.”

“I know that. Somehow… make them immobile.”

Then Joo-Yeon smiled.

“You said you’d do whatever I tell you to do.”


Aiden flinched.

“Surely, you aren’t going to use that power?”

The power that had blown off his knight’s arm.

However, Joo-Yeon chuckled.

‘If I use , everyone will die.’

But that doesn’t mean the antidote works either.

That poison was a complex poison combined with black magic.

It was impossible to detoxify with common herbs.

‘An enemy that absolutely must not be killed. But the enemy is trying to kill us somehow.’

He really was a cunning bastard.

A strategy to kill the enemy without getting his own hands dirty.

But Joo-Yeon smirked.

‘Thank you very much.’

Giving him such a nice present.

Solving this situation was a piece of cake for him.

The reason he hadn’t made a move was for a different reason.

“Don’t worry. I’ve already finished the preparations.”

“What are you…….”

Joo-Yeon left the bewildered Aiden behind and called out to Hunter Jack.

“Are the preparations done?”

“I did as you instructed. And I just received the signal.”

“Then we can start.”

Joo-Yeon’s eyes sparkled.

* * *

Earl Sanderson’s spy, James.

He was blowing a small whistle with his mouth.

Tweet tweet tweet.

It was a black magic tool that controlled the soldiers who had been hit by .

To be exact, he could designate the target to attack.

‘Kill those bastards. Don’t let a single one live.’


The soldiers charged towards Aiden and Joo-Yeon as if to kill them.

In order to save the friendly forces that had become enemies, this whistle had to be destroyed.

But would he be able to break through those troops and destroy this whistle?

Guys who didn’t even know he had betrayed them?

Besides, had a fatal weakness.

It was a secret that Earl Sanderson had told him.

[ is great, but its power isn’t eternal.]

He could exert a powerful force, but its duration wasn’t long.

The more I try to save the soldiers’ lives like this, the more they will die.

It was a trap that had been anticipated from the beginning.

The enemy, unaware of it, continued to use their strength and grow weary.

‘As expected of Count Sanderson’s words.’

The method of using the flute was simple.

Just think of the enemy and blow the flute.

Then the spell on the flute would be cast on the target, and those who were intoxicated by the drug would attack like madmen.

Of course, there was a need for caution.

‘He told me to be careful not to have this flute taken away.’

I also had to be careful not to think of my own side.

If it were to break, the spell would be lifted and it would be the end, but if I were to think of my allies, I would end up attacking my own side.

It was also difficult if I went too far away.

In order for the spell to be maintained, a certain distance had to be kept.

“Well then, we should succeed in our mission while the bastards are still unconscious.”

First, I had to kill all the prisoners to erase any trace.

Then I had to deal with the chief and his wife along with the bastards.

The successor of the Edmer family, who was the greatest obstacle to Count Sanderson’s takeover of the north.

Moreover, for some reason, there was also an order to eliminate the slave who was with Aiden.

Just then, someone approached me.

It was the knight who had betrayed him.

“I’ve dealt with all the troublemakers.”

His sword was dripping with blood.

He had killed all the healthy soldiers who hadn’t eaten the drugged food.

The rest were preoccupied with fighting those who had been exposed to the red mist along with Aiden.

There was no one left to stop the two of them.

“Then let’s move on to the next one.”

“Are you going to deal with the prisoners first?”

“Aiden’s side will be taken care of without us having to do anything.”

“I see.”

James moved towards the prisoners with the knight.

To this end, the bandit prisoners had been gathered in a place slightly away from the tent.

They were tied up, so they couldn’t resist.

The prisoners noticed James’ gaze and began to resist.


It was a look that begged for life.

But James’ hand did not stop.

“The Count does not forgive failures.”

It was when he thrust his dagger towards the nearest prisoner.



James collapsed on the bridge, feeling excruciating pain in his leg.

A steel object was wrapped around his ankle.

“A trap? Why is there something like this here…?”

“It must’ve been set up by the hunters who were with those guys earlier. Wait, I’ll release it right away.”

The knight approached to remove the trap.

But at that moment.


A small ringing sound could be heard along a thin string.

James’s face hardened.

“It’s an alarm trap! Those guys must have known we would come.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. They won’t be able to do anything because they’re dealing with those who’ve been hit with the Red Dragon’s Breath…”

But the knight couldn’t finish his sentence.


His face was smashed in by a huge force.

James’s eyes widened.

“No way… Did they already finish off all the soldiers?”

Surprisingly, it wasn’t the knights of <Obedience> who had taken down the knight.

The ones who had attacked the knight were none other than…


The knights and soldiers that James had been controlling.

And not just one.


Definitely the hundreds that had gone to kill Aiden and Joo-yeon.

Their eyes were filled with madness.

A voice rang out behind James, who was panicking.

“Well, we should finish our midnight exercise quickly. Kill them. One mouth is enough.”


Hundreds of crazed soldiers charged towards James and the knight.

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