My Little Sunshine

Chapter 186: Confession

Chapter 186: Confession

Carston put away his handkerchief after cleaning the gravestone, making sure that there wasn't a single speck of dust covering it. He wiped off his tear which had managed to escape his eyes, with the back of his free hand.

He glanced at his wrist watch to check the time before standing up back on his feet. His eyes fell on the adjacent stone, a bitter smile embracing his thin lips. 

'You brat! Weren't you satisfied with spending all those years with her? You even had to take her with you in the after life.' 

He began to walk away from the two graves, his steps tracking the same path he had come. As he was about to exit the graveyard, his eyes fell on the graveyard keeper who was busy tending to one of the graves a few feet away from him. He called out to him as he began to look for something inside his pockets. 

The man stopped whatever he was doing and walked up to him, stopping at a distance of a meter away from him. He politely greeted the man who was impeccably dressed. Though he didn't know the man in person, but he was way too familiar with his face. 

Carston fished out a thick wad of cash from his wallet and handed it to him. "Continue taking good care of those two graves." He muttered before walking out of the place.


"Are you sure you are okay?" Adam couldn't help but worry about her. She had been acting weird after Scott and Katherine had left in the morning. She refused to leave his side, not that he minded it, but it was out of place for her usual self. 

"Yeah!" She nodded her head in a yes as she picked up a file from his desk. She was about to turn around and leave when Adam grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks. 

"Come here." He asked her softly and made her sit on his lap. 

"What's wrong? And don't think about answering me with 'nothing' this time." Adam glared at her.

"I-I-I.." She started to stutter under his scrutinizing gaze. 

"Stella?" He called her name with tenderness.

"I think I don't show it to you." She finally gathered up the courage to speak what was on her mind. 

"Show me what?" Adam couldn't comprehend what she meant by 'it'. 

"How much you mean to me." She answered him, her eyes set on her knotted fingers which were resting in her lap. 

Adam felt his heart melting at her confession. He hugged her tightly, trapping her in between his arms. "You silly fool." He muttered next to her ear. "You don't need to show anything to me, I already know it. All you need to do is to be with me." 

His reply made her smile, making her to let go of her worries. 

"I don't want you to worry over such trivial things, even again. Got it?" He added to which she responded with a couple of nods. "And I forgot to mention it to you, there's a party later on tonight, and I need to show my face there. Will you go with me?" He continued as he tucked a couple of stray hairs behind her ear. 

"Of course." She smiled at him before placing a feather like kiss on his lips. As she was about to draw her lips back, Adam placed a hand on the base of her neck. Holding her face in place, he deepened their kiss. 


"I am done, let's go." Stella exclaimed, walking down the staircase. Although her foot was doing much better now, but Adam was adamant about not letting her wear heels. So, she decided to go for a short creamy frock and paired them with a pair of matching wedges. She didn't forget to wear the sunflower pendant that Adam had given her. She kept her make up light but went with a dark maroon shaded lip color. It was a party, there was no way she would look like a bore. 

"Why do women take so long to get ready?" Adam asked, shaking his head. 

"Because ... we are women." Stella replied, sticking her tongue out. She made her way to him and hugged his arm. "Shall we go now?" 

"Yes, my lady." He placed a kiss on top of her head. 


"You said it's a party. I am getting bored here." Stella complained as she looked around her. 

Soft, soothing music was being played in the background by a band. Big illuminated chandeliers hung from the ceiling, brightening up the entire hall. The vast hall was decorated with off-white drapes and covers. A crystal vase rested in the centre of each table, supporting a bunch of pale and pink roses. 

All and all, the placed was more suitable for a fancy recital or a small engagement ceremony rather than a party. 

Adam chuckled looking at her aggrieved expression. "This is what party looks like for the elites." 

"They should just call it a boring meeting of big people instead of a party." She puckered her lips. 

Adam let out a hearty laugh at her remarks. Before he could comment on her current state, a girl walked up to their table and introduced herself. 

"Good evening, Mr. Levinson. I am Clara, Clara O'Neil. My father is the one who hosted this party." She put forward her hand which was completely ignored by Adam. He just politely nodded at her response with a blank expression. The smile on his face was long gone and replaced by a scowl. He was obvious of the stares this woman was giving him all this while, but he turned a blind eye to it as he was more amused by his little elf's remarks. 

Just because he was smiling and laughing, unlike his usual self, didn't mean that anyone could approach him. Moreover, this woman had the guts to interrupt his time with his beloved.

The woman stood there quietly, not knowing what to do after she had been ignored by Adam so badly. Her two friends were standing close to the table and could hear their conversations easily. She looked at her which was suspended in the air and took it back, her eyes darting everywhere but at Adam. 

Adam thought that she might go back to her friends when he saw her drawing her hand back,  but he was so wrong. The shameless woman refused to give up this easily and sat down on the empty chair next to his and tried to strike up a conversation with him. 

"Dad told me about the new project that he is looking forward to sign with the Levinson's Corp. I mean since I am the Vice President of the company, he was bound to tell me about it." She began to about herself non-stop, completely ignoring the existence of another person who was sitting right next to Adam. 

Adam was about to ask her to shut her babbling mouth and leave as he held no interest in her or her Dad. He could feel the death glares that were being thrown by Stella at her. He was about to shoo the pestering fly off him, but stopped when and idea cropped up in his devilish mind. He had never seen Stella getting jealous, it wasn't too late for that, was it?


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