My Little Sunshine

Chapter 143: A Collaboration

Chapter 143: A Collaboration

"Are you going to tell me what was those papers about?" Benjamin couldn't hold it in anymore and almost yelled at his father. "And what's with your happy expressions?"

"I told you earlier that it's going to be a good day, didn't I?" James smiled as he walked towards the small bar which was situated in one corner of his office.

He picked up a scotch bottle and poured some in two glasses. He picked them up and walked back to where his son was sitting.

"Adam Levinson wants to collaborate with us. Those papers I just signed, was actually a contract." James added as he passed one of the glasses to his son, a wide grin resting of his face.

"WHAT?" Benjamin was shocked to his core hearing what his father had said. 

"Yes, my son. That was a contract, and it's signed now." James replied, taking a sip of his scotch.

"And what was the contract about?" Benjamin asked his father. 

"He's going to establish a new subsidiary under the Levinson's Corp. That subsidiary will be producing bags of all kinds, and we will be providing them most of the raw materials like satin, suede, denim, cotton and so on for the first five batches." James explained it to him as he sat down on the couch, leaning his back against it.

"What difficult conditions and deadline you were talking about?" Benjamin raised an eyebrow.

"Well, they are a bit challenging. But we can handle it." James spoke up in a lazy manner.

"What about the profit?" 

"it will be a 70 / 30 split. They will get the 70 and we will be getting the 30 of course." James gave him a wide smile, showing off his pale teeth. 

"We are going to be rich then. Thirty percent of the profit that a subsidiary under the Levinson's Corp. isn't a small amount." 

Benjamin nodded his head. "It means the monetary issues we are facing at the moment won't be lasting for long." He continued after a pause.

"Not only they won't be lasting long, but our financial condition will improve as well. How many companies will want to work with us after we are done with this project." James added as his smile grew wider. 

"Cheers to the good times ahead." Benjamin raised his glass towards his father.

"Cheers." James replied, clinking his glass against his son's.

The father and son duo happily chatted, looking forward to the good times which would bless them soon. But was it actually the good times which would befall over them?


Adam headed out of the building with Stella following him closely, heading towards his car. He had his lips curled up in a faint smile which added to his charm. 

He unlocked the car and got inside and patiently waited for Stella to settle inside as well. Once she was in, he engulfed in her a hug before placing a small kiss on the top of her crown. 

"Let those women stare all they want because that's what they all can do. This man belongs to his little elf only." He chuckled, rubbing the back of head with affection.

From the top floor until they exited the building, every single woman had there eyes set on Adam. 

Adam could feel Stella getting irritated with each of her step. He was having a hard time controlling his laugh. Who knew his little elf can become possessive as well?

"Who told you to look this good?" Stella muttered against his chest she had his face buried in there.

"I can't help it baby girl. I was born this handsome." Adam replied as a small chuckle left his lips.

"You are getting all jealous over the fact that a bunch of women stared at me. What about that guy kissing your hand, huh?" Adam added after a while when he didn't hear a reply from her.

"It wasn't my fault." Stella replied, pulling back from the hug.

"I am not saying it was your fault sweetheart. I am just saying that you are minding their stares. I wanted to beat the guy to death for touching you. It took all of my self control not to break his nose right there." He rubbed the top of her crown. 

"Don't mess with my hair, we still have to go back to the office." Stella pouted, smacking his hand away.

"Alright." Adam replied as he raised his hands up in the air in defeat. 

"And what's the contract is about?" Stella asked him as he turned on the ignition. 

"I will explain it to you once we get back to the office love. Okay?" Adam replied to her, he had his eyes fixed on the road ahead. 

"Okay." Stella understandingly nodded her head. 

"Uncle Liam is throwing a celebratory party on Saturday night. He wants us to attend it." Adam spoke up.

"Celebration for what?" Stella asked him, turning her face towards her.

"The opening of a new mall under his company." Adam replied to her. "Do you want to go?" He shifted his eyes towards her for a mere second.

"Of course. How can you even think about not attending it?" Stella narrowed her eyes at him.

"I mean, we could stay back at home and have fun, just you and me." Adam added.

"We do that every day. We are going to the party Adam." Stella added with a stern tone.

"I don't like parties." He grumbled.

Stella looked at him intently. He was sulking like a kid who wasn't allowed to go to his best friend's house for a stay over.

"I will be there with you. I won't let you get bored." Stella spoke up as she placed her hand over his.

"I know you won't. I will spend all of my time in shooing unnecessary flies away from you." He replied, looking at her silhouette from the corner of his eye.

"Back at you Mr. Levinson." Stella added as she pecked his cheek. 

"Blake and Katherine will also be there." Adam informed her as his lips curled up in a soft smile. He could still feel a tingling sensation on his cheek even though she had removed her lips.

"Will Scott be there as well?" Stella asked him to which he nodded.

"I think so." 

"I wonder why hasn't he returned back to Amsterdam." Stella murmured under her breath as her eyebrows furrowed.

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