Ch: 92 [Ash Awakens!]

Ch: 92 [Ash Awakens!]

Haaa. What a boring day. Absolutely nothing to do. Harley and Jenny went to the academy as usual. I have enhanced enough cars for our first opening. Jessica is busy with her Hero job. No news from Natasha. It's morning, so can't go to the strip club. Oh, as for Cecil, tomorrow is her release date. I was angry when it got delayed for days. I mean, how can they fuck up those important release papers.

And the news is saying some weird shit about people getting possessed and undead shits. Like the guy at the gas station was possessed by a ghost or something. It's a live video, that crackhead lit himself up in the gas station. The explosion killed 10 people and injured 6 people. The heroes should catch the one who sold him the drugs instead of saying some hocus-focus shits.

However, there was another bad news. Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, died in space while fighting some aliens. And the weird thing is, Superman and Captain Marvel, Carol, couldn't stop the suspect from escaping. They say that this new enemy calls himself Ultraman and he has a yellow ring. No shit! But still, escaping under the nose of the two strongest heroes...

The bright side is that Hal's ring chose Captain Marvel. Now, would she change her name and call herself, Green Marvel? Or, maybe Ms. Green...

Well... Let's take a quick nap and stretch my legs a bit today...


[3rd person POV]

Ash, Pablo, and Kelly had been searching for Ash's daughter, Brandy, for what felt like an eternity. They had been lost in the dense forest, battling against new variants of deadites that seemed to stronger and smarter than what they faced in their world. The trio had managed to survive thus far, but their morale was dwindling.

"We've been walking for hours, Ash. Are you sure we're heading in the right direction?" Kelly asked, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"I don't know, Kel. I can't seem to get my bearings straight," Ash replied, frustration evident in his voice.

"We'll find her, Ash. We have to," Pablo added, trying to lift his friend's spirits.

As they trudged along, they stumbled upon an abandoned settlement. It was clear that the place had been abandoned for a long time, with old buildings falling apart and debris littering the streets. It's like a small town out of nowhere.

"Maybe we can find some supplies here," Kelly suggested.

"Good idea. Alright, guys, let's split up and search for anything useful," Ash said, motioning for the group to go their separate ways, "And be careful."

Kelly headed towards an old apartment building, while Ash and Pablo scoured the streets. The two men had just turned a corner when they heard Kelly scream.

"Kelly!" Ash and Pablo shouted, running towards the apartment building.

As they entered the building, they saw Kelly pinned against a wall by a new variant of deadite. It was taller and more muscular than any they had seen before, with razor-sharp claws and teeth.

"Let her go, you son of a bitch!" Ash yelled, pointing his trustee boomstick at the freak.

"Ahh! Ashy Slashy..." The deadite let go of Kelly and turned towards Ash, snarling. The deadite lunged at Ash.

[Booom!] Ash pressed the trigger, splattering the freak's head all over the floor.

Two other deadites jumped down from above.

Pablo rushed over to help, firing his submachine gun at the deadite. The creature recoiled, allowing Ash to get in a few more hits. Finally, the deadite fell to the ground, defeated.

Kelly shot the other one dead.

"Is everyone okay?" Pablo asked, looking around at his friends.

"I'm fine. Thanks, guys," Kelly said, catching her breath.

"We need to find Brandy. We can't stay here," Ash said, turning to leave the building.

As they walked through the streets, they heard strange noises coming from an old warehouse. It sounded like Brandy's voice, calling out for help.

"That's her! We need to get inside!" Ash said, running towards the warehouse.

They burst through the door and saw Brandy, surrounded by a group of deadites. She was using an old baseball bat to fend them off, but it was clear she was overwhelmed. There were at least 7 of those freaks surrounding her. It's like they were toying with her.

"Brandy!" Ash shouted, rushing towards her, "Get your filthy hands off my daughter."

He took a step forward. The deadites raised their hand to strike down Brandy but were suddenly thrown back by a blue beam that erupted from Ash's chest. All six deadites collapsed on the floor as the beam dissipated.

"What was that?" Kelly asked, astonished at Ash's outburst.

"Jefe?! What... How did you do that?" Pablo was stunned.

However, Ash was confused as his friends were. But, Ash being Ash, can't help but gloat about himself.

"What are you all stunned for? Maybe, the power of the chosen one has finally awakened within my body," Ash said with a smug expression before turning to his daughter, "You ok there kiddo?"

"Dad!" Brandy came running at Ash, but her innocent face changed to that of a sinister being. Black eyes and pale skin, "I am going you pull your heart out, Daddy..."

"That's not Brandy!!! Careful, Ash," Kelly yelled. But Ash was already pointing his gun at the female deadite. Thanks to his years of experience and guts power, he can identify a deadite from a real human almost instantly.

As soon as the deadite tried to touch Ash, he took the shot. This time, instead of bullets, a beam of blue energy emerged from his gun, vaporizing her to ashes.

The rest of the survivors stood there dumbfounded.

"Did someone tell me the power of the chosen one could actually be used to do that?! It's like you are an embodiment of magic, Jefe," Pablo exclaimed.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, isn't it? Luckily, that wasn't Brandy and I now have a laser shotgun. How cool is that?" He said proudly while examining his shotgun.

After that, they searched the place and found a map. With its help, they finally came back to civilization. But they weren't expecting the new Earth filled with superpowers.


[Next Day] [First person POV] [Location: Mutant Academy]

I explained my unstable power situation to Cecil and told her about the plan Professor X wanted to test out. She agreed to it on the spot. Emma drove her to the academy and now we are standing in a weird bunker under the academy.

Professor, Jean, Storm, Hank, and a weird-looking old lady in a green costume. Her head looks kinda weird.

"Alright. You ready, Alex?" Jean asked.

"Yeah," I said nodding my head.

The door opened and Cecil came in with Emma and stood in front of me.

"Uumm. Hi!" I greeted awkwardly.

"Hey," Cecil and Emma both replied at the same time.

Sooo... Nothing. No changed. No blood-drinking urges. No nothing.

We waited for a few hours while chatting and eating some chips and drinking sodas...

"So, with this, we can confirm, she isn't the trigger," Professor X said.

"That's a good thing, I guess. I noticed that it stopped after..." I said as I looked toward Jean, "...I had that conversation with the other Jean."

"Possibly so, but Alex," Professor looked at me with a serious expression, "If you have any difficulties, you know where to find me."

After that useless event, Cecil decided to enroll in the academy. Well, good for her. She can now make tons of friends. She went with Emma to figure out her powers. Meanwhile, I decided to take a stroll around, but...

"Where are you going?" Jean grabbed me and pulled me into an empty classroom, "Daddy!" She quickly locked the door.

*****[Ready for some classroom play?]*****

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⭐17 advance chapters⭐

AN: I have been thinking a lot about how MC will sack Power Girl. A proper setting is a must, right? I planned of doing some rough stuff with the Kryptonian. Like flying and fucking at the same time while trying to dominate each other.

Got any ideas? Let me know.

Support Link: https://www.patr /XcaliburXc

⭐17 advance chapters⭐

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