Ch: 78 [Phoenix and Void pt1]

Ch: 78 [Phoenix and Void pt1]

[Six hours later]

Professor X, Jean, Storm, and a blue man named Hank was standing on the edge of the field, watching me...

I have been using my Dracul's aura without holding anything back. I tried to drain it to its limit to somehow create a hunger situation, but sadly, it was useless. I tried another way too: I used my void energy and tried to drain it, but nothing. I am not even exhausted and no matter how much aura I use, the cluster in my heart keeps on regenerating.

It's like limitless regeneration.

The only bright side is that I have more control over my power. Shadow Dasher is faster them before and I discovered that apart from the incredible speed, I can also teleport through the shadows with a bit more focus. The red blood strings became sharper and thinner without losing their durability.

Surprisingly, none of them can see my red aura. Well, it's better this way.

After one final round around the field, I came and stopped before the Professor.

"Well," said Xavier, "I haven't seen anyone like you. The rate at which your power evolved is beyond anything I have ever witnessed."

"And you aren't even exhausted, are you?" asked Hank with a curious look.

"Nope, but that's not the point. The main problem still remains. If the thirst activates in public and I lose control, then imagine what will happen," I replied anxiously as I looked at the Professor, "You have seen what I can do in my hungry state, haven't you? My abilities won't just be amplified, but my anger too. So far it was within my control and no one got hurt, but after last time, I am not so sure..."

"There has to be a certain situation that triggers the hunger state," Hank looked at the professor, "Can we find out what it is? Or maybe he can keep some blood bags to satisfy his hunger?"

The Professor shook his head slightly, "Possibly so," he turned towards me, "But there are two possibilities. First is, your hunger state activates when you are angry or critically injured, am I right?"

"Yes. The first time it activated was at the mall where Jenny got hurt. I was so angry..." I replied. My blood boils just thinking about it. I will rip out those AMO bastards' heads one by one. I mean, how could they just attack my family?

"And the second is when you were with Rogue and Cecil, right?" Professor asked.

"Only one time with rogue, but Cecil... she is different than the others. She is... I don't know how to explain it. It's like whenever I am with her, I feel the urge to drink her blood," I explained.

"What about when you see someone bleeding? Don't you get the urge to drink...?" Jean asked.

"...I am not a vampire if that's what you are asking," I replied as I turned toward the Professor, "Anyway, thanks for letting me train here."

"What if we bring Cecil here? We can then find out once and for all," Professor X suggested, "If you're willing to try that?"

I sighed and thought about it. It's not like I have any other choice. And I know Cecil won't say no to me. Even so, I will ask her.

"Alright," I nodded, "I will call her."

"Oh, why don't you stay here till we find a way to solve your problem?" Jean said.

"As much as I would like to, I have to decline your offer. I know you are worried, but I don't like to be restrained and I have works to do. And if by any chance my hunger emerges, you would be the first one I would call. So, can I have your number?" I asked as I took out my phone and extended it to her.

The strongest mutant alive is Jean Grey, aka The Phoenix... She is different. I can see a faint orange hue glowing around her. And she got a unique air around her which is hard to explain.

In terms of beauty, she doesn't lose to Miss Emma. She is young, probably around 25 or something around that. Her boobs are on the smaller side and her height is probably 5'5"...5'6", her green iris adds a unique attractiveness to her, and her long red hair flutters with the waves of wind.

I can already picture her walking down the beach during sunset and her red hair reflecting the sun in the sky. Maybe she would wear a dress... a short black dress with lace sleeves and a high slit up her thighs, showing off her shapely legs... Or, maybe a cool classic bikini and a white summer hat...

...Stop that! What kind of thoughts are these?!

I blushed deeply and mentally slapped myself.

As Jean extended her hand to take the phone from my hand, our fingers touched.

[Wooosh!] Two pillars of flames rose in the sky. Dark violet from my body and crimson red from Jean's body. Along with that came an intense wave of arousal. Jean tightly grabbed my hand. Her eyes and hair were glowing. She looks out of this world in her fire form.

I don't know what's going on, but it was awesome.

"Jean! Alex!" Storm and Hank screamed at the same time as they jumped back.

Professor was stunned, but he quickly regained his composure, "Focus. Control your power. Don't let her take over your mind."

We quickly released our hands.

With a bright flash of light, I found myself standing in a white world, before Jean, but she looks different. Why is her hair on fire? No, the fire is her hair! And her privates are covered with flames. The heat is tremendous...

"Who are you?" I inquired, "You look like Jean but at the same time you are not..."

How do I know? Obviously because of the size of her boobs and height.

"You..." She blinked close to me and said, "Become mine."

Huh?! What?

"No, you become mine," I replied with a smirk.

"Mortal being, it's your honor to become mine. Your destructive flames that only bring destruction after destruction and my Phoenix flames that bring creation after the destruction... If you become mine, there will be no one in existence who could destroy us..."

"Eternity, The Living Tribunal, Infinity, Oblivion... Even the Beyonders won't stand a chance against us. Together, we will bring balance to the creations and break free from the shackles of the cosmos... And with the Darkest Knight awakened... We go no other choice..."

The new version of Jean spoke and went on rambling about things beyond my comprehension.

"Wow, wow, wow... Stop. Just stop there lady. I have no idea what you are saying. If you aren't going to become mine, then I have no further business with you. I don't want to become your one-sided submissive fuck slave. Now, if you wouldn't mind, let me out of here," I answered in a bored tone.

"You... You... foolish mortal..." She tried to lunge at me.

"Shut up," I grabbed her throat and slammed her on the ground, "Don't get ahead of yourself, woman."

*Erotic Phermone*

As soon as I used my skill, everything was over. I am out of that space and Jean pulled away her hand. Everything was back to normal.

"You are Jean, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, you met her?" She asked.

I nodded and said, "Is she always that feisty?"

"Sometimes," Jean replied.

"You two alright?" Professor asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I am good. But I am not sure about that other Jean," I replied.

"I am sorry," Jean apologized, "I-I..." She stuttered with an awkward smile.

"Jean!" Storm touched her shoulder.

"I am alright. Just a bit, haha..." Jean said with an awkward chuckle. She looked at me, "Oof! Haha... Alex Wilson, what did you do?" She spoke in my head.

Ah, crap! My Erotic Phermone... She is horny. I can hear her fast heartbeat and her blood pressure has increased a bit.

Should I take this chance and spend some time with Miss Jean Grey?


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