Ch: 68 [The Wheel of Destiny]

Ch: 68 [The Wheel of Destiny]

Cyborg picked up Laira soon after our little chat. Jenny went to the academy, and Harley tagged with her as usual. Harley was stable all this time. So, I don't have to worry about her doing something stupid...


I informed the girls not to wait for me for dinner since I might be late at night. And, yeah, they showered me with hundreds of questions. Since they didn't have any problem with a threesome and even further inviting that sexy and lonely milf from the cafe, I knew that they won't get angry if I added another girl to our list.

So, I told them the truth.

Jenny and Harley were very understanding. They said that as long as I don't forget or ignore them because of the new girls, they will accept my decision to date and have relations with multiple girls.

However, I have to tell the girls with whom I planned to have a serious relationship about Jenny and Harley.

They don't mind in case of one-night stands, but in return, I have to tell them the juicy stories and serve them their heart desires, and I am not allowed to disagree with their demands.

In short, if I have a one-night stand, I have to become their sex slave for an entire week... Which I gladly accepted.

They got me where they wanted. When the reward is so good, there is no point in lying, is there?

I have upgraded the locks and doors to prevent unnecessary troubles before leaving.

As long as Harley doesn't meet that Jubilee and Kitty duo... everything will be fine.

Right now- I am sitting in my junkyard after dragging down the rarest junk around me. It took a couple of hours to arrange them. But with my super speed and the information from Nyssa's item list, finding them among these heaps of junk was a piece of cake.

Oh! And if you are wondering about my spare Ferrari, it's still in the same place I parked it.

I called Nyssa for a meeting, but sadly she won't be able to make it today. She will call me in a day or two. Well, it's time to enhance and multiply this precious junk. As for this crumbling building, my Q&Q will also take care of it.

Ah, I almost forgot to check the System's notification. After all that sexual activities, I wonder how many tickets I earned.


Eroge Points: 2500

14x level-up tickets


[3rd person POV]

While Alex was living a carefree life, the clock of destiny began to spin.

[Earth -22] [Dark Multiverse] [Gotham City]

Dark clouds looming over Gotham City created an eerie atmosphere. Sirens of the police vehicles could be heard along with the crackling of the thunder.

Down on the street, lying Batman is tied up with a nasty bullet wound on his right cheek. The bullet seemed to have torn apart his cheek and the side of his mask. His teeth were visible from the side of his torn cheek as blood trickled down continuously, drenching the ground.

Batman's eyes were fixed on the lunatic giggling in amusement while spinning his handgun on his finger. He fell for his trap and suffered grave injuries this time.

It's Joker, Batman's arch-nemesis.

Joker was already on his last legs. The chemicals he fell into have been eating him from the inside. He hasn't got much time left. So, in fear of disappearing from the world, he has successfully pulled off one final grand show for Batman.

Joker learns of Batman's identity as Bruce Wayne. He killed off most of his enemies and Commissioner Gordon. Then, he subjects thousands of Gotham's citizens to the chemical that transformed him.

"What do we have here?" Joker turned around, "Look, Bats... A happy family. Oh, I know what comes next..."

'Uuurgg... Don't..." Batman tried to get up, but a kick from Joker right on his guts made him fall on his back.

[Bang!] [Bang!] Joker shot dead the parents of a young child.

"Aaaahahahaha! Isn't this scene familiar, Bats?" Joker bursts out in laughter. "Now, bring in the next family..."

The citizens who were transformed by the chemical have lined up in a row with their families. The sound of giggling and laughing was all over the street. Many have already transformed into a lunatic.

Joker killed five more in a row while kicking and stomping on Batman.

"JOKER!!!" An enraged Batman tore apart the bindings.

"Aahahaha! Yes! Yes! That's the face... The face you should have made from the beginning. This is how it should have been from the beginning. You just wasted so many lives," Joker yelled in excitement after seeing Batman's rage.

[Bang!] [Bang!] Joker blindly emptied the gun on the transformed citizens, "But, not enough to stop me. You have failed Bats..."

"STOP!!!" Batman leaped on Joker and started to beat Joker.

"Never!" Joker coughed out the word with a mouthful of blood.

"STOP!!!" Batman broke Joker's hands.

"I will keep coming," Joker didn't show any signs of pain and replied with a smiling face.

"Enough!" Batman's punch shattered Joker's teeth.

"Next is your family... Oops, you don't have one. Aaahahhaha!" Joker yelled with a burst of maniacal laughter.

"I said enough!!!" Batman yelled as his punch threw Joker on his knees, "You will stop."

Batman's rage-filled voice echoed through the area.

"Hehehe... You still don't have the guts, Bruce. Kekekek... Cough... Cough," Joker said while coughing out blood and broken teeth, "You and me, Bruce... We are going to..."

Before Joker could spill any more words, Batman grabbed his neck from behind and twisted it, "Stop... Stop it!"

Joker died instantly, releasing a concentrated form of the toxin in Joker's body.

[Three days later] [Batcave]

The deafening sound of machinegun echoed through the walls of the Batcave.

Batman is holding two submachine guns. Smoke was rising from the guns' barrels. Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robbin were lying on the ground, with countless bullet holes in their bodies.

"Aaahahahaha!!! I am sorry!"

Batman's maniacal laughter echoed into the Batcave.



[Present Time] [Merged Earth]

[Location: Nanda Parbat] [League of Assassin's Headquaters]

Two masked women had drenched the icy world of the assassins, yet no screams were to be heard. The assassins kept coming toward them, but their bodies were getting sliced up like watermelons.

It's as if someone is playing fruit ninja... Except with humans instead of fruits...

The intruders kept moving up the mountains, painting the road around them in red. A bloody trail of blood and human remains followed them with their steps.

Their target is the massive mansion on the top of the mountain.

[Booom!] Out of nowhere, an explosion occurred as the intruders were about to reach the main vicinity of the mansion. Stones, dust, and waves of fire swept over their location.

A man was flying above the intruder's location, throwing incendiary grenades and explosives.

However, his entry didn't last much longer.

[Zing!] An arc of invisible energy wave sliced him in half. He fell dead on the ground.

The intruders came out of the fiery explosions unharmed.

[Zoop!] [Zoop!] Four arrows came flying toward them out of nowhere but were sliced into tiny pieces, as small as toothpicks.

"I am disappointed..."

"Really disappointed..."

"The Seven Men of Death only amounts to this much..."

"What a waste of time..."

The young busty intruder ripped open her mask.


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