Ch: 130 [System’s Shop]

Ch: 130 [System’s Shop]

Support Link: https://www.patr /XcaliburXc

⭐As of now, Pat reon is 𝟷7 chapters ahead⭐


As I sat near the window, the dim light from the laptop screen casting a glow on my face, I scrolled through the latest news articles that populated the screen. The world outside seemed shrouded in darkness, mirroring the ominous atmosphere that had descended upon us with the rising threat of the undead.

The headlines painted a grim picture, detailing the sporadic attacks by the undead, or deadites as they were referred to. These creatures, once ordinary citizens, had fallen victim to an ancient evil that had awakened, infusing their lifeless bodies with an insatiable hunger for destruction and chaos.

Reports came in from different cities and towns, each recounting terrifying encounters with these relentless creatures. The attacks were unpredictable, striking at the most unexpected places and times, leaving innocent civilians in a state of fear and vulnerability.

Some are saying that those who were supposed to be dead had suddenly come to life and tried to kill them when they were in a state of shock.

It seemed as though the evil was spreading, slowly but steadily, its presence growing stronger with each passing day.

Heroes had united in their efforts to combat this newfound threat. Together, they are trying to unearth the secrets of the ancient evil and put an end to its reign of terror. Their investigations led them to believe that the key to stopping the undead lay within a set of ancient pages, scattered throughout the city and possibly in the possession of unknowing civilians.

I read about the heroic endeavors of characters like Doctor Strange, Zatanna, Raven, and Constantine, as they delved into the dark arts and ancient rituals to unravel the mysteries that surrounded the undead. They were in a race against time, for with every passing day, the threat grew stronger, and more lives were at stake.

Ordinary citizens, caught in the crossfire between the deadites and heroes battle, found themselves living in fear and uncertainty. Reports of civilians encountering the undead, struggling to defend themselves and their loved ones, filled the news. Some shared stories of survival, while others mourned the loss of those taken by the encroaching darkness.

The situation seemed dire, and the weight of responsibility rested heavily on the shoulders of the heroes. They fought tirelessly, driven by a sense of duty and a desire to protect the innocent. They coordinated their efforts, pooling their knowledge and resources, as they searched for the elusive ancient pages that held the key to saving humanity.

Closing the laptop, I turned my gaze towards Alana, peacefully asleep on the bed. The faint sound of her steady breathing provided a brief respite from the chaos that engulfed the world outside. I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency and determination, knowing that her safety and the fate of countless others depended on our success in this battle against the undead.

As Alana's sleep became restless, her flinching movements indicating a troubled dream, I reached out with my powers. Channeling my crimson aura, I gently enveloped her, guiding her into a deeper, more peaceful slumber. It was a small act, but I hoped it would offer her some respite from the nightmares that haunted her subconscious.

With Alana settled, I decided to take a solitary stroll outside. Activating my Shadow Dasher ability, I moved swiftly and silently across the island. The night air brushed against my face, carrying with it a hint of uncertainty and danger. It was a stark reminder of the multitude of threats that surrounded us.

Reaching the top spot of the island, I stood at the precipice, overlooking the world below. The panoramic view stretched out before me, a tapestry of lights and shadows. But my mind was far from the picturesque scenery. It was consumed by thoughts of revenge, past connections, and the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

Alica, my ex-girlfriend, who had betrayed me and orchestrated my downfall, remained a thorn in my side. I couldn't let go of the burning desire for retribution, a longing to expose her true intentions and bring her to justice. But there was more to unravel than just Alica's machinations.

Hina, the girl who claimed to be my daughter from another life, added another layer of complexity to my already convoluted existence. Her presence stirred a mix of emotions within me—curiosity, protectiveness, and an undeniable connection that defied logic. I will find it out soon enough after the System recovers my memories.

The AMO, the insidious organization that had subjected Hina and countless others to inhumane experiments, weighed heavily on my mind. Their actions had caused immeasurable suffering and unleashed forces that threatened the very fabric of society. I hope to hear from Grandma soon enough so that we can make our move.

And then there were the Deadites, the ancient evil that had risen from the depths of darkness. Their relentless onslaught, spreading chaos and destruction, posed a threat that could not be ignored. The heroes' quest for the ancient pages held the promise of answers, but time was of the essence.

I have to be careful because, sooner or later, I might have to face these undead freaks.

Lost in my thoughts, I found solace in the quietude of the night. The moonless sky mirrored the uncertainty that loomed over us. Everything seems to be in chaos.


As I sat on the peak, my mind still swirling with thoughts of the challenges ahead, I decided to divert my attention and open my Lv: 1 System Shop.

"System, open the shop," I ordered.


The shop menu appeared before me, its digital display glowing with an array of possibilities. I perused through the available items, curious to see what the system had to offer.


Healing Potions:-

These potions could instantly restore health and vitality, providing a valuable lifeline in dire situations. They were essential for recovery during battles or after sustaining injuries. The price for a basic healing potion- 1000 EP.

Enhancement Stones:-

These magical stones held the power to enhance weapons and equipment, imbuing them with additional attributes and increasing their effectiveness in combat. [Effectiveness: 1%-10%] The price for a single enhancement stone- 100 EP.

Skill Scrolls:-

These ancient scrolls contained hidden knowledge and techniques that could be learned and mastered. They granted access to new abilities and powers, providing a competitive edge in battles. [1x random skill] The price for a basic skill scroll- 500 EP.

Energy Boosters:-

These consumable items replenished my energy reserves, allowing to access powers and abilities for an extended period. [Duration: 1 minutes] They were particularly useful during intense fights or prolonged exertion. The price for an energy booster- 100 EP.

Information Scrolls:-

These scrolls provided valuable insights, hints, and tips. They could reveal hidden secrets, offer strategic advice, and assist in unraveling complex puzzles. [Gain basic information. 0.22% chance to gain 100% information.] The price for an information scroll- 20 EP.

Defense Upgrades:-

These upgrades reinforced protective capabilities, enhancing armor and shielding from incoming attacks. They provided an extra layer of defense against various threats. The price for a basic defense upgrade- 3000 EP.

Teleportation Scrolls:-

These scrolls allowed for instant transportation to a predefined location, saving valuable time and facilitating strategic maneuvering. They were particularly handy for escaping dangerous situations or reaching distant destinations quickly. [Range=Limitless] The price for a teleportation scroll- 60000 EP.


As I scrolled through the list of available items, I considered their potential benefits and weighed them against the EP I had accumulated. Each purchase had the potential to provide me with an advantage in the battles to come, but I needed to choose wisely.

With a thoughtful expression, I closed the System Shop for the time being, knowing that I would return to it when the need arose. The items and abilities it offered were tantalizing, but I had to be mindful of my resources and plan my purchases strategically.


Support Link: https://www.patr /XcaliburXc

⭐𝟷7 ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs⭐

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