Ch: 122 [A little flirting never hurts]

Ch: 122 [A little flirting never hurts]

With a smirk, I responded, "Bury me? That's a bold claim. Tell me how are you gonna do that?"

The tension in the air was palpable as the assassin vanished from sight, her voice taunting me from the shadows. My blood aura pulsated, its crimson energy surging through my veins, heightening my senses and reflexes. I remained still, a smirk playing on my lips as if I were unaware of her impending attack.

Suddenly, she reappeared in a blur of motion, closing the distance between us with alarming speed. Her movements were fluid and precise, a testament to her mastery of combat. She is a veteran, no doubt about that. With one hand gripping a sleek handgun and the other wielding a gleaming metal dagger, she poised herself for an assault.

As she lunged towards me. Her metal dagger was targeted at my neck. I anticipated her attack thanks to my Weapon Master ability, using my enhanced speed to evade her initial strike. The dagger whizzed past me, barely missing its mark, as I deftly sidestepped. She swirled around inhumanly and took two shots, but it was useless against my speed. I just took two steps to my left. Although the bullets she fires can penetrate my defense, it's all useless if I dodge all her attacks.


I could sense her frustration, her confusion at my ability to seemingly anticipate her every move.

"You're not as skilled as you think," I taunted, my voice dripping with confidence. "Perhaps you should've done your homework before challenging me."

Her eyes narrowed, and I can tell that a flicker of annoyance crossed her features under that mask. She launched into a series of lightning-fast strikes, each blow aimed with deadly precision. It was like a rapid flurry of dagger stabs all around me. She is super fast. This is the first time I am facing such a fast opponent. I met her onslaught head-on, dodging her with calculated agility. Our bodies moved in a synchronized dance of combat, a clash of strength and strategy.

She attacked me relentlessly, her movements flowing so swiftly. If not for my speed, I would be done by her. In spite of my quick pace, she managed to stay with my agility, and she is attacking my vital points. Fuck! Fucking martial arts!

I utilized my blood aura to its fullest extent, extending the crimson strings that encircled me like a protective shield. They coiled around her, attempting to immobilize her movements, but she skillfully slipped through the gaps, her agility unmatched. It was clear that she had faced formidable opponents before. But I am surprised to see that she can see my aura strings. Very interesting.

[Bang] [Bang] Sounds of bullets echoed. She utilized her super speed and is shooting at me from all over the place.

Our battle continued with a ferocious intensity. Each punch, each kick, reverberated with raw power. The sound of gunshots revibrated through the area. We danced between moments of fierce confrontation and fleeting evasion, neither of us gaining a clear advantage.

Despite my feigned struggle, I could feel the strength of my abilities coursing through me, granting me an advantage that I concealed beneath a façade of vulnerability. The adrenaline surged through my veins, fueling my movements as I pushed myself to the limit. I will seal all her moves, her abilities, her martial arts, everything...

*Weapon Master's Genetics*

I can see her graceful movements. The years of training she had endured to perfect her moves. I wonder how she looks under that mask.

The moonlight illuminated our battlefield, casting eerie shadows that danced with our every motion. The atmosphere crackled with energy as the clash of our wills echoed through the night. I could see the determination in her eyes, the relentless drive to bring me down. I can feel the pressure from her attacks increasing and her deadly precision strikes are getting harder to dodge. It's as if she is evolving amidst the battle.

Or, could it be that she was holding back from the beginning?


But, I really want to see who's hiding underneath that mask.

With a surge of determination, I seized the moment and reached for the assassin's mask. In a swift motion, I tore it away, revealing her face beneath. The mask fell to the ground, forgotten, as her true identity was exposed to the moonlit night.

Her face was stunning, her features sharp and defined. Short, tousled brown hair framed her delicate yet commanding countenance. But it was her eyes that held my attention, icy blue orbs that seemed to pierce through my very soul. They held a coldness, a determination that matched her deadly prowess in combat.

For a brief moment, our gazes locked, and the battlefield seemed to fade into the background. The intensity of the fight was momentarily forgotten as we stood face to face, two formidable opponents caught in a moment of shared vulnerability.

But as quickly as it had come, the moment passed. The assassin's steely resolve returned, and a sinister smirk curled upon her lips. "You're faster than I thought," she remarked, her voice laced with a hint of admiration. "But don't think this changes anything. The end result will still be the same."

I couldn't help but be intrigued by this enigmatic woman before me. There was a depth to her that I couldn't fully comprehend, a hidden story that begged to be unraveled. Yet, my focus remained unswerving, for I knew that our encounter was far from over.

"Well, you are indeed a deadly beauty, my darling," I said with a wink. "Though, I must admit that this whole thing has been quite amusing. But I really don't want to hurt a beauty such as yourself."

With a smirk playing on my lips, I effortlessly evaded the assassin's swift strikes, my movements fluid and precise. Her attacks seemed to waver for a flick second.

As she lunged towards me, her dagger poised to strike, I gracefully sidestepped her, barely grazing her cheek with my fingertips. "Careful, my dear," I teased, my voice dripping with charm. "You wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours."

Her eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and intrigue flickering within them. It was clear that my nonchalant demeanor was both infuriating and captivating to her. She was used to facing opponents who trembled in fear, yet here I stood, confident and unyielding.

The dance of our battle continued, my every movement calculated and deliberate. With each dodge and parry, I teased her with my words, my playful banter adding a tantalizing twist to our deadly encounter.

"You know, we don't have to fight like this," I said, twirling out of her reach effortlessly. "We could have had a more... mutually beneficial arrangement, don't you think? Partners in crime, perhaps? You do know what kind of man my uncle is, don't you? Why don't you switch sides and become mine? Or, do you like that old fart that much!?"

Her lips curled into a wry smile, a mix of amusement and disbelief. "You really think your charm will save you, don't you?"

I chuckled, the sound filled with confidence. "Oh, my dear, I don't need charm to save me. My abilities alone are more than enough. But why settle for a mundane battle when we can make this encounter much more thrilling?"

As our battle intensified, I couldn't help but notice a faint sound in the distance. The distinct hum of an approaching aircraft grew louder, causing a mischievous smile to play on my lips.

"You know, my dear, as much as I enjoy our little tête-à-tête, I'm afraid our time together is about to be cut short," I said, my voice laced with both amusement and warning.

Her eyes widened in momentary surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "You're bluffing," she hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, but I assure you, my dear, I never bluff," I replied, my tone dripping with confidence. "The New Avengers are on their way, and I have a feeling they won't be too pleased with your presence here."

A flicker of uncertainty crossed her face, her calculated demeanor faltering for just a moment. Sensing her hesitation, I seized the opportunity and intensified my attacks, pushing her further on the defensive.

"Consider this a warning," I continued, my voice low and tantalizing. "You can escape now, disappear into the shadows, or I can break your bones like your mates, which I would regret doing, but I have to do it if you insist. The choice is yours."

A mix of anger and frustration clouded her eyes, but ultimately, she made her decision. With a swift movement, she disengaged from our battle, disappearing into the darkness with a graceful agility.

I watched her retreat, a satisfied smirk on my face. It seemed my warning had struck a chord, and she had chosen the path of self-preservation. But little did she know, this encounter was far from over.

Well, since she attacked me and left without saying her name, I have left a gift for her.

*Erotic Phermone LV:10*

*Long distance activation: Timer: 2 Hrs*

She will feel my little gift right after 2 hours. Oh, I wish I could watch her face.

******[Rating mission failed. Sad. Oh, well. By sunday if I reach over 65 ratings, I will release 3 instant chapter.]******

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