Ch: 108 [Owlman pt2]

Ch: 108 [Owlman pt2]

After the chaotic encounter with Owlman and his team, Batman wasted no time in taking Owlman into custody. He brought him to a secure interrogation room within the Justice League base, where he planned to extract information about Owlman's motives and the Crime Syndicate's plans.

As Batman entered the dimly lit room, he saw Owlman sitting calmly in a reinforced chair, his hands restrained by high-tech restraints. Batman took a seat opposite him, his gaze intense and unwavering.

"What's your name?" Batman asked, his voice calm but firm.

Owlman chuckled a dark and chilling sound. "Thomas Wayne Jr. But in this twisted reality, I go by Owlman."

Batman's eyes narrowed. The revelation hit him with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Thomas Wayne Jr., the alternate version of his own brother, Owlman's existence posed a new layer of intrigue. He had heard about alternate Earths and other dimensions and even fought some foes from alternate timelines before the merge, but meeting his counterpart was not something he was expecting.

"You're not the first one to come to our world from an alternate reality," Batman remarked, his voice laced with a subtle challenge. "But I suspect you're not here just to cause chaos. You could have fought and maybe mortally injured Power Girl, but you didn't. You wanted to get caught. But the question is, why?"

Owlman's expression turned contemplative, and he leaned back in his chair. "You're perceptive, Batman. I do have my own agenda. But for now, our interests align. Sinestro must be stopped."

Batman leaned forward, his voice low and steady, "Tell me, what is it that Sinestro wants so desperately? What's inside that box? How to open it?"

Owlman smirked, his eyes glinting with a mix of arrogance and defiance. "Ah! Curious, as always. You know... I know what's going on inside that wrapped-up mind of yours. I admit, your plan with the fake box was clever. Sinestro fell right into your trap."

"And yet you walked into another trap knowingly," Batman said without changing his tone, "So, speak."

Owlman's smirk widened, his demeanor shifting from arrogance to amusement. "Ah, the great Batman. Always seeking answers. The truth is, even I don't know what's inside the box. Sinestro kept that knowledge to himself."

Batman's brow furrowed, his analytical mind working overtime. "Then why did you and your team try to steal it?"

Owlman's eyes locked onto Batman's, a glimmer of respect shining through, "Because Sinestro is using the Crime Syndicate as pawns in his own game. Just like how he manipulated Ultraman to attack your base on Earth. I suspect whatever is in that box holds the key to his ultimate plan, and I will use it to fulfill my goal."

Batman remained silent for a moment, absorbing the information. Owlman's words made sense, and Batman couldn't dismiss the possibility that Sinestro had ulterior motives.

"Now that we all know what we all want," Owlman leaned forward with a smirk, "What's it gonna be, Batman?"

Batman studied Owlman's face, searching for any signs of deception. After a moment of silence, he decided to take a calculated risk.

"We can use your knowledge of the Syndicate to our advantage," Batman proposed. "Help us dismantle Sinestro's grip on the Crime Syndicate, and we'll ensure you have a fair trial for your crimes."

Owlman's lips curled into a sly smile. "A fair trial? You're an idealist, Batman. But perhaps there's room for negotiation. I can provide you with valuable information about Sinestro and the Syndicate. In return, I want assurances that my team will be free to leave, and you will bring out Ultraman from the Phantom Zone."

Power Girl kicked the door from outside, sending it flying, "Bring out that bastard? Let me have a chat with him." She cracked her knuckles, "I am sure he will start chanting everything he knows in no time."

"Oh," Owlman smiled, "Are we playing good cop and bad cop."

Batman's expression remained impassive, his detective instincts telling him that Owlman held crucial information, "We'll discuss the terms once we verify the accuracy of your information." Batman took out a bunch of papers and a pen. He pushed it toward Owlman after undoing the restraints of his right hand.

Batman shooked his head while looking at her. She stormed out of the room.

"We are doing this like old times, huh?" Owlman took the pen, "Cautious as always. I would expect nothing less from my own counterpart."

[1 hour later]

"There you go. I have fulfilled my part. You do whatever you want to do with Sinestro for all I care, but I expect to keep your words..." Owlman looked at Batman.

Batman walked out of the room with a bunch of papers in his hands without replying to Owlman.

[Outside the interrogation room]

"Are you really going to let go of that maniac? He murdered Hal and countless lanterns," Power Girl yelled at Batman angrily.

"Yes," Batman replied, "That's the deal."

"How could you?" Power Girl grumbled in anger.

"We will let them go. We will keep the end of our bargain," Batman said while examining the papers, "But... It's not our problem if a certain individual who doesn't belong to the Justice League interferes after we let them go."

[Laira's room]

Laira was sitting in a dark room in front of four holographic figures. They are the guardians of Oa.

"...That's all I know," Laira explained everything that happened with the mission, Hal Jordan's death, betrayal from within the ranks, the red lanterns working with the yellow lanterns, and how Sinestro was after the box to the guardians.

"It's just as Hal said before his death. Laira staying with the League is our best hope. There is someone on Earth who is strong enough to protect it, but finding her will be difficult, for we don't know where she is or how she looks," One of the guardians said.

"Is it possible to hide from the guardian's eyes?" Laira looked confused.

"It's not like she can hide... It's just that we don't dare to seek her location. She is someone special, and if we disturb her without knowing her mood, she might just slash Oa in half," said the second guardian with a troubled expression.

"Who is she?" Laira asked.

"We can not reveal her identity, for we are bound by an oath. But we can tell you this much, go and find the one whose blood activated the box, and you will find your goal," the third guardian said.

"Wait! Him?" Laira mumbled.

"Laira, darkness is approaching our realm fast. Get their help at all costs," the fourth guardian said with a grim expression.


[Syndicate's Spaceship]

Grid sat in his virtual lair, the screens around him displaying various schematics and calculations. He had already processed the information he had recovered from Owlman before Cyborg had interrupted him, and now he was deep in thought about what to do with it.

He had discovered something that the rest of the Syndicate had been unaware of - the existence of merged universes. Sinestro had been hiding this information from them, but why?

It's been three months since they came to this new universe, and ever since then, they have been gathering resources and information to conquer new worlds. That's when they met Sinestro. But to think all this time, he has been hiding that information from them and even went as far as to use them like puppets...

"You did a good job, Owlman. To send the data directly into my interface," Grid mumbled, "We will take down Sinestro and the Justice League together."

Grid activated a program. An invisible and undetectable electronic wave emerged from Owlman's enhanced suit that the Justice League kept safely inside a containment block.

[...1% Data copied...]

"Let me find a way to diffuse Sinestro's ring," As he looked over the data send by Owlman again, an idea began to form in his mind. He needed to find a way to neutralize the yellow rings that powered Sinestro and the other Syndicate members.

But how to do it? That was the question.

He started typing furiously, running simulations and algorithms. After a few moments, he paused and turned to the holographic projection of the yellow ring that he had created. "Let's see how you like this," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, the projection flickered and then vanished. Grid's eyes widened in surprise. Had he done it? Had he found a way to neutralize the yellow ring?

He continued to run tests and simulations, trying to replicate the effect.


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