Ch: 106 [Encounter with the evil]

Ch: 106 [Encounter with the evil]

As the demon, now in control of Victor's body, let out a thunderous roar, Dr. Strange and Wanda sprang into action. They found themselves facing a formidable adversary, emanating an aura of malevolence that seemed to darken the very air around them.

Dr. Strange gave up after noticing that Victor was beyond saving.

Dr. Strange swiftly conjured a protective shield, a shimmering barrier of mystical energy, which encased both him and Wanda. The shield trembled under the brute force of the demon's charge, but held firm, absorbing the impact with a resounding crackle.

Wanda, her eyes ablaze with scarlet energy, channeled her Chaos Magic to unleash a barrage of hex bolts, streaking through the air toward the demon. Yet, to their astonishment, the bolts fizzled and dissipated upon contact, as if absorbed by an unseen force.

Undeterred, Dr. Strange seized the opportunity and unleashed the might of his own sorcery. With swift incantations and intricate hand gestures, he directed a torrent of golden light from the Eye of Agamotto toward the demon. The radiant energy collided with the creature's dark aura, causing a cataclysmic explosion that reverberated through the island, shaking the very foundations of its cursed soil.

Amidst the chaos, Wanda, ever resourceful, weaved her magic to create a vortex of swirling winds around the demon. The cyclone lifted the creature into the air, slamming it with tremendous force into the gnarled branches of a nearby ancient tree. The demon let out a bestial roar, its form momentarily staggering under the assault.

However, the demon's resilience proved its strength. It broke free from the grip of the winds, its now grotesque and monstrous form oozing with malefic energy. Driven by an insatiable rage, it charged at Wanda with alarming speed.

Yet, Dr. Strange, attuned to the ebb and flow of battle, acted swiftly. Employing the artistry of his mystic arts, he created phantasmal duplicates of himself, doppelgangers that danced and weaved around the demon, confusing its focus and buying precious moments for Wanda to retaliate.

Wanda, seizing the opportunity, summoned her magic and cast a multitude of hex bolts at the demon, each bolt infused with her unrestrained power. The bolts hammered against the demon's hide, causing it to convulse in agony. But as the sparks of victory began to ignite, the demon's malevolent will to endure surged forth.

Driven by a sinister determination, the demon grew in size and strength, its body expanding with an unnatural vitality. It became a towering monstrosity, its form a grotesque amalgamation of sinew and darkness.

Realizing the dire stakes, Dr. Strange summoned his profound understanding of the Mystic Arts. His hands moved with swift precision, weaving intricate patterns as he chanted an ancient incantation. The air crackled with arcane energy, and a brilliant sphere of shimmering light materialized around the demon, trapping it within an ethereal prison.

Wanda, her powers infused with the raw essence of chaos, conjured an onslaught of explosive energy within the confines of the sphere. The explosive force struck the demon relentlessly, tearing at its darkened essence with each detonation. The demon howled, its form flickering with waning strength.

However, the demon's defiance could not be quelled. It unleashed a final surge of malevolence, shattering the sphere and breaking free from its constraints. Dark tendrils of energy lashed out, striking Dr. Strange and Wanda with unparalleled force.

"Enough!" Wanda yelled angrily as a violent wave of chaos energy swept over the world.

The island crumbled beneath the cataclysmic explosions. But amidst the chaos and crumbling ruins, Wanda's determination burned brighter than ever. She tapped into the depths of her power, channeling the very essence of chaos that flowed through her veins.

With a primal scream, Wanda released an explosion of unrestrained energy, a cataclysmic burst of scarlet tendrils that coiled and twisted around the demon's monstrous form.

"What kind of power is this? How can humans wield this much power? What is this world?" The malevolent entity writhed and shrieked in agony as it was compressed, squeezed mercilessly by the sheer force of Wanda's overwhelming might.

Dr. Strange, sensing an opening, seized the opportunity to employ his own formidable magic. He chanted ancient incantations, his hands tracing intricate patterns through the air. Arcane symbols shimmered into existence, radiating with an otherworldly glow. With a final surge of power, he directed a surge of energy toward the demon, forming a swirling vortex that enveloped it.

The demon, now trapped within the confines of Wanda's compressing hex and Dr. Strange's mystic portal, fought desperately against its impending fate. Its sinister form contorted and twisted, its dark essence flickering and pulsating in a desperate bid for survival. But against the combined might of the Scarlet Witch and the Sorcerer Supreme, its resistance was futile.

"You humans of this world might be strong, but not strong enough. Very soon..." The abomination yelled while slamming his head on the energy prison and continued, "Very soon, the gate to the underworld will be opened. And evil will wash over this world... Not even the chosen one could stop us this time... The demons will feast on the mortals..."

With one final exertion of will, Wanda's scarlet energy reached its peak, and the demon was crushed, compressed into a tiny, writhing ball of malevolence. "Do it now!" She yelled.

Dr. Strange, seizing the moment, closed the portal with a snap of his fingers, severing the connection between the mortal realm and the malevolent underworld from whence the demon had originated.

Silence settled over the island, broken only by the crackling of dying embers and the distant echoes of destruction. Dr. Strange and Wanda, their powers spent, stood amidst the ruins, their chests heaving with exhaustion, but their spirits aflame with the triumph of victory.

"Is this what the Ancient One saw?" Wanda asked Dr. Strange as her eyes wandered around the destruction their fight had caused.

"No," Dr. Strange replied, "This is something new. The book!"

"Here," Wanda flicked her finger and pulled out the Necronomicon from the depths of the water, "Book of the Dead."

She opened the book. It was written in an ancient language from an alternate world.

"Seems like ancient writings," Dr. Strange said after seeing the pages of the book.

"Yeah, and some pages are missing," Wanda mumbled. A couple of pages were missing, "This is going to be a headache." She handed the book over to Dr. Strange.

"What are you planning to do now?" Dr. Strange asked.

"You find out what that book is and how to stop this evil," Wanda said as her eyes caught empty bullet shells. She touched the ground. She infused her chaotic energy around her. Her eyes started glowing with a bright red hue.

Wanda saw everything before her eyes. The cruel experiments by the AMO, the appearance of the book, the deadites and chaos, and a young girl with unimaginable power facing the giant abomination.

"In the meantime, I am going to end AMO," Wanda opened a portal and disappeared while trembling in anger and eyes filled with rage.

"The urge for knowledge will be the end of all," Dr. Strange mumbled as he looked around him. His third eye was open. He saw everything that had happened on this island, "Even with all the heroes and awakening, the world is still the same. Maybe violence is what it needs to end it all."

Dr. Strange cast some wards around the surrounding islands to clear the traces of evil energy. After that, he went to Kamar-Taj and informed about the situation to the Ancient One and the other Hero Corps. They couldn't contact the Justice League due to some disturbance but left a message in the emergency channel.

"Undeads with intelligence?" Fury asked.

Dr. Strange replied, "Yes, Director Fury. Or more like demons. The Book of the Dead was unleashed, and we had to face off against more than one evil entity. We were able to contain one of them, but... I am not so certain in the long run. We have to put an end to this as soon as possible."

"Clint said a similar thing about undead animals around his house. But it seems whatever it is, it's affecting the humans too. Banner and I did some research on their corpses, but it doesn't seem like any bio attack. Their bodies were forcefully evolved and mutated like mutant X-genes. However, the fun fact is that they were moving even though they were dead," Tony explained with a worried look.

Fury's expression changed to a serious one. "I see. We have had some unusual readings in the energy fields, and some of our agents have reported strange happenings. Natasha said a similar thing about demons and something called a drafter. We believe the situation may be related."

"Is she alright?" Tony inquired with a concerned tone, "I thought she was retired."

"She is retired. She just encountered one on the road. And according to her, someone named Ash Williams knows more about this situation than us. She and Miss Kyle are on their way to Queensland to find him," Fury replied.

"What do you suggest we do?" asked Carol.

Fury took a deep breath. "I think Dr. Strange will be able to tackle this problem better than us."

Dr. Strange nodded. "I found the book, but the missing pages are the problem. You will have to find those five pages. Meanwhile, I will decipher the book."

Fury replied, "Good. Meanwhile, we will search for those pages."


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