My Childhood Friends Are Trying To Kill Me

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Huge thanks to Kolurija, Kofi-supporter, Dani and Meggy for the kofi! ^_^ Sorry for the late update, I thought it would be better to give a mass release of all the bonus chapters!  4 chapters, today!?


What Lelia discovered was Kalix. However, there was someone else next to him.

Lelia hid in the bushes right next to the corridor.

[Why the hell is Kalix going for a walk with Julianna?]

As she hid and watched, she could see Kalix and Julianna getting closer and closer.

Behind the two were a few young women, who seemed to be the Juliannas ladies-in-waiting, following them at a distance.

Lelia had never imagined seeing the two together and was bewildered by the sight.

Julianna chatted on, like a bird with a beautiful plumage. She did look lovely.

Kalix, on the other hand, looked like wasnt listening at all.

She sighed at the sight.

Lelia wasnt good at manners either, but she knew the basics thanks to her grandfather.

Kalix was not good at all.

Is it because he ran out of the palace when he was young?

To be honest with you, Kalix seemed to have no idea what the words manners or escort meant.

[Its too much]

Theres a man who ignores a lady walking with him just like that.

Lelia watched the two with unexpected admiration.

Julianna even glanced up, trying hard to see if he was tired.

Kalix, well

From this scene, it seemed like he would be completely incompatible with Julianna.

He was not aware of anything and was freely ignoring Julianna.

The two passed her hiding spot and moved away from view, Lelia let out a sigh of relief and came out of the bushes.


But as soon as she got out of the bushes, she ran into someone.

They were hiding along the same pathway, just in an opposite bush.

Lelia tried to ignore him, but Ruth approached her with a look of anger and asked.

Who are you?


What kind of question is this?

Lelia was dumbfounded.

Hed never seen her before, so Ruth must have been uneasy.

The Imperial Castle is not his home, so where is this rude disrespect coming from?

Ruth shook his head, wondering if there was something odd about his question and asked again.

Im sorry. I was so surprised Were you secretly watching the people you just passed by?

Couldnt I say the same for you, right?

Lelia answered with a low voice on purpose. So that he wouldnt doubt that she was a man.

Ruth looked up and down at Lelia.

Contrary to Lelias concerns, Ruth seemed to have no doubt about her.


You didnt sneak into the palace to see the Empress or Julianna, did you?


Lelia was dumbfounded by Ruths question.

[Yeah, he is the hero.]

A man who falls in love with Julianna and whos whole world revolves around her.

Please answer.

When Lelia didnt answer, she noticed a positive excuse and urged in a low voice as if she were scared.

Im a distant relative of Prince Romeo from the Kingdom of Roseberry. The Emperors consideration led him to stay in the Imperial Castle.

Lelia confessed her fake identity.


Is it a problem?

Lelias calm reply made Ruth blush.

Ive made a mistake. Im sorry.

He was embarrassed.

It was like saying to a stranger, Im interested in Princess Julianna.

The misunderstanding was resolved, but Ruth blocked her way as she tried to leave again.

Nice to meet you, Im Ruth Castril.

Its Raymond Le Vester.

Forgive me for my rudeness.

Thats all right.

Ruth bowed slightly and sat down on a bench near where he hid earlier, dropping his shoulders.

The strangely sullen look on Ruths face was a little unpleasant, but it didnt matter.

Lelia glanced at him and turned away.

It was when she walked one step, two steps, then three steps.


The sudden sound caused Lelia to frown.

A rectangular window suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Oh no! =() You found a young man in deep distress! Do you want to solve his problem? Maybe youll get a special gift! ()

Youths Treasure

Open the Special store system


Lelia opened her mouth in surprise and looked back, wondering if she could. Then she could see Ruth sitting sullenly on the bench.

The problem is that there is a red [!] floating over his head.

It was saying that he was the target of the quest.

[Why do I have to]

She had no intention of getting entangled with the male lead.

All Lelia wants is the one thing he has.

She looked at the quest window in vain.

As she read the letters again slowly, she stopped at the phrase Youths Treasure in the reward list.

[No way]

When I looked at the treasure box icon with a question mark next to the phrase Youths Treasure, a small information window came to mind.

The secret treasure that the young man has found! The temple is very envious.


[Im sure its]


[Wouldnt it be easier to sneak in when Ruth loses it?]

If she refuses this quest, she might be able to open the Special store with a different sub-quest.

Lelia said to herself, Reject just to check.

But the system easily disregarded her hopes.

Would you like to reject the quest? ()


Rejecting this quest will permanently block the opening of the Special store.


If there was nothing you could do. You should change directions.

[It might be a good opportunity.]

Just by completing the quest, she can get a relic and open the store. There is no rule saying that a treasure has to be a holy object, but it is highly probable. In addition, the lottery system will be available when the Special store opens.

She doesnt know what she will get if she wins a lottery, but it may have something to do with the Philosophers Stone, the ultimate goal of the game.

[Maybe I can clean up and leave the Imperial palace.]

Lelia made up her mind and immediately turned around and walked to Ruth.

Hey, what are you worried about?

She asked with a calm face.


Surprisingly, Ruth spoke up about his worries. Even when she read the story, she felt that he had a simple personality

He didnt raise her vigilance either so it was a good thing for her. He seems to have lowered his barriers, perhaps because he already knew Romeo and that she was a relative of his.

Ah I am at a loss as to what to do.

Ruths concerns were very difficult.

[How to confess to Julianna is the biggest concern of his life]

Lelia was distraught and leaned her body against the back of her bench.

She thought, Lets abandon it, but she soon erased it.

Ruth was one of the heroes who came back after struggling on the battlefield for several years. It was rude to think of him like this.

But it was annoying.

[Why do I have to be a stepping stone for the male and female lead?]

Lelia looked at the small letters on the quest list in the corner of her field of vision.

There are two quests in progress.

One was Kalixs, and the second was a sub-quest.

[Sub Quest~]

Helping a troubled young man confess his love

Lelia sighed secretly, unknown to Ruth.

Ruth confided all of his worries and scratched the back of his head shyly now.

Its strange to me that Im talking to Sir Raymond about my troubles. I guess its because I think you know a lot about women.

What do you mean?

Lelia asked in surprise. She wondered if he had noticed that she was a woman.

But Ruth waved his hand and said.

Its just a style that seems quite popular with women. I havent been to the capital recently either Its said that a man with a beautiful appearance, like you, is popular among the nobles of the capital.


I dont feel attractive Ah Maybe Julianna doesnt like someone like me, Sir. Right?

The gentle Ruth pulled away from her and asked an awkward question. Then he immediately turned pale and answered himself.

Oh, its not meant to be. If you look at the way she went with Kalix earlier

Lelia watched as he asked and answered questions by himself and asked a question of her own.

Come to think of it why are those two suddenly taking a walk together? They probably arent friends.

As far as Lelia knew it.

When she brought up the question, Ruth became agitated.

I dont know either. After dinner, Julianna suddenly approached Kalix She looked at Kalix the whole time during dinner. You dont think she fell in love with Kalix, do you?

Well she might fall for him.

Kalix was a good looking man, even if he did his front swivel 100 times.

To be honest, Ruth was being far-fetched. The problem was that it was possible. When it comes to his charm, Kalix took the top spot. He is tall and handsome, dark skin that women love, and a long and thick muscular body.

Personality is a bit Even so, that was also one of Kalixs charms.

At that moment, Ruth let out a squeaking sound and laughed.

Yeah, isnt he crippled? He wont be able to see in the future, how can she like someone like that .


Lelia doubted her ears.

In the original, Ruth was a very upright young man. He cant afford to say such rude things

Ruth closed his eyes tightly as he realized his mistake too late. He tried to take back the words he had said out late.

Of course I dont mean to offend Sir Kalix. However However Im sorry. Please pretend you didnt hear it.

Yes, it must be because he is blinded by Julianna.

In the novel, Ruth was the kind of person whose way of thinking fell apart when it came to things related to her.

Lelia suddenly did not want to proceed with this quest.

She was offended.

If Kalix hadnt injured his eyes, the war with the light dragon would not have ended.

The Ruth that criticized her dear friend was quickly regarded as an enemy.

She jumped up as a sudden surge of displeasure coursed through her.

It is late. Im not feeling well, so Ill have to go back.

Oh, I see. Thank you for listening to my concerns today, Sir Raymond.


Ruth caught Lelia, who was about to leave.

Can you listen to my concerns again next time? Its hard to tell anyone else .

Lelia looked angrily at the quest window in one corner of her field of vision.

[Okay, lets wait for now. Lets wait The moment I finish the quest, I will smash his face with my fists.]

She barely unclenched her fists and nodded her head, and Ruths face brightened.

That was when.

What are you doing here?

It was Kalix and Julianna, who had walked past here earlier. They seemed to have found Lelia and Ruth by coming back this way.

Kalix raised one eyebrow and looked at the two in turn.

Julianna also looked at the two with curious eyes. Then she made eye contact with Lelia.

Lelia couldnt help but panic at Juliannas subsequent actions.

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