My Cell Prison

Chapter 151: Dealing with Miscellaneous Matters

Chapter 151: Dealing with Miscellaneous Matters

As long as the youths can pass the novice event and their potential and values meet the standards of the [National Royal Knight Academy], they can obtain the status of a trainee knight.

The school is not that strict in its consideration of humanity.

Although the school rules prohibit trainee knights from fighting within the school, there are some less serious and unsubstantiated cases are not regulated by the prosecution committee.

The most common was 'extortion and robbery'.

The four men who gathered at the student hostel during the early hours of the morning were inherently ill-intention'd.

This group of guys had taken on a difficult bounty mission at the Adventurer's Guild three days ago, but had made an error in judgement, causing the incident to worsen and quit on their own out of fear of death.

The incident subsequently led to a large number of casualties in the civilian area.

As a result, the Adventurer's Guild has charged them and fined them, lowering their credit rating and restricting access to some bounties.

Due to the high fines imposed, they needed to repay them within a week, and if they couldn't, it would even affect their trainee knight status.

The intention was to collect enough money from some low-ranking trainee knights during the week.

The four had never been good people.

There had been multiple breaches of trust on their file records, as well as black files of suspected blackmail.

The group was often in front of the adventurer's guild, pretending to form a team.

Tricking a trainee knight into joining the team and blackmailing him in the course of a subsequent mission.

There are even worse acts, deliberately sending teammates into danger, causing their 'accidental death', and stealing all the belongings that the teammates carry with them.

These trainee knights are considered the stinking maggots of the school.

But also because of the small amount of money involved in each case and the secretive nature of their work, they were able to escape the law each time.


The one leading the group was three stars, the rest were all two stars.

Tonight, this group of people seemed to have quite a bit of luck, coincidentally running into this 'frail and sickly' youth who was still carrying a special item in his hand.

Extortion and robbery were not something that could be done haphazardly, the identity of the target had to be ascertained first.

You can't judge a person by their appearance, everyone understands this principle very well.

Among the group of students, there was a mechanical apprentice who turned on the 'teaming function' that came with the wind-up device.

By bringing the wind-up device close enough, it was possible to identify some basic information about the trainee knight.

Originally it was a means to determine the basic information of a teammate.

The current group of guys was used to verify the 'blackmail and robbery' target.

The four had forced Han Dong to the bathroom on the first floor of the building, where no one knew what was happening.

"Nicholas Valen, student in the Department of Mysticism, tutor as a regular lecturer, just two weeks in. Still a lamb, we're in luck."

Han Dong's fate item, ring and short sword were all stored in his backpack.

In their group's opinion, a skinny little guy like Han Dong, with yellowish skin caused by malnutrition, was a trainee knight who had risen from a commoner's area nine times out of ten, so there was no need to consider his background.

The one leading the group was named Helle, a three-star mechanical apprentice.

Unlike Coslin, he specialized in mechanical modifications.

Underneath his multi-layered clothes, he hid a special body that had been modified with metal, and even had a steam power core embedded in his chest cavity.

The mechanical modifications gave Helle's body a strength that was even slightly superior to that of a three-star crusader of the same rank.

"Hand over everything of value, as well as the copper coins you have with you, Raven, remember to jam the device the entire time, and don't let this kid record it."


Hurley was already staring at the suitcase in Han Dong's hand.

A hand reached out and grabbed it.


Han Dong lunged out and squeezed Helle's wrist.

It was actually comparable in strength.

Gah! Moreover, the metal arm was squeezed to a creak by Han Dong's right hand.

At the same time, the eyes that Han Dong used to gaze into were filled with extremely heavy killing intent.

The G-virus original liquid was something he had painstakingly obtained, and was just about to bring it back for study, but was stopped by this group of people, Han Dong had always been with the three good young people who adhered to the values of righteousness.

But this matter touched Han Dong's 'bottom line'.

At the same time, a strong plague scent spread out.

"Mysticism-Plague! Spread out!"

Hurley and the others were also very experienced in combat, and the four of them spread out at the same time, immediately putting on the "goggles" that had a filtering effect.

"Didn't you just join the school for two weeks? How can you manipulate the plague."?

Staring at the plague scent that escaped with Han Dong at its center and the mushroom colonies that formed on the clean ground, he didn't at all look like a freshman who had just joined the school two weeks ago.

"We're four against one, we'll still have no problem suppressing him, grab the briefcase from his hand and just go! Don't make a big deal out of it."

Han Dong immediately followed up with, "Go? Can you walk away?"

What annoyed Han Dong the most was this kind of bottom feeders, the humans were clearly in a dangerous situation, yet there were still such garbage people engaging in internal strife.

For a time.

A large amount of ash particles drifted in the air, and the temperature soared.


Togo, who had just experienced the full-fledged battle of Resident Evil 2 and had been honed in his combat skills, showed up at the entrance of the bathroom.

Stepping on heavy footsteps, his pure black pupils stared at the group.

"Mysticism Sewed creatures?!"

It's not over yet.

The lights in the bathroom, flickering for no apparent reason.

The last compartment of the bathroom.

A slender, evil-emitting woman's palm suddenly appeared between the door cracks.


The door was slowly pulled open.

A woman in a red dress with black hair was standing just inside.

This scene directly frightened the two guys in the team who had 'evil spirit phobia', sweating and retreating.

Han Dong muttered.

"Jammers, then you guys shouldn't be able to record it and leave evidence, right? Hand over all the copper coins you have on you, and I'll pretend this never happened."


The other end.

The Cass Knight, dressed in civilian clothes, and Coslin, wearing mechanical goggles and equipped with a pistol, hurried down the stairs to meet in the lobby of the student dormitory.

The first moment Han Dong sensed that the pedestrian had ill intentions and was coming towards him, he immediately sent a message to his two teammates to come downstairs and help.

Both Cass and Coslin had set Han Dong as a 'special contact' and would be alerted by the message even in silent mode.

"This bunch of garbage people actually found their way to Brother Aaron's head, just to teach them a lesson."

Cass was well aware that there was such a group of people who specialized in blackmailing new knights, he just didn't need to get into trouble, but this happened to his friend, so that was different.

"Bathroom, there seems to be a noise!"

A furious Cass, activating "Crusader Mania", kicks in the bathroom door.

However, the internal scene but he froze in the doorway, temporarily missing his next move.

The four youths are 'scattered' in different parts of the bathroom, hanging on stalls, lying on sinks, slumped in corners, their heads buried in the toilet.

And Han Dong is squatting in front of this group of disembodied youths, face to face, transferring money through a wind-up device.

The three-star mechanical apprentice - Hurley.

Two metal arms snapped off directly by the chain, curled up in a ball while groaning in pain.

Han Dong whispered, "Cass, can this matter be resolved without a recording or any bystanders?"

Cass noticed that Han Dong's dark circles were deep, "Brother Aaron, leave this place to me, I have internal channels that can handle it, you seem to be tired, hurry back and rest."

"Thank you, I'll contact you again in a while, I've been a bit busy lately."

"Go get busy, I'll take care of everything."

Cass made an OK gesture, leaving Han Dong completely at ease.

With that, Han Dong, already sleepy, patted Cass on the shoulder and walked out of the bathroom with his suitcase.

Cass stared at the group of bottom feeders that had been maimed and scared silly.

With a forked waist and a very helpless smile.

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