My Cell Prison

Chapter 117: The Eye

Chapter 117: The Eye

The week before the timeline returns to Destiny Space.

Every day and night.

Inside the cubicle of the [Stargazing Room].

Han Dong was all in here for special study and cultivation, and no one knew what Han Dong was doing in here except Mr. Black and White.

Mr. Black and White also said.

During the study period, he would not disturb Han Dong, nor would he peep into Han Dong's cultivation process, giving him full freedom.

What Han Dong was studying was this book from outside the city - "The Book of the Dead - Eye Codex".

Han Dong's perspective on the examination is quite different from that of the original holder, Marcellus Baker in a very different way.

The Baker's owner focuses on what if making contaminants and how to gain strength outside the city through sacrifice, going so far as to sacrifice over two hundred civilians to the cause.

What Han Dong was focusing on was, [Eye].

That's right.

Due to the existence of the "Faceless Head", when browsing this book, Han Dong was able to neglect the contamination, it wasn't much different from reading a normal book.

Han Dong had planned to browse the book thoroughly from the start, roughly understanding the overall content.

The result was that creating things was not as brief as he thought.


A kind of seal that Han Dong could not understand was set inside the book.

Han Dong was unable to properly access the second chapter and its subsequent contents.

According to the book's title page, in order to browse the second chapter, one had to have complete control over the knowledge discussed in the previous chapter, and so on.

"No wonder, Baker had this book for a long time, yet he only mentions only the contents of the first chapter in his diary, it's because he was too slow to control the entire contents of the first chapter and couldn't navigate the next one."

Han Dong raised his energy and prepared to try to take a week to attack the first chapter.

All of the evil arts recorded in the first chapter, including human body refinement, evil sacrifice, pollution formation, and so on, were some of the basic essentials.

After learning the basics, only then did you really begin to study the core content of Chapter 1 - [Eye].

It was as if one had to learn basic mathematics before learning physics and chemistry.

In the limited time, Han Dong chose to take a superficial taste of the principles of the evil arts, so long as he understood the basic concepts.

There is a fundamental difference in learning methods between Han Dong and the original holder, Baker.

Han Dong's method of learning is the correct one.

During a week of sleepless browsing and studying with the "Faceless Head".

Occasionally, he entered into a special state that was hard to describe.

It happened two days before the opening of the Destiny Space.

There was a giant piece of white paper propped up on the desk.

It was filled with dense biological knowledge systems, mystic coherence diagrams, and copied some of the evil formations in the books that Han Dong had written on it.

Han Dong needed to connect all this knowledge together and find a breakthrough.

Deepen your understanding of the nature of the [Eye] discussed in the first chapter.

Without the sponsorship support of the calculator, a series of calculations needed to be made in Han Dong's brain.

"Aren't I a bit too quick to get it right?"

The ultra-high intensity of information processing made Han Dong feel doubly sleepy, and his brain also sent out a kind of rest command.

Han Dong was already accustomed to this, once his brain was a bit tired, he immediately opened sleep.

Who knew that this down!

Let Han Dong's forehead just happened to touch the white paper filled with all kinds of evil formations.

At the same time, Han Dong's right hand happened to be touching the "Book of the Dead - The Eye Codex" that was placed aside.

The white paper on which the array spells were written.

Head of the Faceless.

Evil Book.


As soon as Han Dong fell asleep, his whole self immediately fell into an incomparably real dream.


"Here it is!?"

It seemed to connect to the last real dream.

Han Dong was standing on the podium as a university teacher.

However, this time, the students who filled the stage were slightly different from the last time, as they no longer had faceless faces, Hundreds of students had an additional organ in their faces - their eyes.

Hundreds of students have a single eye on their faces, staring at Mr. Han Dong.

The multimedia textbook is displayed.

It clearly states that the assignment for today is to hand in the eye.

And in his hands, a clean glass case was added at some point.

The bell rang~ As the class bell rang.

The students in their seats got up in turn and lined up in front of the podium.

Turn in your homework!

A round, wet, slippery object slid down from their faces and landed right inside the glass case in Han Dong's hand.

The students who had submitted their assignments waved to Mr. Han Dong and left the classroom with a happy heart.

Immediately after, the projected lesson material produced changes.

Han Dong, who was staring at the textbook, looked amazed.

"Isn't this the ultimate formation I deduced by uniting cell biology and fusing multiple formations from the first chapter? Be reasonable, I'm not done yet, how do I fill it up?"

Just as Han Dong was exclaiming.

The formation drove.

The 'assignments' in the glass case were flying at the formation, constructing a giant living eye on the blackboard, so they were eye to eye with Han Dong.

The eye was the same size as the eye on the back of the [Fallen Baker].

"This is, the final step discussed in the first chapter of the Eye Book- [Living Devil's Eye]."

Han Dong immediately recalled the contents of the book and followed the step request, reaching out to touch the eye!

Unlike Baker who was completely degraded by this step while a giant eye grew out of his back.

Han Dong had not been contaminated in any way during this process.

Through the adsorption of his palm, the [Magic Eye] discussed in Chapter 1 was perfected and absorbed into his body, transforming into normal size and manifesting from the middle of eyebrow position.

Open the eye!

Han Dong saw many things that were invisible to the naked eye, A seemingly ordinary classroom, not just objects like blackboards, lecterns, and desks.

Even the walls and floor were all made up of tentacles.

It was like being inside the body of some kind of giant pollution monster!


It was daylight when he awoke with a start.

The blueprint drawing formulas and formations on white paper had been reduced to a pile of broken powder.

At the same time, an underlying voice came from within the skull.

'The Faceless Skull has opened its new ability, "Little Magic Eye (upgradeable)"',

Warning: The current Faceless Skull level is (.1), which makes it difficult to use the full power of "Little Magic Eye"!

Please set aside at least 50 points of negative weight to upgrade the Faceless One's head.

"Devil's Eye!"

Han Dong's consciousness level also had an additional facial organ that could freely hold this brand-new eye, not just opening and closing it, but some other effects as well.

Consciousness drives.

The little devil's eye opened.

While the 'visual ability' was specialized, the five senses were strengthened accordingly.

"These eyes!!!"

Han Dong was busy flipping through the eye book.

Parts of the second chapter were partially displayed, but it wasn't complete.

"The eye must be fully cast to see the second chapter, but it's enough!

I never thought I'd get the chance to learn in sleep in due to being too sleepy!

With this eye, you can consider the more difficult events of Destiny."

Han Dong stared at this third eye that grew on his brow.

A kind of exaggerated smile hung on his face.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.