My beast Emperor System

Chapter 95: Partners or enemies?

Chapter 95: Partners or enemies?

It's been a while since Lucien and Chenoa entered the room and peeping from the entrance, Miss Lane could see Chenoa standing there leisurely but she was still unable to tell what was going on in there. Explaining the situation to Alucard and the others they tiptoed into the room only to see Lucien and the king level rupture standing close to each other in silence. More of them dared to make a sound as they were afraid they will attract the attention of the magic beast since it's not attacking Lucien it must be for a reason so they felt like it would be rude to disturb.

That was an excuse they came up with to save their face.

Or maybe Lucian found a way to restrain the enemy giving them a chance to attack and kill it off before it recovers? Considering this, Instructor Emma and the others except Chenoa began conjuring their strongest attacks. They planned on killing off this mighty magic beast in one attack!

"You useless piece of shitdon't tell me you are thinking of profiting from my master!" Lucien's voice suddenly drew everyone's attention.

Life has also returned to the eyes of the king-level magic beast but even then it didn't attack Lucien but its disdain for the youth was very visible in its eyes.

"Fucking half-blood If it weren't for your master, I would have been tearing apart by now!" Rupture growled but Lucien didn't back down.

Gazing at the both of them Lucien was like a five-year child looking up to a twenty-five year old adult. The difference in size was too much yet he didn't show any fear!

"You old monkey if you want to have a go at it, I have no issues! I will beat you down just the same way your daddy did to you when you were little! Fucking disappointment!" Lucien spat on the floor while he spoke making the magic beasts rock face twist in ways it couldn't!

"What the hell."

These people muttered as they watched the two go at it for minutes but none has thrown the first blow. They began to wonder if the meat Lucien constantly eats is the reason for his unusual courage. Who in his right mind would antagonize a beast as powerful as this.

They watched the magic beast conjure what looked like a shiny brown paper in it were written a lot of things. Instantly, these people understood what was happening! The King-level magic beast was forming a soul bind contract with Lucien! A magic beast of this level was actually willing to form a soul pact with someone at Lucien's level?

While no one dared to call Lucien weak, they still knew he wasn't at the level of the king-level magic beast. Magic beasts usually agreed to form a soul bind contract with a human for three reasons.

The first has to do with the common laws of the jungle, strength is right. As long as the person is far stronger than them, they are more than willing to enter a soul pact with that person. In their opinion, Lucien is promising but not yet that strong! If Instructor Emma was the one forming the soul pact contract, everyone would have found it understandable.

The second is a situation where the magic beast feels it can benefit from this person by forming a soul pact with the person. While they knew Lucien had so many secrets that even the emperor may not know, they still didn't think it's something a king-level beast would be interested in.

And finally, the magic beast may easily develop feelings for the person and chose to enter a soul binding pact with the person in hopes of protecting him or her but judging based on the way they spoke and looked at each other, everyone assumed that it's only a matter of time these two cannot restrain themselves and then tear each other apart. This is why they all found the new development shocking since they couldn't tell why Lucien wanted to enter a. Soul binding pact with the magic beast.

Reading the contents of the paper, Lucien's face twisted and turned repeatedly while occasionally stole a glance at the king beast.

"You old piece of shit! You might as well rob me and the empire as well!" Lucien gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He could form a soul pact without any conditions with the flame pup since it took a liking to him and was still too young and tender to desire anything. But dealing with the sly king beast here, Lucien felt like ripping off his silver kimono and battling this monster to the very end.

Within the contract, the king-tier magic best listed a lot of unreasonable requests.

*Upon leaving this dungeon Lucien must summon it and release it from this place.

*Lucien must have the cultivation realm of the 1st sky of the mortal realm before obtaining the rights to summon it thereafter!

*He can only be summoned once a month!

*When summoned Lucien must offer three top-tier earth-grade beast cores! And after an hour whether the issue is resolved or not, it has no more obligation to fight for Lucien and as such, if Lucien wants to retain him, he must offer 1 top tier earth grade beast core every thirty minutes!

These top-tier earth-grade cores can only be gotten from defeating king-level earth magic beasts! This magic beast did not want Lucien to summon it in his time of need.

"Do you agree to my conditions or not?" The King level magic beast couldn't help but smile sheepishly while seeing Lucien's enraged face.

No one thought they would ever get to see the young, graceful, and calm Lucien in this condition. They couldn't help but wonder what the contents of the contract are and why Lucien asked the beast to go rob the empire. All they knew was that Lucien was the weaker party so he had no right to make conditions.

" I agree! I have no use for a useless monkey like you so there I don't plan on summoning you in the future!" Lucian said as he agreed and the soul pact was formed.

"Let's go" Lucien said to the others without even shooting them a glance.

He began walking towards the end of the room where the teleportation array to the final floor of this dungeon is located and the others chased after him tightly. Lucien signed the soul pact with the magic beast, not them! It would give its partner face and not harm his friends while he's still around but once he's gone, it may be another story entirely.

Everyone could sense Lucien was not in a good mood so no one bothered him, they got on the teleportation platform and soon their bodies were shouted in a light green light before vanishing


Reappearing on another floor Lucien was forced to see something familiar. The location reminded him of the black water cave, where he got the system. They were on a teleportation platform with numerous teleportation platforms set around them placed in a straight line around them. A few meters ahead of them was massive stone stairs leading to a bigger stone platform where the sealed artifact should be. The bright blue light is seen at the top only meant that the artifact they are after is still sealed.

The first thing Lucien noticed were the two people in completely white robes gazing down at them with confident smiles on their faces. On their clothes was a strange design depicting three eyes clustered together. One was a man with greasy black hair neatly pushed back while the other was a woman with eye-catching purple hair. Both seemed to be at the mid-stages of the spirit realm, even nearing the late phases! While gazing at them Lucien couldn't help but notice the lady was oozing off spirituality energy but what he didn't know was the spirit pathway she is cultivating meanwhile the man looked robust and give, it was obvious he was amongst those lacking the blessing of nature that chose to pursue a path as a fighter! To think a fighter would reach a profound realm this high was something shocking!

Their sudden appearance got the attention of everyone in the room, seeing how tense the atmosphere is it was obvious a fight is about to break out. Right now, the only people who made it this far are the representatives of the other two empires! The other small organizations and mercenary groups that took part in this expedition couldn't make it past the final challenge!

"Fotia empire representatives Cute" The purple-haired lady said with an amused look on her face!

Even when surrounded by the experts of the three nations these two didn't seem flustered at all! Meanwhile, Lucien couldn't help but feel a threatening aura behind him! It wasn't an enemy, it was Chenoa!

Before Lucien could stop her, the lady had already charged forward with three spirit wolves following tightly behind!

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