My beast Emperor System

Chapter 78: An ambush?

Chapter 78: An ambush?

"This is really something" Alucard said with a face filled with doubt and confusion. He wished he knew more and was eager to go back home and confirm whatever Instructor Emma just said.

"Impossible" Lucien muttered while rubbing his forehead.

All his life he has always seen the Beast emperor as his greatest rival. Someone who he must surpass and only then will he be satisfied with his strength. But now Lucien finally understood something important. Using the emperor as his peak goal is a mistake that has been stunting his growth for a long while. He had a system created by a being that surpassed the god realm, yet he still chose to pick the emperor who is yet to reach the realm of the gods as his rival.

"How dumb have I been?" Lucien muttered in shock as he began reevaluating his beliefs and life goals.

He had a system that assured him of reaching the celestial realm as long as he follows its orders but what he found a bit disturbing is the possibility of the system trying to revive its creator through him. This is a possibility!

The entire campsite was as silent as a cemetery as many pondered on Instructor Emma's words. They felt like their whole life was a lie and Instructor Emma was beginning to regret letting them know such a secret.

"You talked about the seer pathway What's it all about?" Lucien tried to act normal and eat while asking the question.

"Eerrrm All I know is that the seer pathway is considered one of the weakest paths in the spirituality pathway at the lower level it allows the user to see the possible past, present, and possible future The last time I made contact with one of these strange cultivators it is said that the seer path is not really too impressive and no high-level cultivator of that path has been seen whether it gets much stronger as you go is something I don't know" Instructor Emma said.

Listening to this Lucien nodded casually and didn't ask any more questions. He could see the mood here was too negative so he rushed his food and ran into his hut only to be greeted by an unexpected sight. To his greatest surprise, the small-looking hut which he expected to be small and crappy inside was actually huge inside with enough space for a king-size bed and other things.

"Could this be the work of spatial magic or was the tent created with special properties?" Lucien muttered since he remembered them setting up a tent before using the earth magic to create a hut around it.

"Doesn't matter anyway though it would have been nice if we had this during the test" Lucien muttered as he said on his bed.

His eyes let out a bright silver light as a magic circle appeared on the bed. From it, the flame pup slowly emerged, looking rather energetic the moment it saw Lucien


The little magic beast pounced on him, licking him relentlessly causing Lucien to laugh while trying to get the magic beast off him.

After the dean and the instructors arrived at the beginner zone to save the students, they went ahead to kill off all the general-level magic beasts in the area, leaving behind only a few soldier-level ones. With this din, Lucien finally decided to leave the flame pup behind since the beginner area is safe again and he won't have a problem dealing with any magic beast that troubles it


Lucien slowly yanked his eyes open as he stared at the flame pup laying on the ground with its paws placed on the yellow beast core. It was the core of the general level Hell hound which he planned to use in creating a magic weapon but he soon changed his mind. Right now he needs a capable partner, so he believed it's best to let the flame pup feed on the energy of the core and quicken its cultivation speed.

Watching the cute flame pup sleep while absorbing the energy from the beast core, Lucien couldn't help but smile. He had to confess that this expedition is way better than the test since this time he has three third years and an instructor with him.

The camp is surrounded by a barrier capable of taking a hit from a tier-three spell and outside the barrier are various warden trap magic arrays of different kinds, even Lucien wasn't confident of reaching the barrier if he had evil intentions for them.




"It's open" Lucien answered dryly.

Lucien shifted his gaze to Instructor Emma's approaching figure and a frown appeared on his face.

"How can I help you?" Lucien asked coldly, startling the Instructor.

She didn't know why Lucien has been acting cold around her and why he seemed cautious of her. She took a step forward and almost instantly threefold magic arrays appeared around Lucien forcing her to stop.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"I apologize if I am overreacting but as the only beast-man in a team filled with capable humans I think it's best we stay away from each other until this is over" Lucien said with blazing blue eyes and lightning bolts circling his body.

Instructor Emma watched this youth for a while and didn't know how to respond. She didn't know what or who spoke to Lucien to make him this cautious of everyone but it hurt that he didn't even trust her.

"Do you really think I would go all through the trouble of creating memories with you, Just to shatter it? I am not from a noble family, I had no one while I was little I worked my way to the top, not caring what the nobles thought of me! A human with no background is hell and it hurts that you think I will work with those bastards who made my life worse than hell!" Instructor Emma screamed, startling Lucien.

He didn't expect this lady to let out her emotions here and now, he was going to respond but then the ground trembled violently!

"The barrier?" Lucien muttered.

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