My beast Emperor System

Chapter 143: Decisive actions

Chapter 143: Decisive actions

"I was attacked yet the empire did nothing to assist and yet you dare come at me to spill such crap? Do I look like someone the empire can mess with at will?" Lucien said with his murderous intentions surging madly!

As a knight of the Imperial Knight, Sir Carlos is one of the few spirit realm experts of the empire, yet watching such a man struggle against one of the energy beams of the magic towers left many disheartened. At this moment, everyone agreed that Lucien can be considered a man sent to shame all the powerful figures in the continent!  Even the magic towers of the empire cannot compare to this, leading them to ask how he even managed to construct this abomination! 

"You! Do you know the consequences of your actions? This is treason!" Sir Carlos roared as he used his massive blade as a shield for the mana beam. 

"You should have just stayed silent!"

Hearing this Lucien raised an eyebrow as a second mana beam shot across the battlefield and rammed into his back! People watched as the two massive beams of pure mana dragged the silver realm expert all the way to the ground until his screams of pain could be heard loudly. Seeing this, Zhao Li and the others were stunned! They realized two things they failed to understand before coming here.

Lucien is a very ruthless individual who cuts down anything in his path, including allies. Should the empire get on his bad side, he won't hesitate to bring them down as well! The second important fact they failed to notice is that in Lucien's domain unless you are a champion realm master or you have a reasonable number of spirit realm masters on your side, invading is akin to suicide!

"Wait! I can" Zhao Li screamed but before he could finish, Lucien had already pulled out his hand from his chest, dragging his beating heart along with him!

Zhao Li gazed at his beating heart in Lucien's hand in disbelief. He wanted to say something but the words would not come out, forcing him to watch in silence as Lucien slid the storage spatial ring in his finger and finally let go of him. Without Lucien supporting him anymore, his body jerked back before free falling to the ground. Those outside the dome watched as the young master fell to the ground head first, breaking his neck in the process but that didn't really matter since he was already dead!


These men growled like beasts as they attacked the barrier fiercely. With bloodshot eyes, they gazed at Lucien as they attacked the barrier relentlessly. No one truly believed Lucien would dare kill someone as important as Zhao Li without flinching! They assumed he would just threaten him hard enough to get more benefits from him but it seems they were wrong!




Numerous attacks were focused on the damaged part of the barrier. These people just wanted to shatter this barrier and rip Lucien apart. They were sure they won't be able to return to their Zhao clan without Lucien's head!


Just as they were about to attack once again, something they never expected happened. The barrier at the borders vanished and Lucien who was standing in mid-air spread his hands open like a man preparing to embrace an old friend.


With just one word, all the fighting spirit in the hearts of these people vanished and they stared at Lucien in terror! The fact he brought down the barrier now, meant that he is extremely confident of killing all of them.

Going back to the empire isn't that bad!

What punishment can be worse than death?

They all gazed at Lucien fearfully and reluctant to attack. Just a moment ago they were desperately trying to break the barrier and rip Lucien apart like a piece of cloth but now the barrier has been brought down willingly by their target, they didn't have the guts to attack. On this day, the warriors of the Zhao clan made a fool of themselves in front of the entire continent! 

"Can we at least return with the young master's body?" The elderly spirit realm expert asked Lucien respectfully but even then Lucien did not bother glancing at him.

His attention was pinned on the source of the roasted skin smell! It was Sir Carlos on the ground twitching in pain as his entire body was covered in blisters. His eyes carried enough pain and hatred to make a man anxious but Lucien wasn't bothered at all. Be it the imperial army or the army generals, Lucien strongly believed his value far surpassed theirs in the empire so they can't harm him, or at least the empire won't let them and even if they try to, he can always escape. 

"I could only toy with Zhao Li because he is a support type with little to no combat capabilities The truth remains that even now I cannot take on a spirit realm master without the city defenses I may have gotten stronger thanks to my spirit martial technique but not strong enough I hate to say this but I have to get stronger, faster." Lucien said before returning to the city.

He didn't care what becomes of Sir Carlos or Zhao Li's body. If the forces of the Zhao clan try to retrieve it, they will be assaulted by the magic towers, and even if they succeed it doesn't matter much to Lucien since he had no use for the body. As for Sir Carlos, he was sure the man won't die since spirit realm experts have a strong vitality. He would be surprised if the man doesn't recover from his injuries in less than a week.

Meanwhile, Lucien retired to his castle, under the cheers of his people. Once again, Lucien has proved to them that he is invincible just as they claim he is but this didn't matter much to him. He eagerly made his way for his room and once he got there he shut the door and turned his attention to the notifications.


[Mission successful]

[+5000 Empire points]

[+3000 exp]

[Bonus reward: All paths upgraded by one level!]

[Seeker path upgraded]

[Contractor path upgraded]

[War mage path upgraded]

[Slayer path upgraded]

[Spirit beast path upgraded]

Seeing this Lucien frowned. He couldn't hide the fact that he was disappointed since he expected something unique from the system but he couldn't help but confess that he had forgotten about the paths. He has been skipping stages and gaining strength fast, leaving him with a shaky foundation so he understood the system was trying to rectify his mistakes. Maybe he cannot completely grasp his new spirit martial technique abilities because his foundation is lacking.

Laying on the bed, Lucien shut his eyes and let all the information based on the upgraded path surged into his mind. He soon fell asleep after a few minutes, revealing how exhausted he is and when he woke up he noticed someone was sitting beside him on the bed. His vision was still a bit blurry so he couldn't see her well, forcing him to focus on his sense of smell. 

'A lady' he felt a familiar fragrance pour into his nose.

He couldn't understand why a lady would enter his room by this time but since she wasn't subdued by the defenses of the castle it meant she had no ill intentions directed at him.

"Alice?" By the time Lucien's vision cleared he noticed the golden-haired woman and instantly realized who she is.

Gazing at her eyes which had dark circles under them, Lucien realized she was exhausted but didn't dare sleep. He didn't know what time it is or why she was here, all he knew was that this lady needs to get some rest. 

"Why are you here? Why aren't you resting?' Lucien asked calmly as he watched Alice gaze at him with a surprised look on her face.

"When I came in here, I found you unconscious and shivering terribly so I assumed something was wrong I decided to stay awake and watch over you" Alice replied while avoiding eye contact.

Lucien guessed he was trembling due to the influx of too much information all at once. He appreciated her kind gesture but that doesn't mean he was not weary of her and her clan. Lucien refused to say any more words and just grabbed Alice by the hand and pull her down.  With her face on his chest and her hands around him, he muttered the word 'sleep' in the sweetest way possible before he stopped caring about her. His focus was shifted to the system notifications but having a beautiful lady laying on him could be considered distracting.

He was about to call for his status but then he felt something soft make contact with his left nipple. 

It was Alice!

As much as he wanted to pull her away, his body betrayed him and let the woman have her way with him. Slowly kept using her tongue to reach different sensitive parts of Lucien's body until she reached below his waist which left him moaning loudly that night!

'This night is the best!' Lucien screamed in his heart!

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