My beast Emperor System

Chapter 132: Night demon

Chapter 132: Night demon

"I am that person!" Lucien's words were like bombshells exploding in the ears of all those who heard it.

They were told a person from the Fotia empire murdered members of the Libet empire exploration team, but they were not told the person is a fourteen year old kid!

How does the Fotia empire have someone so powerful amongst their ranks and who the hell is this kid?

They couldn't confirm his words but these people knew he was not weak, neither did he have a reason to lie to them. They watched the figure take bold steps towards them, making them tremble! Lost in fear and too terrified to work, their brains began cooking up crazy reasons needed to quench their fear!

How could someone his young kill a captain at the spirit realm with a team of at least ten mortal realm masters?

What if this kid only finished them off because they were too weak from fighting the members of the creed organization?

This makes sense since there is no way someone this young can kill off a spirit realm master all alone, talk less of a spirit realm master with ten mortal realm experts. These people are giving him more credit than he deserves!


The burly man growled as he leaped high into the air and when he descended, he came down with his fists smashing heavily on the ground!


The ground trembled terribly as the east around Lucien caved in and two rock arms shot out of the ground and shot towards Lucien, trying to crush him! While this happened the only female in the team kept into the air and a lightning spear formed above her. Upon seeing this Lucien couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in shock.l

He only mastered all the spells in the grimoire because he had the system and that's why he was called a monster back then because something like this should be impossible! The tier three lightning spell, Zeus is considered the most powerful tier three spell for all elements yet, this girl who is only at the beginner stage was casting such a spell!

'Maybe I wasn't as talented as I thought I was' Lucien considered if this past him without the system would reach here in a short time and the answer is no!

Gazing at the two attacks, Lucien couldn't help but appreciate the coordination of these two. Behind him was a bed of earth spikes that wouldn't be visible to any normal person and by his sides were two massive earth arms stretching towards him like the grim reaper. Finally, if he chooses to take a step forward, he will have no choice but to take the tier three spell on, directly!

With so few options a normal person would panic but Lucien remained calm!


His feet tapped the ground lightly for just a moment and the next moment, he could be seen shooting into the skies like a rocket. With the lightning spear shooting towards him, Lucien let out a sinister smile as his body turned black!


Like a tank, Lucien rammed through the attack and into the girl. Before she could react, Lucien has already gripped her head smashing it into a tree, leaving behind a headless corpse and a crushed skull in his hands.

The entire battlefield went silent!

He just killed a student considered one of the best amongst her peers, just like that!

How can he have such defense and possess immense speed as well?

Who the hell is this kid?

"Ouch! Even with my unbreakable defense, that lightning spear still hurt a bit As expected of the spell claimed to be the strongest tier three spell She should have known she had to die the moment she showcased such power!" Lucien said with a slight chuckle in his tone, but his eyes were as cold as ever!

He took a few steps backs and turned his attention on the burly brown-haired man and his eyes released a silver flash.

"You tried your best I won't hold you responsible for the actions This is war It's kill or be killed You all are strong but it's unfortunate, you met me" Lucien's voice was calm and from nowhere a black hilt slowly appeared in his hands.

His eyes let out a bright flash as he tightened his grip on the habakiri, creating a fire whip from it!


The fire whip swung forward ruthlessly, aiming for the skull of the burly man but the man As quick to react, summoning an earth wall to take the hit!

"Break!" Lucien growled as the flame intensified and burst through the wall, decapitating the head of the man in one go!

"Explode!" Lucien turned his back on the headless corpse and began walking towards the others when he said those words. The body quickly lit up, releasing a loud explosion that made the earth tremble!

"Monster!" a pale-looking man screamed with tears rolling down his eyes as he dashed forward.

For this man, Lucien didn't even bother to look his way as he switched the fire whip to a wind whip! He swung it towards the man, releasing a whistling sound as the man was cut clean in two!

Seeing this the other screamed and ran in different directions but with Lucien's speed, he caught up to all of them and killed them! He had the sensory skills of King tier magic beasts and the all-seeing eye of Argo, no one could hide from him. He only allowed one to flee simply because he wanted the youth to inform the others of his arrival.

Clasping his hands together, the image of the nightmare demon appeared behind him! Soon his body began levitating until it was at the same level as the clouds! Seeing the moonlight, Lucien frowned and focused on his next target but this time it is a team of 3rd year students of the Libet empire with the weakest at the mid-stages of the Warrior realm and the strongest at the peak of the warrior realm.

"This night, I will be your demon!" Lucien muttered.

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