My beast Emperor System

Chapter 111: Upgrading the town

Chapter 111: Upgrading the town

Seeing the masked man floating above the incredibly huge magic beast, with two kids in his hands, the people of Bradford town couldn't help let out a sigh of relief. These people knew about contractors and the only contractors they have seen were students of the Fotia academy on a mission passing by and usually, these magic beasts are soldier level at most, yet their new leader casually said a king tier magic beast is his partner!

Even Instructor Han was stunned. He remembered Instructor Emma saying something about Lucien and the king-level magic beast in the dungeon, forming a pact. He would summon it out of the dungeon once he leaves and in return, it won't kill them. According to her, Lucien and the magic beast were on bad terms and it only agreed to sign the contract because of the ancient spirit living within him. Many speculated that the king-level magic beast will most likely break its contract with Lucien when it breaks free and judging based on the two aura's battling earlier, Instructor Han knew it was Lucien and this beast that fought.

Did he leave so that he can subdue it?

How many contractors in the empire have a king-level beast as their partner?


The more he thought about Lucien, the more confused he got. The youth he once looked down on is shrouded in mystery and even the nobles of the empire had no choice but to be careful when dealing with a human realm kid like Lucien! He couldn't help but think of Instructor Emma, Alucard, Lucy, and Titan who testified against Lucien when they came under the pressure of the nobles in the empire. If they knew Lucien would survive they probably wouldn't have done it.

"The teleportation has been set Leave now I do not wish for the empire to send its troops here, I alone am capable of defending this place until these people are strong enough to assist me If I need your help, I will inform you" Lucien said coldly while staring at Instructor Han.

The instructor had no other choice but to nod and vanish using the teleportation formation. Only after he left did Lucien calm down.

His body descended slowly as he dropped the little girls on the ground and they ran to their respective families after thanking Lucien in a cute way. One of the main reasons why Lucien insisted on the Instructor leaving is because he had wished to upgrade this place with his empire points and he felt like instructor Han would detect something. Now he is finally gone, Lucien can now look at the notifications he had pushed aside for so long.




[Congratulations on acquiring a territory of your own! The title of baron may be too small and insignificant for a future emperor but it is definitely a step forward!]

[+5000 Empire points!]

[After leaving behind the Raizen clan, you have wandered the world as a nameless emperor but now, the host has acquired a new family name and lead this family to greatness! Well done!]

[+5000 Empire points!]

[Host has saved members of his small kingdom from the claws of villainous magic beasts! You have solidified your place in their hearts and have earned their respect!]

[+5000 Empire points]


[Beast assimilation successful.]

[Beas name: Roc]

[God beast: Unknown]

[Phase: Adolescent]

[Beast assimilation: 20%]

[Abilities unlocked]

[Tunneling: User can dig incredibly fast into the ground when using this ability. When below, the roc absorbs the nutrients from the earth around him and uses them to sustain itself underground. Allowing it to stay below for a long time without needing air!]

[Earth skin: User can strengthen his body using the earth around. In this form the user can withstand the strongest of blows while gaining a considerable amount of strength as well]

"Interesting!" Lucien couldn't help but confess calmly.

The method of combat used by a Roc is direct and even though many claims this is its weakness, Lucien understood these magic beasts only did this because they are confident in their strength.

"Remember our deal!" Rupture's voice made many shivers but for Lucien, he could only frown slightly.

"I know You will live amongst these people with me and protect them if you do that, I will not undo the summoning and have you sent back to that awful place I will also find a way to sever your link with the dungeon Am I correct?" Lucien spoke calmly.

Rupture only nodded in agreement. With that settled, Lucien had no intentions of speaking any further. He simply wanted to observe a little. 

Shooting into the air, he flew extremely high but even then he had to look far to see the boundaries of the Bradford town. The town was surrounded by a flowing river, filling the entire surrounding with green leaves, flowers, and many more. From above his new territory could be considered beautiful, the only problem now is that the town itself can be considered backward in terms of development.

There was no castle, most houses were built with mud and only a few had bricks and even then, those buildings are in very bad conditions. The walls surrounding the town were in a very bad condition and Lucien couldn't help but wonder if this is because of the constant magic beast attacks?

The rules of the empire prevent one from cultivating in secret! All cultivators must be registered by attending the Fotia academy, that way the empire can keep tabs on everyone cultivator since they are considered the ones with actual power in the empire. Taking into account the fact that a teleportation platform was just placed here, linking them to the empire, Lucien guessed that these people didn't even have the opportunity to join the Fotia academy! They could only use their normal mortal strength to struggle against the magic beasts that attack them! Ending up with heavy casualties!

To think this town suffered so much because of the insensitive laws put up by the empire, Lucien couldn't help but frown! He hated the empire even further and wished to take over even more than ever! With absolute strength, all this can be avoided!


[Host's territory is only at level 1. Does the host wish to upgrade it to a level two town?]

[Cost 15,000 empire points]

Seeing this Lucien frowned. 

Was this system trying to scam him or what?

Yes! He planned to use the empire points to upgrade the place and he was extremely delighted when he gained so many empire points from the notifications but he never expected the system to try and rob him of it.

[Go ahead accept!] Rakzuen's voice echoed in his head and only then did Lucien agree.


[Town upgrading]

Upon seeing this notification, Lucien watched as new changes began occurring all over the town. The mud buildings lowly transformed into new stone houses seen in the empire. From nowhere, a stone castle began rising from the ground, and following it where the new walls of the town! These walls had magic symbols all over them and then about eight mighty magic towers rose from the dust as well!

People from the town and Rupture watched the sudden changes with their mouths wide open! This is the first time they have seen something so magical in their life. They all looked up to see strange forms of energy, leaving Lucien's body as these new things were formed, and only after the magic towers were formed did they lit up, forming a magic dome around the town!

With this done, Lucien descended under the gaze of everyone present. He had to confess, he saved a lot by directly upgrading the town level, rather than buying the upgrades one after the other.

"You did this?" Rupture asked calmly.

Seeing Lucien nod, it felt strange inside. As a magic beast that has lived for a while, it knew of the various authorities granted to gods! This is the ability of the creation authority, so how did the little kid have such an ability, to this level!

"My backer is a being that far surpasses even the gods You should know that" Lucien said weakly as he felt his body growing tired.

Hearing this Rupture was stunned! Lucien never told it this and even if he told it this it may not believe. This explains why Lucien was so confident that he could get it to become a god beast and this is the reason why Lucien's strength can be considered extraordinary amongst his peers. It completely understood everything now and felt extremely happy.

"Lord Rakuzen!" The elderly man wished to thank Lucien with the villagers but seeing Lucien wave his hand they stopped.

"To do all of this, I feel worn out I will return to my castle and rest Meanwhile, help me get a list of everyone present and their clans. I want to know everything about the people I am going to rule so make no mistakes" Lucien said weakly before turning his attention to Rupture.

"I am too tired and I don't know what may happen next Although I know it's very unlikely for someone to break through my defenses, I rather not take chances Take care of this place until I return" Lucien said calmly.

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