My beast Emperor System

Chapter 109: Updating the soul contract

Chapter 109: Updating the soul contract

"When speaking to me I recommend you lower your tone" Lucien said calmly while holding the kids gently.

Hearing Lucien's calm and confident voice was like a painkiller to these kids. They calmed down and gazed at the masked man, only to see the same emotionless, cold eyes within the mask gazing at the terrifying magic beast.

Even Rupture was momentarily stunned by the new Lucien. The old one he met in the dungeon was immature and weak, yet this one carried an air of maturity and confidence. Gazing at Lucien he couldn't tell Lucien's strength, shocking it as well. Unknown to the magic beast, the soul cauldron has sealing abilities, using it, Lucien could seal his strength, making it almost impossible for people to tell his cultivation level. The new Lucien was shrouded in mystery making people naturally anxious whenever they come face to face with him.

"What happened to you?" Rupture asked but in a lower tone now.

Beside it was a shadow storm the shape of a dome, it could feel the energy signatures dying off one after the other. Whatever is in there is killing off these soldier-level magic beasts as if they are defenseless kids and whatever that thing is somehow connected to Lucien. There are too many unknowns now about this beast-man, so he was naturally cautious of him.

"Life happened This life is full of injustice and crap I needed to experience it for myself before I could mature I stumbled upon an unfortunate event that left me in a very sorry state for a year now I recently escaped death and here we are, me fulfilling my own part of the deal" Lucien answered plainly.

Gazing at his cold eyes within the mask, Rupture couldn't tell what was going through Lucien's head so it didn't know how to reply to his words. Was he to apologize or just turn and leave? It has finally regained its freedom, yet it's reluctant to move?

Its instincts were telling it that if it tried to leave this place without Lucien's permission, both of them will get entangled in a life and death battle and the chances of it losing the fight is quite higher. The magic beast shook its head as if it were trying to shake off the thought in his head, it could tell Lucien wasn't using any special means to mess with its mind, then why is it so anxious?

"What do you want from me?" Rupture asked with a frown.

Right before its eyes, Lucien spread out his soul aura, creating an illusionary silver hand that grabbed the two kids, keeping them airborne while he 'walked on the air', approaching Rupture boldly.

"Serve me as my real contracted partner Remove all the unnecessary clauses added in the contract Let us form a proper contract" Lucien said calmly.

"And what do I gain from this new partnership?" Rupture asked with a frown. It was clearly unwilling to accept this.

"You gain my backing and that of a celestial being living within me Rakuzen" Lucien said calmly but this time he was already in front of the magic beast.

Placing his hand on its forehead, he pulled out a golden parchment were filled with information concerning their new contract. Lucien proceeded to pass it on to Rupture before saying.

"With our help, you are assured to reach the god beast realm quicker than you can ever imagine I knew the secrets of godhood! All of it! I will guide you through that journey as your partner" Lucien said.

Hearing this Rupture was clearly captivated by the offer. Not only was Lucien standing so close to it that he can be killed in a fraction of a second, but he also dared make bold statements about helping it reach the god beast realm! The fact that he was standing close to it, meant he was not scared of a surprise attack and is confident in his strength.

"And what if I refuse?" Rupture asked coldly as the air around it began vibrating while its aura slowly surged out.

"I plan to do nothing But you see, I recently became a baron in the Fotia empire and I have a territory of my own and a people to rule I came here to wipe out the magic beast nests around here to make life safer for them I can have you lingering around here in this area I will have to deal with you as well!" Lucien said coldly.


Rupture roared loudly while releasing its wild spirit energy but Lucien had no intentions of retreating! His eyes flashed with killing intentions and the Habakiri appeared in his hands, summoning a lightning whip!

"SCRAM!" Lucien growled as he struck forward fearlessly!


People residing in the town of Bradfield carried on with their daily lives while Instructor Han focused on creating the teleportation formation here. The town was silent but then everyone felt two different energy surging from afar!  While one was wild like that of a magic beast, the other was more reserved and controlled! The Brown and Silver aura clashing viciously caught the attention of people making many believe that two king-level beasts are going at each other but in fact, it was Lucien and the magic beast Rupture!

Instructor Han knew this and calmly assessed the situation with his senses only to conclude that Lucien was not in any danger. Instead, he was actually holding his own against the king-level beast! This strength is alarming! Even instructors will have a hard time against a beast of such a level! He found it shocking that Lucien didn't go too far from the town but he had already encountered a king-level magic beast. 

Is this area really that dangerous?

The Instructor couldn't help but wonder how Lucien's strength leaped up to a high level!

Could this be the strength of a spirituality cultivator?

Naturally, he heard of Instructor Emma's encounter with the spirit beast lady who fought against her team with the cultivation level of the warrior realm, and almost won. According to her, spirituality cultivators are far stronger than them!

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