My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

After parting with the elves, Halli, as always, attracted everyone's attention as he strolled through the streets of Tarak.

'Having spirits is quite convenient, isn't it?'

Not only could he use the wind spirit for movement, but he could also use the water spirit to clean his body.

He looked over his now-clean body.

It was a service provided by the elves just before moving to Tarak.

Having experienced it firsthand, his desire for it grew even more.

'But my equipment is pretty damaged. I'll have to get new ones soon.'

That's when he noticed his damaged equipment.

The solid black steel axes were not only chipped but also had cracks.

The necklace made of beast teeth was gone, the string broken during a battle, and the black panther helmet was completely tattered.

...That was actually all of it.

He didn't have much equipment to begin with.

'All decorative, really. Well, the ax has become quite usable now.'

Given Halli's "Physical Transformation," which prevented him from wearing fitted equipment, the barbarian warrior concept suited him perfectly.

His real weapon was his monstrous physique itself.

Thus, proudly barefoot, he walked through the streets and headed to an ordinary house located on one side of the downtown area.

With a vigorous push, he opened the door like it was his own home and entered.

However, the homeowner inside did not seem surprised and welcomed him naturally.

It was Hubert, an avatar sent to Tarak after Halli.

"Ha-ha-hat! Having 'Emotion' makes it convenient to immediately check items!"

A green light sparkled in his left eye, and the items he was holding flew naturally into Hubert's hands.

The "Jewel Eye: Psychokinesis" could be used after the new eye transplantation.

This was his first time using it properly.

Perhaps because it was compatible with Halli, the psychokinesis, which could also be activated by his life energy, turned out to be more useful than expected.

It was as if he had gained a long-range attack...

'Since I can also lift my body with it. And now, unless you look closely, it just looks like heterochromia.'

As time passed, the Jewel Eye, assimilated with "Physical Transformation," looked like a normal green eye at a glance.

Of course, a subtle sense of alienation remained, but that was hardly a problem.

"In a world where all sorts of races and species live together. Besides, no one would dare to directly confront someone with such a fierce build."

While Halli was testing his psychokinesis, Hubert immediately began appraising the items.

<High Elf's Spirit Bracelet>

A bracelet made by a master craftsman who wove numerous spirit stones with branches from the World Tree. It assists the wearer's natural power and spirit summoning, while significantly amplifying affinity and resistance to elements. Due to the influence of its previous user, the spirit stones have become stronger in wind, lightning, and earth attributes.

<Withered Branch of the World Tree>

-Once a part of the World Tree, it has now lost its original functions due to excessive use of its energy. It seems it could be used for various materials.

"Hmm... It's tricky."

Aside from considering the branch of the World Tree as a souvenir, there was no obvious use for the bracelet either.

Of course, Laphori must have given him the most precious thing he had...

'The performance seems good, but I don't have any avatar who can use it.'

It would be the greatest treasure for a spirit mage, but unfortunately, I had no spirit mage.

Apart from the desires, I had little hope of becoming a spirit mage.

Among the returnees to Earth, spirit mages were exceptionally rare.

Affinity with spirits, beings of the great nature, was inevitably influenced by the environment one lived in.

Unless one lived in an undeveloped area, close to nature, or awakened a unique skill related to that area, it was better not to have high expectations.

'And my avatar is created under the same conditions as my main body.'

For someone who had lived in the city all his life and consumed instant food, how much affinity with nature could I possibly have?

"Amplification" also required having something to amplify in the first place.

"...But what if?"

Perhaps he also had hidden spirit affinity?

Hubert casually slipped the bracelet onto his wrist.

Feeling it automatically adjust to a comfortable size, he closed his eyes tightly.


He focused on the bracelet on his wrist, trying to feel the natural force.

Images of nature, including mountains and seas, surfaced in his calm mind.


After some time, Hubert suddenly opened his eyes.

"Damn, I don't feel anything."

...But since it was the first attempt, maybe wearing it continuously would bring some change.

Since there was no one else to use it, Hubert decided to keep wearing it.

Given Halli's combat style, it was uncertain when it might get damaged.

And it wasn't something I could give to Archlich Hans or Vampire Heinz, was it?

'Anyway, I'm not at a level where I can easily die screaming now. At least if Hubert is ambushed, he should be able to deactivate the summoning just before dying.'

Still, he should probably keep the wrist with the bracelet well-covered.

Starting a business might make him a target in various ways.

'Now that I think about it, that issue seems to have been somewhat resolved this time.'

Soon, it will be known through the mercenary guild that Halli has formed a connection with the Holy Order, which was a great boon for Hubert, who planned to start a business as his partner and co-investor.

In an era not modern, starting a business required attention to many things.

To properly grow it, not only capital but also force and connections were essential.

That's why I planned to start a business in Tarak, Halli's area of activity, and use his name to block external interference.

Once officially announced in the name of the order, regardless of the depth of the connection, others would see him as a burdensome figure, not to be trifled with lightly.

Anyone who tries to interfere with the business he's involved in will think twice before doing so. While Halli was achieving solid results as a business partner, Hubert had been conducting market research and decided on sellable goods.

"It seems starting with pepper would be a good idea."

The largest production area for pepper in Outerica is in the southeast of the continent.

Since Tarak is located in the northwest, the price difference due to transportation would be the greatest.

"Although the monster industry is central, there's a large transient population including merchants, so there shouldn't be a problem as long as the product is good. There are also many Magic Tower branches, which would be the main consumers."

The plan was all set.

"Eugh, I'm tired!"

While Halli crawled into the bed inside the house, Hubert packed the magical tools and the branch of the World Tree he had bought.

It was time to return to Earth.


"Hmm... Not a bad souvenir."

I stuck the withered branch of the World Tree into a pot containing a dried-up plant that had been sitting in a corner of the house.

Pouring a cup of water into it, I felt refreshed, perhaps just by feeling.

"Well, that's settled. For the trade goods, I can have Heinz prepare them through the blood alliance. The sale of magical tools can also go through them."

Having swallowed a usable force, when else to use it if not now?

"Growth of Heterosis is smooth, and the Brokolak Clan needs a bit more observation."

Through Heinz' intermittent exploration activities, I had somewhat grasped the situation of the vampires in the Kingdom of Talia.

Using "Concealment" and "Invisibility" to hide and "Insight" to gather information...

I ridiculously found out that they were using an entire mansion of a high noble as their base.

"Maybe that noble is the clan lord."

There wasn't enough time to fully grasp the detailed information.

Heinz's top priority was to stabilize Heterosis on a stable trajectory.

The formal takeover of the clan would happen after that.

"Hmm, now..."

Having gone through a major event, it was time to settle karma.

"Before actively engaging in Outerica, I think my karma points were a little over 300,000."

The major events that followed.

Heinrich was ordained as a paladin and began activities in the order.

Halli was completed in Hans' secret laboratory, hunted monsters, grew as a barbarian warrior, and became a mercenary.

"Nothing particularly special happened here."

Most were close to personal growth times, making it hard to see as having a significant impact on the world.

So, most of the karma gained this time must have been from the process of saving Cecily, the high elf candidate...

[Karma Store]

[Unique Skill Enhancement (800,000)]

[Status Enhancement View Details]

[Owned Karma - 668,189]

'It's a bit tricky. Is it because Cecily is still a candidate?'

The amount seemed somewhat meager considering the involvement of the Elven Kingdom and High Elf Laphori, up to the high ranks including the Holy Order's saint.

'But then again, immediate karma isn't everything.'

As experienced before, karma dynamically increased whenever the actions brought about changes in the world.

This meant that the karma would be affected whenever Cecily officially becomes a High Elf and accomplishes significant deeds.

Likely, the same applied to others involved in this event.

'It doesn't matter now. After all, there's an event prepared soon that could significantly increase my karma.'

Though it was disappointing not to enhance my unique skill right away, there was no need to rush.

At this moment, destiny was steadily approaching.


"I apologize for the impudent request, Lord Laphori."

"Not at all. I understand it's an important matter. And compared to the assistance provided by the Order, this is nothing."

The saint's apologies continued.

For the operation to proceed, it was inevitable for Laphori to accept the Order's 'Blessing of Silence.'

Being a High Elf and a leader in the Elven Kingdom, this was akin to a diplomatic faux pas, but he accepted it readily without any reluctance.

He considered it a significant debt owed to the Order.

Trudging along

They were now passing through a complex corridor, heading deep into the Order's heart.

The saint, Archbishop Latius, High Elf Laphori, the Grand Inquisitor, and Heinrich made up the party of five.

'I never thought I'd be able to enter.'

Naturally, being a newly ordained paladin, he shouldn't have been allowed entry.

No matter how close his divine power was to bishop-level, the minimum requirement to access the Immortal King's fragment was at least archbishop-level.

Archbishop Latius expressed his concerns this time too, but he couldn't strongly oppose due to the merits Heinrich had recently achieved.

Hadn't the Archbishop himself been immensely impressed, citing divine guidance?

Of course, the saint couldn't just arbitrarily allow him into the sealing area.

"This way."

Leading the group was a figure in black hood and priest's robes.

The Grand Inquisitor, the chief in charge of this place.

This area wasn't under the saint's jurisdiction, and without his permission, no one could enter.

But even he, strict with rules, had to open the way upon hearing her subsequent words

'It seems the Divine intends for Sir Heinrich to be the adversary of the Immortal King.'

The saint's words carried significant weight.

'But seriously, this place is incredibly well-hidden.'

What was known and guarded against in the underground passage was just the beginning.

A maze-like network of corridors, secret doors that only opened under specific conditions, and traps of holy magic and barriers scattered throughout.

The complexity and length of the corridor led one to wonder how such a space could remain hidden.

'Holy magic barriers. And at a level far beyond my understanding'

Heinrich had acquired "Outerican Holy Magic" and possessed considerable knowledge of holy magic, but this was far beyond his level. The space was designed so that it couldn't be reached by breaking through walls or digging tunnels unless one went through the official passage. In the heart of such a place was sealed the last "Fragment of the Immortal King."

'Really, there would have been no way to reach it without bringing down the Order and meticulously searching for the passage. Not that it would have been possible.'

The passage seemed endless. At one point, activating one of several gates was necessary to move short distances to proceed to the next location. After passing through such obsessive security, they reached their destination.

"This place"

The party quietly followed the Grand Inquisitor, who had unlocked the final security, into the room.


The entire interior of the pristine room was engraved with golden prayer scripts designed to suppress dark magic, even on the door they had opened to enter. And there it was, at the center.

On an altar, piled up as if offered to a god.

It was wrapped in thin silver chains connected to five pillars erected around it.

'That's the last fragment of the Immortal King...'

Right before Heinrich's eyes, it was there.

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