Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Chapter 11 - Getting Stronger Quickly In The Labyrinth’S Underground! Part 1

Getting Stronger quickly in the Labyrinths Underground! Part 1

Translator: Fui-san

Editor: Shinkai, MeowMier

A few days later.

Allowing you to go out? (Lilith)

A girl with light blue short hair just above the shoulders wearing a white robe.

Appearance of a 12 year old librarian Lilith was asking me with a strange look.

It seems that she did miscellaneous jobs as the receptionist in the library of the Dragon Village and she also managed the immigration system, and the residency management system.

Oh, the permission to go out, I want to hunt monsters a little bit (Lute)

Lilith gave a forced smile, thinking for a while.

I remembered that you just came here 2 days ago. And now, you want to go outside of the village already. In the first place, I thought you came here to become stronger. to get the wisdom of the dragons from the Great Library or that you came to get the unique skill of the dragon kin (Lilith)

Why should I do that separately? Ive already got the protection of the dragon kin the Dragon Kings Protection. Thats why I will hunt and hunt and hunt monsters, and. raise my level like crazy (Lute)

When I looked at her again, Liliths expression became frozen. [TN: I cant hold it anymore : Let it gooooo~, let it goooo~]

You are level 1 and a villager for the Protection of Dragon King living for 12 years you aimed for this, thats why you stayed at level 1 all this while?

Thats how it is

In response of my wink, Lilith said with a blank expression.

In order to get stronger quickly It is best to raise the level first even if you know that the growth rate it is not good, stopping at Level 1 not something that people will choose to do.

And Lilith sighed as if she was amazed.

Unusual determination for power, an unshakable mind to obtain optimum efficiency Indeed, I understand as much


Yeah, Lilith nodded in agreement.

People like you are what they call a genius surely you will become a hero in the future

Huh? And I tilted my head.

A villager like me?

Lilith shook her head.

Certainly you are a villager, but you have talent

Talent? What kind of talent do you think I have?

An unbreakable heart. Those who seek power they are gifted, or it can be paraphrased as a genius at putting effort

Well, I have the Skill: Indomitable.

A masochistic ability as a talent for effort.

As expected, Lilith laughed in disbelief.

Talent of putting effort But, in reality Im not like that

Huh For a human who had the attention of the Dragon King saying such things only sounds like sarcasm.

So, Lilith once again smiled.

Sarcasm, you

Tears formed in the corner of Liliths eye as I was shocked.

And tears fell down her cheeks.

Yes you are nothing like me. I I am

Lilith wiped her flowing tears with the sleeves of her white robe.

Wait a moment Whats the matter, why did you suddenly cry?

Im not saying

Youre not saying but you are crying, are you not?

Im not saying

Its okay, just say it

I will not say it. Ive registered your request. Just get out of here and go wherever you like

Aa so troublesome now that I think of it Cordelia also was quite stubborn.

You cannot go on in this state, but .

I am not a dragon, and I am not a human being like those strong men, so there is no value for my existence.

Haa.. and I sighed.

If you keep going till that extent the more I cannot leave you alone

I can not trouble a genius like you. After all I have no guardian.

No guardian?

Lilith made a bitter face as if saying uh oh.

She thought for a while and opened her mouth.

I will soon be exiled from the Dragon Village

Lilith stopped talking, and looked at me as if waiting for my reaction.


In the first place, I was brought here when I was 5 years old.. When I noticed, I was already a slave I was treated terribly.


And one day The slave merchants caravan was attacked by a group of bandits A big battle took place it was a situation where almost all of them got wiped out Most of the people who were fighting could not move carnivorous animals, and even monsters appeared there

Mercenary groups employed by the slave merchant and the armed bandits defeated each other simultaneously.

So, dangerous creatures were baited by the smell of blood

I see. I can understand the situation in general.

And what appeared there was a dragon?

Lilith nodded.

.The Earth Dragon who guaranteed my identity was a very strong and kind person.

As if remembering something, Lilith looked up at the ceiling and tears overflowed through the corner of her eyes again.

The name my father gave me is Lilith

I see.

It seems that she adores the dragon who saved herself.

Thats why when I called her name in the first meeting she got angry.

So what do you mean no guardian?

Lilith kept silence for a while and made a painful look.

Dragon also have life spans I was told it was of old age.

Well, I shrugged my shoulders.

So Lilith-san No, we are of the same age is it OK to abandon formal polite speech?

Actually, if I put it together my age for the first time and the second time Im already quite old.

Well, that is not important.

Lilith is well when your guardian disappeared and your position in the Dragon Village has disappeared. So you are going to be exiled Well, is it okay to say this?

Its fine

Then Is the slave crest still activated?

Lilith nodded with a pale face.

And she pushed aside her robe and showed me the magic circle inscribed.

Isnt this the worst. Aint this a sex slave crest?

Before being picked up by father I was a child . I was not made into doing those things, but, if I get thrown out in the present state

The slave crest.

The treatment of slaves are no different from a criminal.

They are chased by guards, made to say everything out, and they will be returned to the owner.

The slave pattern is of a nature similar to a mental brain washing procedure, and can never resist a prescribed rule as long as it does not dispel it.

The prescribed rules are

Such as, do not oppose the owner.

Such as, you should not go against guards.

Such as, do not defy night service.

The guardian of Lilith when did he pass on?

.A month ago

So, when will you be exiled from here?

She stuck her right hand and raise a finger. (EN: what is this???)


Oh, no wonder she would cry.

She doesnt have any leeway or you could say that she is at her wits end.

So troublesome I thought and said to Lilith.

Please cancel the permit to go out, and after that

I took out a sack from my pocket.

I left the heavy sack full of items on the reception table.

This is?

Undoing the knots of the sack, Lilith showed a surprised expression.

There are 500 pieces of gold coins, the Dragon King said that It would be interesting to see how you will use this money, so use it however you like a story like that

I dont know what you mean by giving me this money

Do your travelling preparations. From now on you and I will conquer the dungeon

Lilith asked me with a stupidly loud voice.

Dungeon? What for?

Speaking of dungeons there are monsters. So, if youre talking about monsters, there will be experience points. If so isnt it decided? Im going into the dungeon to become stronger

I still do not understand your point

And as if reminding myself, I said with a strong tone.

Be good and lets go. How could a man who is unable to save one or two damsels in distress save a hero?

Lilith once again asked me and shook her head.

I really do not get your point, Id like to ask for further explanation

I, as a human being and as a dragon welcomed as a young dragoon, you do know that, right?


The condition of being a guarantor is to be a fully-fledged dragon, right?


So, I will go through the ceremonial ritual to become a fully-fledged dragon I pass the trial to guarantee your identity

Lilith laughed as if she was appalled.

You want to breakthrough the labyrinth in a cave infested with evil monster which many dragons died in there as a human a Level 1 villager?

I nodded and smilled.

If I do say so myself, I am the worlds strongest level 1?

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