Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Chapter 0 - Prologue


When talking about reincarnations, the first thing you will think about is that reincarnations are a cheat right?

There was also a time when I thought it was like that.

Just like that, as promised, I was involved in a truck incident and reincarnated with the Occupational Aptitude: villager.

Then, the house I was born in was neither of an aristocrats nor rich, it was of a normal farmer.

In terms of satisfactory living level, though it was not too bad, it was just a bit hard to find food.

So, though being in a poor family, I grew up quickly and became fifteen with mediocre status and skills.

Let me say it again.

Isnt reincarnation supposed to make a person a cheat?

Even if you are born as a villager, you should have gotten cheat-like abilities or skills, etc Isnt it supposed to be like that?

However, I was seriously just a normal villager.

So, instead of having those, my neighbor, born just three days after me, was a real cheat girl.

Cordelia Allston.

At fifteen years old, she was known as Ikki Tousenone facing a thousand warriors)Occupational Aptitude: Yuusha (Hero).

She was literally in cheat class within cheats.

Though born in the house just beside mine, in the same year, raised just like me her status seriously lived up to the title Ikki Tousen.

Or was it just a mistake.

To a normal villager like me, she was just like a monster on another worldly level.

It was a masterpiece for a fifteen year old girl swinging a blunt (?) sword, cutting a rock just like cutting butter. Un.

A hundred metre sprint just in one or two seconds, I think that she had already stopped being human.

When I was four or five, I had won a fight with her only because I am a boy, however

Her growth after that was just amazing.

Currently, it seems that she is struggling to adjust her power just to avoid hurting me in normal contact.

Once, my shoulder was dislocated when I was hit lightly as a joke she had nursed me for three days and three nights even though I thought it was unnecessary.

She was terribly worried about what she had done It made me feel sorry for her despite being the victim.

Changing the subject, we are currently fifteen years old.

I am currently camping in the Manakisu Big Forest.

There is a legend that a dragon resides in here

Wasnt the current time around 7pm? It was cold and the sun sets faster because it was winter.

Even though we were burning wood for warmth, in the dense forest, the surroundings were in the darkness as moonlight does not pass through.

The howling of wolves could be heard from afar.

There, I asked Cordelia slightly terrified.

Oi, Cordelia? Is it really alright? There are monsters here right?

The burning fire slightly illuminated her red waist-length hair.

There was nothing to complain about her well-shaped pretty and dignified face, it was hardly believable that it belonged to a person from this world.

Yet, she was named Ikki Tousen. Or was it a mistake.

When she stood in a battlefield with a sword, most warriors would bow down after a swing of her sword.

You would question where she got such power a girl donning azure blue light armor with thin arms, tilted her head as to respond to my question.

Hee? Even though there is a person with the title Dragon Killer like me here you are asking me if I am worried about the danger of monsters. In this situation, I think you should worry about the monsters rather than me. Well, when considering how weak the monsters around here Ah, this is the first time you came to a place where monsters appear, isnt it?

Well, the difference between you and I is that my Occupational Aptitude is a villager. A little ways outside of the village to set up a trap to control pests is the most I can handle.

Ah, there was one time I saw you on the way back after the expedition of the Knights Order. You were too frightened despite being just a little out of the village.

There was no other way, I am a mere villager So, why bring me out to such place Uoo!?

There was a huge wild boar.

The wild boar charged towards us after appearing from the shadows of the trees.

It probably weighed over a ton. There were also purple eyes which indicated that it was a magical being.

Saliva dripped from its mouth.

Lute! Dont move!

After saying that, Cordelia rushed towards the wild boar like a typhoon.

Aiming for a sliding tackle, Cordelia snuck below its stomach.

While sliding on the floor, she pierced its stomach with a slash.

The wild boar then fell limply onto the floor, at the same time, Cordelia jumped out from beneath.

The wild boar fell horizontally after having its stomach destroyed.

She went up to the flank and pierced its neck with another slash.

With its head separated from its torso, a splash of blood painted on Cordelias cheek like makeup.

Now one problem is solved. Let tomorrows breakfast be pork hotpot.

Cordelia said with an innocent smile.

Oi oi, you seriousto, the vividness of spurting of blood caused my faced to twitch.

I immediately changed my expression into a forced smile after noticing my blunder.

Isnt having meat in the morning a bit too much? meaning you are reallynot as seamed

It looks like Cordelia noticed my change in expression at that moment.

She then sat on a rock on the floor and let out a sigh.

Just now, you asked me for the reason why I brought you out of the village right?

Saying that, she took a cloth out and wiped off the blood splatter.

Yes, I did ask, why?

I will say the truth alright? I wanted Lute to know.

Looking up at the sky, Cordelia said with a distant look.

Want me to know? What is it?

Another side of me that I didnt show in the village Since around ten years old, I mixed around with the Knights Orders and adventurersI became like that

The blood splatter before and the response iscompletely leaving a bad taste.

Not knowing if she knew my thoughts or not, Cordelia continued on.

I will officially be a member of the Knights Order after a year of experience. When I become 16 I will enroll as a special student in the Royal Magic Academy. This is all for preparation against the incoming big disasteras stated in the oraclefollowing the Strengthening Program prepared.

I suppose so

That is why, I wanted you to see my real selfonly you

Me? Didnt Moses always see your real self?


Cordelias and my osananajimi (childhood friend) and his Occupational Aptitude: sage, this is also another cheat-like dude.

Why in this small village, in the same year, was there two of such amazing Occupational Aptitude level.

In short, you will think about a Yuusha if you are talking about an existence of a countrys decisive battle weapon.

A sage can also become an existence of a local tactical weapon.

Both of them are people who are outside of standards if talking about level.

Thanks to that, my shoulders are getting narrower and narrower.

Leaving that aside, Cordelia, who heard my answer before, shrugged sharply.

Moses only knew because he was in the curriculum, even though we were always together, I I, to you! I am saying that I surely want you to know about it!

A short silence enveloped us.

Surrounded by the quiet trees, it was as if the temperature dropped a few degrees.

We cant easily meet after thisright?

If you are in the Orderit will surely be like that.

Why are you not thinking of anything? To make me say up to such lengths dont you want to say anything to me?

Sorry, what are you actually trying to say?

Cordelia breathed in as if organizing her thoughts.

With all her courage, she stood up and walked towards me who was sitting on top of another rock.

Her azure eyes looked straight into mine.

I have always, always about you

At that moment, Moses far away voice intercepted out talk.

Lute-san!? Could you please come here a bit? Washing in this freezing water is a bit hard.

Cordelia then blatantly clicked her tongue. I dubiously tilted my head a little.

I will be gone for a moment; wont you look after the fire?

Are you okay? Whats with those puffy cheeks?

Flushed red, she turned away.

I dont know anything about that! Just go there immediately you Baka!

And she continued after thinking a bit.

You are just a villager, therefore, yell loudly if a monster appears. Well, as long as I am here, those weak monsters should get scared and run away.

I know Well, it will be alright with Moses there.

Then, I muttered a sigh while waving my hand towards Cordelia who was behind me.

Because you are a villager wasnt it, in the end, even Cordelia Well, I am just a mere villager, there is no helping it.

Shoulder length black hair and a pair of glasses

This thin guy who always reads a book alone Thats the other osananajimi, Moses.

His attitude and way of speech was always too polite for a fifteen year old, even so, he will still give a smile occasionally if you converse more with him.

As a matter of fact, he makes a smile so much like a life insurance sales person trying to make sales to the ladies; to be honest, Im not good at that.

Im sorry, Lute-sanfor you to be helping me doing this.

As said, I helped Moses.

Currently, we are washing the plates from the meal before.

No, dont mention it, putting that aside this kind of job is supposed to be done by a villager, totally not a job for a sage.

Thats true. Well, it was the princess (himegimi) who decided that Lute-san is to prepare our dinner and leave the washing to me. [tl: Seriously, he calls Cordelia a princess]

She ordered us and did nothing herself.

Thats true

We faced each other and gave a bitter laugh.

Yosh, now this is complete

After washing the last plate, I stood up.

Im really sorry Lute-san

Its okay. The three of us are friends right?

At that moment, my vision suddenly blacked out.

Rather than anemia, it was a more intense version.

I immediately dropped to my knees.

Friends, was it? Who and Who? A villager and a sage are friends? Fufu, what a funny joke.

My head, as well as my line of sight, spun around.

Moses spoke to me who was still in a state of panic from above.

Looks like the drug has finally worked.

Drug? What are you why?

Even my tongue was tangled.

I could feel the chills running down my spine and a pool of unpleasant sweat flowing down my back.

Why? The answer is very simple. Cordelia and I and YOU We were born in the same year and raised by the same way, however she was favoring someone like you more.

Moses paused to breathe a little and continued.

My occupational aptitude is a sage. A person with the ability of one in ten thousand, no, one in hundred thousandthat is me.

I knew those.

The three of us were born in the same village and the two of them have cheat like occupational aptitude.

Even hating the fact that it is not me, I still have to acknowledge it.

Also, Im a reincarnator. Aa, its not like you will get what a reincarnator means Well, not like I care though. What I want to say is that I who is a sage is a special being.

Eh? What are you saying?

My vision became cloudy, my conscious is going to fade.

Moses words could not even reach my ears. Even if it did, I could not comprehend and picture what he was saying.

I am really shocked. I could only think that she was a being blessed by god, having looks so much like an angel several years later for sure Im excited just thinking about it.

I wanted to scream for Cordelia, however, it was all too late.

I could not let out even the slightest sound from my throat.

In this situation, my helpless limbs felt like jelly.

The most that I can do is to balance myself to avoid falling.

I am the one who has the right to be beside her. Thats my answer to your previous question.

Moses went around and kicked my back with all his might.

With all the force, I fell into the river.

The effective drug was totally not helping as I struggled to stand up.

I somehow manage to change my posture to a face up position.

I was brought by the water currents while my conscious slowly faded into darkness.

At the end, I could hear Moses words echoing in my head.

A mere villager expecting to talk with a Yuusha in the same league? know your place

How long had I been flowing down the river?

My limbs were still immobile.

I could only look up at the star-filled sky while floating.

Night time.

I was not sure how long had passed, but it seems like quite some time had passed.

And, I didnt have anymore stamina.

Everything below my eyes couldnt be felt.

Unexpectedly, neither could I not feel pain nor coldness.

I just felt sleepy.

Wasnt this a more dangerous situation, I thought about it as if it was another ones problem.

This felt just like a dream. Im not even sure if I am awake or asleep At that moment, I heard that voice.

Lute! Lute! Where are you!? Respond to me Just give me a response please!

I was not sure how Cordelia had known my situation.

After that, Moses should have skillfully explained to Cordelia.

Or he told the truth honestly.

Or about me being ambushed by a monster or something.

Whichever it was, I bet Moses would most probably prevent me from meeting Cordelia.

Was it just a coincidence that she had found me, or was it some sort of skill for heroes, maybe even a very overpowered 5th sense of hers. That is not important.

Despite being in this big forest, Cordelia was able to pinpoint and arrive at my current location.

Near the gravel along the river.

Cordelia was looking here while dashing as a very high speed.

Seems like I was saved Noticing she was coming closer, I shook my head left and right.

I have finally found you! Wait for me, Lute! I will immediately savtteeh?

It seemed like life was not easy.

Flowing down the river, there was a gigantic waterfall in front of my eyes.

The waterfall is known to be around here It should be at least a 50 metres.

I did not know if Cordelia had already exceeded the human limit or not, however, to a villager like me to endure this fall, it is a bit too unreasonable.

Cordelia saw the incoming waterfall, and she rushed nearer, wanting to jump into the water without a second thought.

Even so, no matter how outstanding her ability is, the distance between us showed that it was impossible.

Sorry. CordeliaBye.

It was actually a very soft and small voice, in my current situation, I was unable to speak up clearly.

However, the fact that my words were properly conveyed could be seen as her facial expression turned rigid at that moment.

The word sorry had two meanings.

Im afraid that I am dead. That was one of the meaning Therefore, sorry.

The next one was being unable to accept her confession Sorry, in that sense too.

I had noticed Cordelias feelings towards me.

If you added my memories before I was reincarnated, she is just too young for my taste.

However, after a few years she would be beautiful until I allowed myself to chase after her.

By that time, she would probably stop looking this way.

While thinking about those, I had a flashback on memories of Cordelia since we were born.

She was still normally following behind me at six.

From the age of seven onward, when the effect of her Occupational Aptitude started to take effect on her growth I became the one who hid behind her back.

Even though our positions had changed, our relationship stayed the same, we were still, like always, on good terms.

She naturally recognized me as her partner and had willingly chose me to be that.

But just as I had thought.

The one being protected was me, as Moses has saidin a lot of meanings, I didnt have the rights to be in an equal position with her.

Aaa So uncool. Stronger I want to become stronger

And at the same time as the sound of Cordelia jumping into the river could be heard in a distance

I fell down into an abyss.

It was a dim cave.

There were drips of water droplets falling from the stalactite on the ceilings.

The cold splash of water droplets woke me up, and I became speechless

This is a cave under the forest the way to the Dragons Residence

The one who was talking to me was a very big red dragon.

Its height should be around 15 metres tall. I could not utter a single word after laying my eyes upon its gigantic form.

Creatures that fall down the waterfall were usually drowned in the water, they were destined to be stuck inside the water for a longer time. Whether this can be counted as a good luck or a bad luck well done arriving this place through the connected waterways.

Apparently, it seems that I had flowed to a rocky place.

But was it because the influence of the drug before still remained, or was it due to the dangerous fall, my body still couldnt move.

I talked with my only left movable mouth.

I want to ask for a favour.

This is also some kind of fate. If it is possible for me to accomplish it, I will listen to it.

While thinking that it was a strange person (or dragon) who unusually listen to what I have to say, I continued.

Ive heard that. People who were living in the Dragons Residence will get stronger

It is no doubt that a number of people became stronger. Those were people who had built friendships wit us, and shared their moments with us. When they went out to the world outside Maa, it seems that they became famous heroes.

They were all famous heroic figures.

The details were different depending on the traditional stories, but they were all ordinary people who had connections with the dragons.

They would live together with the dragons, obtain a mysterious power and return with the power to become a hero those kind of stories.

Please bring me I want to become stronger.

Unfortunately, I cannot heed to your request.

Just now, youve just said that you will listen to my request.

Yes, the dragon nodded.

I will listen to your wish as much as possible. There is no lie in those words, dragons are a noble clan. as long as there is nothing big, we will not speak lies No, to be accurate, in order for dragons to retain their powers, they cannot lie. Even if I say it is because of the power of language it is not like you will understand.

The reason for not listening is?

There are two reasons. One of them is because of the age restriction. To bring someone to the Dragons Residence is like accepting him as a family. Humans custom and common knowledge will become an irregularity that might disrupt our place long since, humans that were welcomed as a dragon were usually kids and slaves under 12 years old They were picked up because of the whims of some dragons.

The other one is?

You are already dead, its not like I can bring the dead with me.

The dragon was looking at my stomach.

Then the dragon used its claws to lift my head and turned it slightly downwards.

Aaa, this is not good.

My internal organs are popped out and my blood was flowing profusely.

Besides that, much pain that couldnt be felt proved it fatal.

Hypothermia and seemed like my nervous system was paralyzed.

That means that it was impossible to make use of it anymore.

And, I had just noticed.

That was why the dragon was strangely friendly to me. It probably listen to my request as a sign to respect the dead

My time limit was getting shorter, I need to finish this fast.

Jyaa, If I clear those conditions?

Aaa, It was me who said that I will hear your wishes if I could, and that is not a lie. However, you will die soon, and your age cannot be reverted. That is something that will never happen.

I laughed fearlessly while asking the dragon.

I will take your word for it.

I gave you my word for what?

What I want is the Protection of the Dragons and the Great Library of the Dragon King.

There, the dragons voice appeared shocked.

You Why do you know about it? No rather than asking it will be faster to read your mind.

The dragon closed its eyes.

Few seconds later, it started laughing non-stop as if a switch was been broken.

So it was like that. You are a reincarnator arent you and Fufu. Fuhahahahaha! I see it seems that you are thinking of something interestingfurthermoreat that day at that place you were there. When the Yuushas village was being attacked I had helped a child of man in a whim there.

It narrowed its eyes and laughed as if it was truly delighted.

It was getting harder to even let out a voice.

My body is getting sluggish.

At that time, you saved a twelve year old from a goblin and return him to his mother. At that moment, you read my mind you said this You are following a weird fate.

Fufu, if things goes as you wish then the words at that time would have been different.

I was almost at my limit.

My sight was getting blurry.

At that moment, I heard the dragons voice.

I promised a very troublesome request with this, Ill need to bring you back to the Dragons Residence.

Those words can I take it as my request was accepted? But from here onwardthe futureis a bet

Then the dragon opened its mouth.

Its gigantic teeth could be seen lined up in that atrocious, big as a grown mans arm, mouth.

Then die Lute Marklen.

The dragon grabbed me and threw me in its mouth.

A crunch could be heard as he chewed on my skull.

Then I Lute Marklen had died in my second life.

Apparently, I have won the bet.

When I had noticed, I was in a mysterious white space.

And there was a blonde goddess in front of me.

Yes, this place is the place where I had first arrived after I died in Japan.

And at this moment, it had not been five minutes since I was hit by a truck in Japan.

Skill: Returning from the dead.

The goddess gave me this skill when I was reincarnated No, it was a skill that I had chosen.

What I was afraid was that if this skill would activate or not.

Maa, in the end, the first phase of my bet resulted in my victory.

It seems like a lot has happened.

She gave me a full smile.

Aah. A lot had happened. Then can I choose the skill to return from the dead once more?

Unfortunately, I am sorry I cannot give you this cheat-like skill again you can choose two skill other than that one.

Thats a shame. And as expected.

The success of the second phase of my bet was set here.

Not sure if she had read my mind, the goddess smiled and said.

The real intention for that item There were many who realised it functions like a tutorial .

However, there were not many who chose that right?

First of all, you will usually have doubts whether you can really return from the dead because it is a skill that only activates when you are dead you can only see the effects when you died, it will be too late by then.

Indeed, I was also skeptical of whether I could come back here or not.

In addition, you can only choose a skill at a time, you cannot take two I will also not explain anymore than that. Therefore, even if you returned from dying, there is no guarantee that you can re-choose two skills.

The goddess shrugged her shoulders and said amazed.

To return from the dead, there is a possibility that youll lose one of your skill limit to exchange for experiences. There is only YOU who has chosen this skill without hesitation

If you are to reincarnate as a villager, you could only gamble, no?

So, what kind of skills do you hope to get this time?

In the end, will my occupation stay as a villager?

Yes. That will not change. And also, you will be born in the same place and the same surroundings just like the tutorial before.

SkillIndomitable : Fukutsu) is what I want. It is because I am a villager I want to have the mental capacity higher than that of an ordinary Japanese can endure I cannot become stronger half-baked.

What about the other one? Will it be the same as the one before, a skill to read books in your head from libraries around the world Wisdom?

No, the most effective plan for my second lap will only be completed when I reach 10 years old From that point onward, I plan to train in the Dragon Residences Great Dragon Kings Library.

What do you want then?

Right I thought while making a bitter smile.

Do you have a skill for gardening?

The goddess replied with a shocked look.

Crop cultivation skill can replace it. but, are you serious?

Crop cultivation there is no skill other than this which suits a villager better then that will be good enough.

I accepted the skill I had asked for.

In the short while, my smile did not fade.

Feeling peculiar, the goddess asked me.

Really, why choose gardening? In the end, isnt this the same as wasting a skill limit?

I nodded my head and answered.

That person likes flowers. For her, killing is like a daily routine at least, I want to grow flowers that can make her smile.

She thought for a second and nodded her head, then she made a kind smile.

I understand. Then please accept the Skill: Indomitable and Skill: Crop Cultivation.

Everything was wrapped in white.

In the middle of the torrents of lights, I heard her excited voice.

Then, have a good trip

Soon, I was born in the wooden house in my mother.

Yes, born as a powerless and and poor villager.

But now, I am walking on the path to victory.

My name is Iijima Ryuuto.

There is no other name more suitable than mine to be one of the people who will be accepted into the Dragons Residence and to be grown as one. (tl: His name has the word which means dragon)

Furthermore, with preparations, I could do stuff that normal people could not when they were young.

This somewhat unreasonable skill: Indomitable should be useful somewhere in the future.

The first time I reincarnated without a cheat still though, reincarnations should be a cheat right?

In the lights, my conscious once again faded.

Saa I will be the upstart this time.

After those words, I started my 3rd life.

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