Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 814  The Real Reason

814  The Real Reason


While the day wore on, and the memorial activities proceeded, Ye Cheng's mind was also preoccupied with another task.

A way to lift Li Jing's mood. While there were many things that could and could not do so... he could only think of one such thing that would have a wondorous effect. Yin Lifen's upcoming birthday.

He knew that this could be a welcome distraction for Li Jing and perhaps bring a genuine smile to her face. He needed to ensure everything was executed flawlessly.

Moving away from the crowd, Ye Cheng dialed Jia Huang's number, who had become more of a family friend than a mere acquaintance or his wife's bestfriend's fiancé. The phone buzzed only once before Jia Huang picked up.

"Ye Cheng! To what do I owe this unexpected call?" Jia Huang's cheerful voice echoed.

For a second there, Ye Cheng took the phone from his ear to avoid his ear from going deaf thanks to his squeal. "Good day. I would not beat around the bush and to straight to the point. I need a favour, Aiden," Ye Cheng responded, cutting straight to the chase.

"Sure. Anything for you," Jia assured. "What would this favour be?"

"Li Jing."

Jia Huang's brows lifted up in shock. Moving quickly, he shifted in his seat, getting a better angle to lean back into his chair and relax. Did he just hear the words Li Jing? Since when had Ye Cheng wanted to give his wife's attention up? After waiting for him to catch on, Ye Cheng continued. "Li Jing...she's been under a lot of strain due to the remembrance day. I need your help to distract her."

"How?" Jia Huang asked. "Uh, you already had a plan remember." Even after saying that, Jia Huang did not catch on quickly. "Urgh! Shouldn't you be getting her involved in planning Yin Lifen's birthday. I want it to be grand, something that'll make her forget her pain, at least for a little while."

There was a short pause on the line before Jia Huang replied, "Consider it done. When do we start?"

"Immediately," Ye Cheng asserted. "If you were here, you would see what I am saying. Oh and where is Yin Lifen? I haven't seen her."

"Ye Cheng, ensure you take care of my fiancé for me and do not let her go missing."

"Tsk, answer if you know."

"She's around. Li Jing's grand aunt sent her on a quick errand, so she said."

"Ah… I see," Ye Cheng stated and nodded subconsciously. "Okay. Thanks." With that he ended the call ad proceeded back to the celebration. Meanwhile, Li Jing had excused herself to the balcony, needing a breath of fresh air.

As she looked out over the city lights, she felt the weight of the day pressing down on her shoulders. Tears threatened to spill, but she willed herself to stay composed.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed. It was a call from Jia Huang.

Several thoughts ran through her mind as to why he would be calling her. But when she recalled her grand aunt sending Yin Lifen on an errand, she wondered if he could not get a hold of her and thoughts to contact her instead. "Jing! How have you been?" Jia Huang's bubbly voice resonated, instantly lightening up her mood.

"Hey Aiden, I've been better and you?" she asked, her voice quivering.

"I'm okay. I apologize for not being able to make it."

'I know. Work and stuff."

'Yeah, I had to travel to represent the Chairman of my family's business. Dad would eat me raw if I missed his golden opportunity," he explained. A soft giggle escaped Li Jing's lips. Knowing fathers or grandfather's, she could tell just how mad they can get when a business deal fell through and she wasn't planning on letting it be so because of her. "I understand. I'm just here though. I… sigh, I need Fen-Fen."

"I can imagine. But hey, guess what? I need your expertise. I am planning a huge bash for Yin Lifen, and I can't think of anyone better than you to ensure it's magnificent. I know you've been busy lately and as such left this but I think it might be what you need to feel alive."

The diversion caught Li Jing by surprise. She had forgotten about it before. The offer was tempting – an opportunity to immerse herself in something new, something that would break the chain of her melancholic thoughts.

"That sounds intriguing, Jia Huang. Tell me more," she replied, curiosity evident in her tone.

Over the next couple of minutes, Li Jing found herself engrossed in discussions about grand venues, exotic menu options, and dazzling decor choices. Every detail mattered, and with Aiden's infectious enthusiasm combined with her impeccable taste, it was clear that the event would be nothing short of spectacular.

Unknown to her, Ye Cheng watched from a distance, a satisfied smile on his lips as the noise of the festives faded into the background.

His plan was working.l and he was most satisfied. Suddenly he heard the sound of heels coming towards him and moved his right leg to the side, his body turning slightly to see the intruder.


Draped in a cream gown with a black fur coat on her shoulders, the elegantly looking Li An stepped forward, her silver heels gleaming and enthralling her steps as she spread her hands open to welcome an embrace.

"Hello son."

"Glad you could make it," Ye Cheng appreciated and gave her a nice hug.

"I wouldn't miss it for Li Jing."

The evening of the remembrance culminated with a poignant candlelight vigil, and as Li Jing lit her candle, memories of her mother flooded her mind.

But now, they were mixed with the anticipation of the upcoming event, offering a sweet reprieve from her sorrow.

Later that night, as Li Jing and Ye Cheng lay in bed, she whispered, "Thank you."

"For what?" he replied, feigning innocence.

"For giving me something to look forward to," she answered, burying her face into his chest.

"As long as you can smile and are happy, I am contented, Jing. I love you." He held her close, both of them understanding the real reason behind the upcoming festivities. It wasn't just about a birthday. It was about healing, moving on, and finding joy amidst the pain.  


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