Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 132 A Warm Embrace

Zhang Liling shook her head in disapproval. "No! I will feel more guilty. I will have to explain things to Mr. Fang and apologize as soon as we get back home."

"Zhang Liling, do you really want to die? Right now you reek of alcohol!" Bolin tried to remind her with a grave expression.

Chuanli frowned and added, agreeing with him, "Miss Zhang, I think it would be best to avoid Mr. Fang tonight. I bet he would not hesitate to send you outside if you approach him with you reeking of alcohol."

"But I didn't take any alcohol!" Zhang Liling shouted at them with a tinge of annoyance in her tone. She looked so annoyed as if they accused her of something she didn't do.

Chuanli and Bolin exchanged glances. If this situation wasn't quite troublesome, they would have laughed.

If she didn't take any alcohol, then what kind of soft drink or juice, caused her to be in that state?

With her blurry sight, Zhang Liling saw their facial expression filled with doubt and got even more annoyed while trying to explain herself.

"Do you think I would dare to go against Mr. Fang and take alcohol? I deliberately avoided it like a pest, even when I was directly offered one. I stuck to my cocktail like an obedient daughter."

There was a hint of smile towards the end of her statement, which confused Chuanli and Bolin.

"I think she is unaware that she is out of it. Do you want to break the news to her?" Chuanli whispered in a low tone only the two of them could hear.

Bolin whispered in return, "I think it would be best if we don't provoke her. Let her believe what she wants, I don't want her screaming or arguing."

Chuanli understood that Zhang Liling was not in her right senses, and she could easily be agitated.

He could very well tell that she was trying really hard to convince herself and them about her not taking any alcohol. He really pitied her.

'Who fooled her, or is she trying to fool herself instead?'

Anyway, he didn't bother at argue with her again. Also, she didn't make any trouble or argue further after mumbling a few words to herself.


Tungmei stood outside till the sports car disappeared from her sight.

She felt strange and wondered how Zhang Liling knew someone like Dr. Li, because she could tell that he was no ordinary person, and he seemed to have a master.

The way he addressed Zhang Liling so politely as if she had a higher ranking than him. Just who was he?

More important to Tungmei about Dr. Li's relationship with Zhang Liling, was about how Zhang Liling was faring.

"Maybe I should have insisted on following them, what if he is an enemey?" She mumbled to herself.

Releasing a sigh since there was nothing she could do at the moment, she decided to take a cab back to her dorm.

Going back to her place would be better than going back inside the club to party with people she was not too close with.


"Sir, they are back!" Butler Gu announced as he quickly returned to Mr. Fang's side.

Hearing the news, Mr. Fang turned off the the TV before getting to his feet and walking towards the entrance unhurriedly with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Butler Gu trailed behind him with his heart beating loudly in his chest.

Outside the villa, Bolin pulled the car over.

Chuanli stepped out of the car before going to open the door to the backseat, and helped Zhang Liling out.

Bolin on the other hand, stepped out from the driver's side before helping to take out Zhang Liling's bag and shoes.

Right at this moment, Mr. Fang appeared at the entrance and paused in his steps. His presence was hard to go unnoticed.

Bolin and Chuanli turned to glance at him without saying anything to him. But they were both crying in their heads. Why did you come out?

Mr. Fang glanced at them before slowly fixing his gaze on Zhang Liling who was being helped to steady her steps.

Immediately his gaze widened. "Did she wear that dress out of this house?" He asked before he could process the sight his eyes just beheld.

"Probably! We met her dressed this way in the club," Chuanli replied.

Shifting his gaze to her feet, a frown slowly made its way to his face. Why is she on barefeet?

He actually wanted to ask what happened happened to her and if she got into any fight, but she didn't look like that.

Suddenly, Zhang Liling who had her eyes closed, shocked them when she suddenly raised her head from Chuanli's shoulder, and her eyes flew open.

Her gaze was staring straight at Mr. Fang who was looking at her with a big frown on his face.

His voice had woekn her up and attracted her attention.

"Mr. Fang!" She recognized him and immediately sprinted towards him without warning.

Chuanli who was pushed to the side was still shocked and couldn't stop her.

Bolin really wanted to run after her, but he stopped in his steps and watched what she would do since it would be too late to stop her anyway.

Butler Gu's mouth probably opened and closed a thousand times as he watched Zhang Liling sprinting towards Mr. Fang and just stood still.

It was as if everyone's feet were glued to the ground.

As Zhang Liling got closer, the frown on Mr. Fang's face intensified.

Her short dress kept going up as she sprinted towards him, and that opening around her chest area, showed off her cleavage.

'She really went to the club dressed like this?'

When everyone thought that Zhang Liling would stop running once she got to Mr. Fang's side, she surprised them, and wrecked their senses in the process.

"Mr. Fang!" Zhang Liling called out one more time as she ran to his side and spread out her arms.

When Mr. Fang realized what she wanted to do when she spread her arms apart, it was too late before he could bring his hands out from his pants pockets to stop her.

Zhang Liling with a look of pity on her face, circled her arms around his back, embracing him in a tight hug before placing one side of her well made up face, on his milk-coloured shirt.

"I'm sorry for coming back late Mr. Fang! I lost track of time!"

Chuanli, Bolin and the Butler felt that time had stopped. They were so shocked with her actions, and very afraid of Mr. Fang's reaction, such that they wished they could disappear from sight.

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