Monarch of Death

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 – The Hunt of the Wise Cultist

Karnak and his party, which dealt with the Count Vreeland case, officially joined the King’s Order. Normally, they would have to go through two more apprenticeships, but Tarman’s evaluation was so good that Erantel’s leader recognized them right away.

Afterward, they were assigned to the 4th Battalion and handled various cases, and continued to achieve results.

Three months went like that. Now, Karnak’s party was trusted enough to take on the task of eradicating the cult on their own.

»»————- ★ ————-««
Located in the western part of the Yusteel Kingdom, the Relzebet Mountains divided the northern part of the continent from north to south. Hundreds of herds were gathered in the depths of this rugged mountain range adjacent to the Laceanian Empire.

Most of them were ordinary peasants, and more than half of them were children, women, and the elderly. The weak gathered to light a bonfire and offered sincere prayers.

“Take care of us……”

“Look upon your lambs……”

The images of them running away from oppression and sneaking into this desolate mountain, holding on to a feeble hope and offering prayers, looked truly sincere. It was a problem because they were too faithful.

An old man full of faith raised his hands, “Accept the offering!”And he approached the campfire with the baby in his arms.

“A bloody offering to you!”

All of them were cultists following the Order of the Black God. Filled with madness, people raise their voices.

“This is the affliction that Tesnarak brings upon us…….”

“Only those who pass the test will knock on the door of paradise!”

The child’s cries grew louder. The fanatics’ prayers grew even louder. Finally, the old man stood in front of the campfire. Just as the baby in the hands of the old man was about to be thrown into the fire……

“Mad people!”

A ray of red light flew from outside the fortress along with a sharp cry. A flash of light shattered the campfire in one blow, sending sparks flying in all directions.


At the same time as the explosion, a woman flew through the fortress wall. Beneath the fluttering red hair, a brilliantly shining red fighting sword appeared. The fanatics were startled and scattered in all directions.

“The King’s Order!”

“Oh my god! They were disbelievers in the kingdom!”

The bonfire where the sacrifice was to be made was gone. Not knowing what to do, the old man panicked while holding the baby.

“This, no…… This will make your consciousness…….”

Taking advantage of that gap, the woman approached the old man. Soon after kicking the old man, he immediately snatched the baby out of the air. So gracefully, she let out a sigh of relief after accepting the baby without any shock.

“Yes, yes, child. It’s fine now.”

Seeing the woman comforting the baby, the old man began to weep.

“Like the dogs of the evil goddess!”

Stunned, the woman burst out laughing.

“Evil? Who do you think the guys who tried to throw the baby into the fire were evil?”

The old man’s attitude did not change. He had no doubts that the woman who interrupted the sacred ceremony was a sinner of the Heavenly High Court.

“You really are a foolish unbeliever who is seduced by lies! Do you believe that only what you see is the truth?”

“It’s dazzling and nasty, so throwing a child into the fire isn’t a bad thing? What nonsense are you talking about?”

Behind the back of the woman holding the baby, the sound of a horn can be heard over the fortress walls.

Boo woo woo!

After that, the walls collapsed, and soldiers began to rush in. They were elite soldiers led by the kingdom’s judges, the King’s Order.

“Advance soldiers of the kingdom, punish those who betray humanity!”

»»————- ★ ————-««
Screams echoed from all directions. It was the scream of cultists being killed by soldiers.



“Dear Tesnarak……”

Most of them were simple peasants. They had never experienced combat before, so there was no way they could compete with elite soldiers. It was truly a brutal massacre. However, the expression on the soldiers’ faces was not so agitated.

“Really, cultists…….”

“They are really crazy people.”

All of these had already been seen outside the fort. These naive peasants had woven countless piles of corpses into wooden poles as offerings to the Black God. Being naive didn’t mean being good. No, because they were naive, they could fall into evil even more easily.

“The evil species that should not be left alive!”

The swords of the enraged soldiers had no hesitation. Most of the cultists were driven out helplessly. As they died, they cried out to the gods and priests they believed in and followed.

“Hey Tesnarak!”


“Where are you, Darion!”

The priests of the black god, the dark necromancers, whom they cried out so much for, could not protect the church members. Because another opponent already blocked them.

Infamous Scans

Translator: Anom
Proofreader: Orange
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»»————- ★ ————-««
A two-story wooden building located deep inside the fort.

Inside the building, two necromancers were confronting three men and women: a young black-haired wizard, a rugged blonde knight, and a young-looking priest woman. Looking at the young wizard among them, the necromancers trembled.


“How did the King’s Order find this place……”

Even though they obviously moved covertly, they found their tracks too easily. And it was so easy to track it down, and so easily it came to this beech. They didn’t understand.

“How on earth?”

“By what means?”

This question was not only felt by necromancers. The same was true of Milia, a second-class inquisitor who participated in this mission as the King’s Order and a priest of the sun goddess Ratiel.

“How on earth did you find it so easily, Lord Karnak?”

Karnak’s behavior, she saw was completely incomprehensible. It was not about gathering information, it was not about dissolving a tracking party. After arriving at the mountain range, all they had to do was take a quick look at the mountain range.

“Let’s just go there.”

She was dumbfounded, but she did as she was told, but when she got there, there really was a hideout of cultists? Karnak looked back at Milia and said soothingly.

“You’re not in a situation where you’re chatting leisurely right now, are you? I’ll let you know later.”

That was absolutely right. Convinced, Millia focused again on the necromancer in front of her.

“I see. Punishing them is the priority now.”

Of course, Barros knew the truth.

[What excuse are you going to make, young master?]

[I have to deal with them first and think about it later. It’s tiring to make excuses every time.]

Just then, a red-haired woman entered the building. It was Serati who joined later after entrusting the rescued baby to another soldier.

“How’s the outside, Serati?”

“The resistance is quite strong, but there won’t be much damage.”

She looked back at Millia and asked politely.

“Still, there may be injuries, so Priest Milia, please take care of the soldiers.”

“Yes? But to deal with the necromancer, I have to be a priest…….”

Karnak added softly to the bewildered Milia.

“Soldiers’ lives are as precious as anyone else’s. Since we can deal with them alone, shouldn’t we give priority to saving precious lives?”

Milia was impressed.

‘You value the lives of soldiers more than your own comfort!’

Indeed, it was the appearance of a nobleman worthy of being imitated. Continued refusal here would rather be disrespectful to Karnak.

“Okay. Then, Ratiel’s blessing.”

Light flowed from Milia’s body and wrapped around Karnak, Barros, and Serati. It was the blessing of the goddess to fight against the power of darkness.

“Then, please!”

Millia ran out of the building to assist the soldiers. Then, the attitude of the rest changed dramatically.

“Ah, gone.”

“Now take this off, young master.”


For a moment, the necromancers were astonished. The power of darkness emanated from the young wizard’s whole body, and didn’t it completely erase the blessing of the goddess that Millia had placed?


“Is the King’s Order the power of darkness?”

Karnak, who erased the blessing road, trembled.

“Ah, this is really annoying. I can’t tell you not to do it.”

Serati had a very uncomfortable face.

“I tried my best to walk her away, but isn’t it a bit like treating her as if she’s dirty?”

The necromancers in confusion drew out the power of darkness.

“I don’t know what they’re talking about……”

“We are the bodies chosen by Tesnarak!”

Dark blue ghostly shapes appeared around them. The souls of knights and soldiers covered in blood burst into tears.


It was a spirit of the wilderness, a necromancy technique that summoned the spirits of the battlefield bound by the evil thoughts of the earth. Unlike the clumsy guys he had met so far, these were necromancers who had properly mastered the wisdom of darkness.

“I’ll give you a taste of the true power of darkness!”

Serati was still not nervous. It was not clear what the outcome would be. Indeed, the smile on Karnak’s lips grew thicker.

“Oh, you performed the necromancy properly? You’re not bad at it.”

Thanks to that it was easier.

“More than ignorant bastards who know nothing and use their strength……”

He raised his index finger and lightly spun it in the air.

“On the contrary, it is much easier for those who know properly to take advantage of it.”

As the air currents of darkness flowed backward, the summoned ghosts began to attack the necromancers in reverse.

“Ouch! What is this?”

“No, why don’t you listen to my orders…….”

Soon, loud screams filled the building.


»»————- ★ ————-««
Karnak stretched out his right hand toward the strewn corpses of the necromancers.


Black energy flowed out and permeated through the palms.

“Now then, I will take care of all the darkness of the end.”

Instead of the right hand that reaped the darkness, he put out his left hand. Another darkness flowed from the left hand and permeated the corpse.

“You should put a dummy instead. Our Miss Millia also needs to submit something to the church.”

It was the ‘darkness’ of Karnak, which was condensed by collecting morale from all sides. This property itself was no different from the darkness of the end.

“The quality is vastly different.”

Even today’s Karnak could create darkness of the end. In the first place, if he collected morale and takgi and converted them into command power, that was the darkness of the end. However, it would take a considerable amount of time to refine this into an actual useful power.

On the other hand, what about the takgi sprayed on the corpse? He just scooped up everything he could find and condensed it. It was the same takgi, but it was not refined, so it was useless as a commanding power.

“But from a priest’s point of view, it’s the same.”

It could be likened to fake food that he would never be able to distinguish until he put it in his mouth and chewed it.

“But there’s no way a sane priest would put this in his mouth and chew it, right?”

Unless he was a crazy person who ate anything, he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. And the world called such a guy a necromancer. Karnak was relieved and absorbed the essence of darkness. Then, with both hands open, he began to use magic power.

“Now, then, separate the magic from the command……”

His left hand was enveloped in thick darkness.

“After separating chaos magic from normal magic……”

His right hand was enveloped in a brilliant light.

“If you mix this well and capture it!”

Light and darkness disappeared at the same time. At the same time, a subtle magic power rose from his body. It was the energy of pure magical power, without feeling fraudulent or taciturn at all. Karnak put on a satisfied expression.

“Okay, 6th circle done.”

[To be continued.]

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