Monarch of Death

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

11. Dawn’s Curse (3)

The giant demon looked down at the party.

“Since this body has descended to this land…”

He blinked his dark eyes and let out an arrogant voice.

“It’s useless to struggle, you insignificant humans.”

The complexions of Barros and Serati turned pale. A terrible pressure was pressing down on their shoulders.


“Such a high-ranking demon…”

Karnak was also breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Why? Why didn’t the summon door close again?”

He was the man whose name was the Death King. Even though he lost his strength and started crying, the knowledge and wisdom in his head did not disappear. He soon found out why.

‘Damn, that was the problem.’

Originally, the black magic that summoned demons had a complicated technique as the necromancy barrier art. However, Straf’s technique was a little different.

‘That bastard, he didn’t develop the spell properly because he’s a master in necromancy!’

Only a few important major techniques were deployed, and all the missing parts were filled with command power. The advantage of necromancy was that even if he didn’t use it properly, if he just pour magic into it, the result would come out somehow.

As a result, the situation became ambiguous. It was not a simple technique, so it was enough to confuse. But again, it wasn’t so complicated that the summoning spell had completely canceled.

Simple and complex, was it narrowly straddling the boundary? As a result, the ceremony stopped without being canceled!

‘For a moment? But why didn’t I notice that?’

Straf confirmed that he was using the demon-summoning technique. That was the reason, he came up with this plan with confidence.


Only then, Karnak realized what mistake he had made.

‘I’ve never seen it with my own eyes!’

He only looked at it with the sight of a far-sighted dog while running away with illusion. He didn’t see the demon summoning scene himself. Didn’t Karnak also laugh at Straf right away?

There was no way he could control the situation remotely from afar and properly grasp the situation, right? At best, he laughed at others and made the same mistake himself.

Just seeing the fact that he summoned a demon, of course, he assumed that he had used the demon-summoning technique he knew.

‘Oh, to make such a basic mistake…’

It seems that after returning, he was tired of the too-peaceful atmosphere. With a roar, the Maz-nun released his magic.

“I will fulfill the contract”

A gale came and drove Karnak’s party. Overcoming the pressure, Barros and Serati moved. They jumped to the left and right of the devil and launch a dazzling attack!



It was useless. All the slashes were just bounced back. The devil’s skin was not even scratched as if he had hit the iron plate with a bat.

“Just some furniture for me, you bugs!”

Relaxingly, Maz-nun swung the sword in his hand. It was an unmatched slash. Naturally, both easily dodged the offensive attack. However, it was impossible to avoid the huge energy that followed the slash.

A wave of darkness ripped through the cellar floor and crashed down on the two. The two, men and women caught up in it were blown away like leaves.


“Do something, young master!”

Rolling on the floor, Barros barely stood up and called Karnak.

“Now what?”

Karnak replied nervously, clutching fireballs in both hands.

“What the heck? I have to fight!”

Two fireballs flew toward the Maz-nun. The devil snorted.

“Heh, there’s no need to stop this!”


Just by glaring at him, the flying fireball exploded in the air. Because the power gap was so large, it was impossible to even approach.

Darkly, Barros grumbled, “No, how are we going to catch that now…”

* * *
Choosing to breathe, concentrating, and concentrating, she gathered all her fighting spirit to point her sword. Wielding a sword of blazing fire, Serati attacked the demon.


The red flag continued to dance. Her new body was running around in a dizzy space.cStone walls and stone floors were dug up and scattered into powder.


It was a movement that transcended human limitations and was destructive.

“Kill the devil”

The Maz-nun laughed off all the attacks.

“You’re slow and weak.”

Serati’s movements were obviously fast, but the devil’s was even faster. In the first place, the advantage of a red-class aura user was that they could unleash a fast and powerful attack that could transcend the limits of the human body. If she encounter a faster and stronger enemy, she would be at an overwhelming disadvantage because she couldn’t even do anything.

“Damn it!”

Even so, Serati managed to hold on. It wasn’t because she was doing well.

“Wasn’t it in our contract to capture this woman?”

So, she was dealing moderately, only kicking or pushing. On the other hand, Barros was relentless.

Infamous Scans

Translator: Anom
Proofreader: Orange
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“This guy doesn’t have to do that.”

All kinds of fireballs, magical blades, roars of crushing pressure, and dozens of magical bullets were pouring down on him.

“Whoa, whoa! Whoa!”

In front of that overwhelming bombardment, Barros had no choice but to run away like mad. They struggled to survive by running, rolling, and sometimes even crawling.


The great thing was that in the middle of it, he managed not to get hit. Before these side attacks, They took the appropriate evasion stance, avoided invisible attacks in advance, and run away from the falling bombing spots.

It was a pretty embarrassing situation even for the Maz-nun. Did this guy have any kind of foresight? Still, it wasn’t a threat.

Occasionally, a gruesome counterattack returned. There were also cases where he mysteriously dug into Maz-nun’s loophole and gave it a sharp blow.


However, those attacks did not scratch the skin. Since the demon’s defense was so high, it didn’t work at all except for the late point. Grinding his teeth, Barros grumbled.

“Ah, I really thought the day would come when I would struggle against Maz-nun or something…”

Serati and Barros ran amok in front, and Karnak threw magic hard in the back, fiercely fighting the demons. Of course, everyone knew that this situation would not last long. The Maz-nun was never in a hurry.

“Humans are like rats, and they run away from time to time.”

He just withstood all the attacks with his overwhelming power and slowly pushed back Karnak and his party.

“Can’t we just leave it like that?

Gradually, Serati’s breathing quickened, Barros’ movements slowed down, and Karnak’s magical power depleted. He’d rather use a dazzling spell, aiming for that gap if that devil jumped up wildly. But the situation was different. There was no spell or power to use magic big enough to forcibly create a gap.

‘I wish they could do something for me…’

Karnak looked at Barros and Serati with regret. Both were fighting valiantly, but the situation was so bad. Serati’s black orbit was so simple that no matter how much she swung it, she couldn’t hit the devil…

‘Keugh, too fast!’

The power of Barros’ sword was so weak that no matter how many times it hit the demon, it couldn’t make any damage.

‘Oh, this is too hard!’

It was time for the frustrated Karnak to speak his tongue.

“It would be much easier if I put the two together… Huh?”

Come to think of it, he was a necromancer. This was not a very nonsensical story! Karnak hurriedly called Barros.



“It’s Plan P!”


As if understood, Barros ran to Karnak.

“Right! There was a way, right?”

And immediately bowed down. Karnak put his hand on the top of his head.

“My servant…”

Darkness rose and wrapped around Barros’ head. Serati was taken aback.

‘Didn’t Sir Barros say he was a member of his family?”

It wasn’t Barros that Karnak had just referred to.

“Open your mind and accept it! This is your master’s mandate!”

The focus disappeared from Barros’ pupils. The movement became simple like a doll, and then stood next to Karnak and mechanically took a sword-holding posture.

With a burst of spirit, he rushed off the floor and flew up. The red fighting sword moved sharply and cut through the devil’s offensive. At the same time, Serati’s movements were also changed.

It was a completely different swordsmanship from before. Although she was slower than the devil, she preoccupies the space and exquisitely dug into the gap!


A shocked Maz-nun stepped back. Red blood was welling up from his chest. Correcting her posture again, Serati smiled.

‘This move…?’

A thick tone flowed from between the beautiful woman’s lips.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been moving someone else’s body?”

* * *
Plan P.

What this means was simple. It was just the first letter of possession. Karnak had placed the spirit of Barros over her body. Caught inside her own body, Serati panicked.

‘Oh, this can’t be…’

Originally, possession did not happen so easily. The human soul was indeed covered with a thick spiritual defense, so a high level of necromancy skill was required to penetrate it.

However, the situation was different for Serati. She became a member of Karnak’s household. The soul itself had already been revealed to him.

Karnak could take her body whenever he wanted. Of course, Barros wasn’t a

member of his family, so he could have resisted, but there was no reason for that.

‘Being a necromancer’s family… Did you mean this?’

Fear came. She felt like she had made an irreversible choice. Barros, who occupied Serati’s body, spoke shyly.

“I’m sorry. Miss Serati, it’s a matter of risking your life…”

He tried to calm her fear in a plaintive tone. She had no choice anyway. She should have been prepared for this when she got her hands on the dirty trick of a necromancer.

‘Yes, I can’t help it because my life is at stake…’

She still didn’t understand. Serati also admitted that Barros was superior in swordsmanship and had more experience than herself. So why?

‘What does it mean for Mr. Barros to take over my body?’

The Maz-nun also had the same question.

“What do you want to do, you guys?”

Like a demon, he knew the situation right away. But he didn’t know why.

“What are you going to do with someone who isn’t even an Aura user possessing an Aura user?”

Serati’s ability to transcend humans was entirely due to the power of Aura. Pure physical ability that was far superior to Barros. Because he was much experienced and there was a difference between male and female. In other words, if he couldn’t use her aura, he could take Serati’s body…

“How can a guy who can’t even master his own fighting skills use someone else’s fighting skills?”

The ensuing sight left the demon speechless.

“Who thought this would work?”


Red spirits gushed brilliantly from the sword. It was a fighting sword of a red-class Aura user that could be seen by anyone. It was the first necrosis that even the Maz-nun, who had the wisdom of the devil, had never seen.

“Uh, how?”

Not being able to learn speculation meant that he had no experience dealing with speculation. But he was dealing with someone else’s body right away? Was it that natural? Barros shrugged his shoulders as he entered Serati’s body, aiming his fighting sword.

“I mean, writing other people’s speculations is my major!”

The dark combat that he used during the Death Knight was given to him by Karnak, not his power. Even before that, he would often possess someone else’s body or absorb someone else’s aura and used it.

‘To be honest, I don’t know how to use my own speculation.’

Indeed, Barros himself had never awakened to fighting spirit. Anyway, with this, there was a way to definitely counterattack.

Karnak exclaimed cheerfully, “Okay, not now Barros…”

Came to think of it, now it was Serati plus Barros. All names had to be called correctly.

“Go! Sera Barros!”

“Don’t put people’s names together in a weird way!”

Sera Barros threw themselves while grumbling. The fighting sword exploded with a sharp spirit.


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