Modern Patriarch

Chapter 128: The Grand Showdown (5)

Chapter 128: The Grand Showdown (5)

While only twenty minutes had passed since Flesh Puppet Yifang Huang teleported into the Nayun Forest, or its surface to be more specific, it felt like much longer to him. Suppressing his Qi would not normally be an issue, but despite Illivarras best efforts across decades, there was still a part of Yifang Huangs soul that resisted her influence.

Flesh Puppet Yifang Huang was also forced to take a far more painstaking route, avoiding every Nascent Soul level beast in the region or at least giving one a wide berth wherever he could. The Spiritual Beasts themselves could not harm Yifang Huangs physical body in the slightest, but the death of seventeen Peak-Stage Nascent Soul Cultivators in close succession elicited the utmost caution out of Illivarra.

The Qi Suppression she was imposing on Yifang Huangs meridians was convincing enough to even evade the detection of Soul Emperors, let alone Nascent Soul beasts that had yet to even gain full sapience. They would see the current Yifang Huang as easy prey, attacking without hesitation and the resultant uproar would throw her plan into complete disarray.

Of course, the concealment only worked as long as Flesh Puppet Yifang Huang was not directed to fight. Only body cultivators possessed the capability to engage in battle without flaring their Qi and they were an even poorer choice for assassins of any form their physical bodies were more constructs of Qi over bone and sinew, their presence alone a resplendent suit of armor that ones divine sense would find hard to ignore.

All that was to say that when Flesh Puppet Yifang Huang heard the echo of a bell behind him, the fraction of a second he had to evade the assault was spent considering the sound, so assured he had been in his safety.

Disbelief was reflected in his beady eyes as the tremendous density of a Soul Emperors soul crashed against his own in the most raw, sinfully wasteful attack Illivarra Feralheart had ever, in her long history of cultivation, borne witness to. To use the soul of a Soul Emperor against another like a bludgeon when there were a million other uses for such an incredibly valuable specimen was such an absurd notion, albeit. an effective one.

It was hard to argue against the effectiveness of the attack as Flesh Puppet Yifang Huang was sent crashing sideways to the ground as his already compromised soul was temporarily stunned by the attack. The difference between the fraction of a Soul Emperors Soul employed in the attack and Yifang Huangs own mostly intact Soul meant that the actual damage was kept to a minimum, but that knowledge did little to reassure Illivarra .

Lying inert on the ground, Flesh Puppet Yifang Huangs gaze was locked in one direction due to temporarily having lost control over his body, his beady eyes taking in the bell halo that now obscured the azure skies of the Azlak Plains.

Yifang Huang watched as the bell halos giant clapper began to move with a swiftness that seemed unnatural for its size. Another time, the bell was rung. As consequence, there were now two silver threads digging into the immobilized Yifang Huang, the tug on Illivarras soul telling her what she already knew.

First, Yao Shen had employed the refining aspect of the relic and unleashed a portion of the Spiritual Beast soul he had stolen from Gavrils Domain. It served as the perfect sneak attack against a Flesh Puppet, though it did have the potential to stun some weaker Soul Emperors as well if they were caught off-guard.

Then, he had deployed the soul stealing ability of the relic, separating and anchoring their respective souls to the relic.

Thankfully, Yifang Huangs soul was far too corrupted to bring back in any meaningful way, otherwise the righteous path would have attained a major victory today due to her own failure.

As for herself, well, she was only a Soul Fragment. The moment the effect of Yao Shens attack wore off, she would detonate herself and not even a relic would be able to stop her.

Her considerations came to an abrupt halt as footsteps punctuated the now-silence of the Azlak Plains, the nearby spiritual beasts having fled the region with panicked haste the moment the bell halo had obscured the heavens.

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Even though the information she now possessed would not reach her main soul, Illivarra Feralheart was still interested in why Yao Shen had not already separated their souls and destroyed her own.

A few moments later, the Grand Patriarch of the Modern Sect entered Yifang Huangs line of sight.

Dressed in serene white robes, Yao Shen had a calm expression on his visage as he looked down upon the misshappen form of a once respected and revered member of the righteous path, his bell relic held firmly in his left hand.

So we finally meet, Spymaster of the Ancient Codex, Yao Shen greeted, his tone exceedingly formal as he did so.

Illivarra, noticing that a little control over her soul had returned, willed a small, shaky strand of Divine Sense to respond.

How did you know where to find me? She asked the question that had been plaguing her, a gross miscalculation that she could not deduce the answer to even after scouring through years and decades of wisdom.

The heavens are vast. You however, are a small-minded, narrow-thoughted existence. It is only natural that I would find you, Yao Shen replied, never dropping the calm formal from his tone.

Not having expected a serious answer, the unperturbed Illivarra asked a second question, You have me defenseless on the ground an opportunity that will not repeat itself. Why not kill me and end this farce?

Kill you? Yao Shen asked, his tone now sounding affronted. Why would I do such a thing when you have so much to tell me?

Illivarra was forced into a pause, her earlier assessment of Yao Shen failing as she considered his foolish statement.

You think you can extract information out of me? Illivarra asked via her divine sense. Not even a Soul Paragon could accomplish such a thing, brazen child. Immobilizing me was indeed a praiseworthy accomplishment, but the moment you use even a touch of Qi against me this Soul Fragment will self-destruct.

Yao Shen shook his head, before allowing himself a mirthful chuckle.

I wonder what Gavril Arkael told you about me. Did he, perhaps, suggest that I was a Soul Emperor without a Soul Blade? Yao Shen asked, his tone carrying a mocking edge to it as he stared down at one responsible for an immeasurable amount of human suffering, even if she was only present via a proxy.

Without waiting for Illivarras answer, Yao Shen began the offensive.

Human Dao Domain- A Slice of Heaven.

A field of gold now stretched endlessly into the horizon where the Azlak Plains heavily forested region had existed moments ago, a light breeze causing numerous stalks of wheat to lightly sway in rhythm to its flow.

The scenic scene with its rustic charm was a sight to behold for the immobilized Illivarra Feralheart, but she would only be allowed a glimpse at heaven for a few moments.

Human Dao Domain Shift- Soul Blade Manifestation.

The tranquil scene shattered and they returned to the forest.

Initially, Illivarra noticed no change in the surroundings, no insidious changes or attack waged against her soul.

No reason for the confidence that the Grand Patriarch of the Modern Sect had displayed moments prior.

Until she noticed the new addition to Yao Shens right hand.

A key.

A key that shifted forms between solid, translucent and wispy forms. A key that seemed to be forged out hues that were as uncountable as they were everchanging.

A key that did not seem to be a weapon, yet managed to fill Illivarras mind with trepidation.

Before she could offer her protestations though, it was plunged into Yifang Huangs heart.

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