Mistress Of The Evil Forest

C-A 5: Resolve.

C-A 5: Resolve.

The storyline of [Astra Magical Academy] is divided into arcs and chapters, starting with ⌈Arc 1, Chapter 1, Admission⌋. This is the tutorial part, intending to make the players get used to the controls and such.

The real story only begins when we hit ⌈Arc 1, Chapter 2, Evaluation Test⌋. There is only one event you can trigger in this part—Maria's chain quest. If you don't trigger the quest, the test will occur like normal, but Maria will come back much stronger later and bite your ass off, so it is better to just take it from the beginning.

''L-Lady Luminous, what are you doing?!''

The nurse in front of me backs away in horror after I point my flame sword at her throat.

''You have eyes.''

''W-Wait, did I do something wrong...?!''

Silently, I approach her with my speed ramped up.


Eventually, the woman's back hits the wall.

''Do you know what you did wrong?'' I ask.

''Please, Lady Luminous, this is not a funny joke!''

''It is not. I will have you arrested here.'' I narrow my eyes. 

''What are y-''

''Mind showing me your left waist?''


That's what I thought. You have the cult's tattoo there, I know it.

''I-I don't know what you're talking about...'' The woman averts her gaze, trembling incessantly.

''Atone for you sin, foolish lamb.'' I sigh lightly and take out the mana-sealing cuff.

''Wait! If you don't let me go, I will blow up this entire building!'' She takes off her pretense entirely, glaring at me. ''You know I can do it.''

Ah, self-destruct?

''Number 33 of District 6, West of Capital.''


Immediately, the woman's face turns blue, her pupils tremble and her legs lose strength.

''Anything else to say?''

'''' ... ''''

''...I'll give myself up. Please spare my family...'' She raises her arms.


There we go.

''You guys take it from here.'' I turn around and tell the staff members, who've been monitoring the situation since the beginning.

'''' Yes, Lady Luminous! ''''

With that, they take the woman out of the room. The soldiers of our Duchy should have apprehended the cult members holding Marquis Oriana hostage by now.


''Hah... This is why you don't join a stupid cult while having a family.'' I mutter.

Well, it's good that I resolved this chain quest before that whole family is converted into cult members.

I wonder how's Aurora doing at the test site.

A few days have passed since the Evaluation test, everything seems to be going alright. My ban on touching Aurora's wings has just been lifted after I begged her so much, and now I feel like a human again.

Either way, today is the start of ⌈Arc 1, Chapter 3, Class Placements⌋. This chapter is basically an info dump on the world's general lore, you get to meet the pretty old maid professor—the homeroom teacher for class C, who a lot of players wanted to romance but couldn't, and that's about it.

'But Chloe, why is the protagonist's class fixed at C?'

Well, as there is no practical way to level up during the first two chapters, your level will be stuck at 19 during the evaluation test, so your assigned class will always be C, which is in the 'average' class.

But don't worry, the class placements can be changed drastically every half a semester, so you will have lots of chances to rise.

''Hmm...'' I take a sip of the tea, sinking myself into the couch after a training session and a nice bath. 

As of this moment, Aurora should be monitoring the freshman's first practical class. I hope she has fun doing it.

Why I'm chilling here while the others are having to work their asses off? Cause I'm the strongest of the first-year students, duh. I don't need those basic training classes.

I should be the number one in class A, and... Fuck, just thinking about the class is giving me a headache.

''Hah...'' I massage my temples.

''My Lady?''


...The members of class A are all deranged psychopaths, to say the least. Among them, the two most notable are the Crazy Saintess and the Mad Dog Crown Princess.

If the original Amelia's psychopath level was five, those two should be at fifteen.

Class A will start after the Opening Ceremony, which is about a few weeks from now. At the same time, those two will arrive here, adding to the grandness of the ceremony, not to mention the main event in the scenario... It's going to be a hectic time for sure.

Seriously, after defeating the demon god in a few years, I should get a nice and long honeymoon with Aurora. A thousand years to make love doesn't sound so bad.

Good, let's make that a goal besides going back to Earth.

''...What's with the grumpy face again?'' I ask Aurora while we're walking on the academy grounds.

''That annoying girl is still pestering me.'' She answers, furrowing her eyebrows a bit.

Aurora's face is usually emotionless, so this is quite a big deal, not that I can do anything about it, Scarlett is really stubborn.

''Good luck, comrade.'' I salute her.

''...Did you know that this was going to happen?''

''N-No?! Or course not.''


Don't stare at me like that... I didn't expect Aurora to catch her attention, normally she should've gone for people with higher levels than Aurora, I wonder what happened.

Either way, another week has passed, and we're now on our way to the secret shop in the academy. The reason why I'm doing this is because I need to get the Crown Princess to be on my side, which will require a gift that she likes.

Luckily, the gifts are all available in the shop.

Before long, we've arrived in a rather shady corner of the academy, where a dead end can be seen.

''Glory to the Elf God.''

Following my trigger words, a wooden cart reveals itself at the end of the path. I don't know why this is the trigger phrase either, don't ask.

We approach the cart, and a cat with white fur jumps on the counter.

''Welcome to the Astra branch of our intergalactic Orange Kitty company, how may I help you?'' The cat speaks up with a childish voice, startling both of us a bit.

''We would like to buy a Rubik's cube.'' I reply after calming down.

The 'Mad Dog' Princess is surprisingly keen on puzzle games, so she'll love this one.

''What version would you like?''


''Understood, that would be... 50 MP, dear customer.''

And you pay with MP here for some reason.

The cat pulls a silver Rubik's cube below and puts it onto the counter. I reach my hand out, and immediately after I touch it, my MP is decreased by 50.

''This is good enough, let's go back.'' I nod at the cat and Aurora before turning around.

''Thank you for the purchase~!''

What a weird shop.


''What's wrong, Aurora?''

''Why was the cat's fur white if the name of the company is Orange Kitty?''

How the hell would I know...?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.