Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 357: 357 The End of the World

Chapter 357: 357 The End of the World

      Cabinet, on behalf of the government Supreme Judge, Representative of the Judiciary Office including the military commission and the new speaker of the National Assembly, Sun Yuan. had approached Empress Yue Ningxiao. The latter was in the mourning of the Guardian's passing.

General Guo Ling decided to tell the truth about Zhao Lingxin's bad news. Let Yue Ningxiao know.

"You guys aren't lying to me, are you?" Yue Ningxiao's voice was visibly trembling. Her face was filled with shock, not wanting to listen to what happened next.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid this is a fact that we cannot avoid. Even though it was a shocking thing, But we need to keep moving forward."

General Guo Ling confirmed Zhao Lingxin's death.

"No !! This is not true!!!" Yue Ningxiao was tired. The goddess girl now no longer had a cold face. There were too many stories that touched Yue Ningxiao's heart.

Until now, the goddess's descendant does not have a clear image of the past as everyone is familiar with.

Zhao Lingxin's bad news This made Yue Ningxiao make a big decision. She turned her body to summon the flying sword, preparing to leave.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?" General Guo Ling had forbidden it.

Yue Ning Xiao stopped in his footsteps. Before turning around and answering.

"When my husband dies, I will take revenge on Sect Master Yao Huang." Yue Ningxiao's tone was filled with vengeance. The bloodshot eyes were terrifyingly red. The goddess's girl had transformed into a devil lady in the blink of an eye.

"You cannot leave. You are now the supreme head of the empire. Our country cannot be without you. This is the main mission that you are responsible for as Empress," said General Guo Ling.

"But Zhao Lingxin is already dead. My stay is meaningless. I have to go back and get my revenge." Yue Ningxiao still insisted on her original purpose.

General Guo Ling saw this and came up with a solution.

"Your Highness, if you wish to take revenge, I have a good method to present."

General Guo Ling presented Yue Ningxiao with a plan to destroy the world.

"You guys want to destroy this world?" Yue Ning Xiao widened his eyes, staring at these insane people, who are more daring than herself, for revenge for Zhao Lingxin. They were even willing to destroy the world. However, such an idea greatly liked Yue Ningxiao.

"This idea makes sense, I agree." Yue Ningxiao nodded in agreement. After many rounds of thought, this method of revenge seemed the most appropriate.

The face of the cabinet they filled the military commissions with smiles that the Empress agreed to the plan. Only Sun Yuan and Sun Wanping, the father and son duo, looked at each other with bewildered expressions. Of course, they do not agree with destroying the world. But since the top leaders all decided in the same direction. Both father and son could not deny it.

Now Sun Yuan and Sun Wanping saw the expression of the Empress. They convinced them that the Yanhuang Great Continent would really have reached its end.

General Li Fengyang, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, saw that the Empress was willing to agree to such a plan and immediately spoke.

"I want your majesty to approve this plan as well."

      "No problem." Yue Ningxiao did not object. The government wanted the Empress to sign the power to approve the plan, which she cooperated with very well.

"Hong Bao'er come out." Yue Ningxiao followed Hong Bao'er. Hong Bao'er quickly appeared on the screen.

"I am the Empress of the Yue Ningxiao of the Empire. Let's exercise the powers of the sixth article of the imperial constitution. The supreme sovereignty is mine. approve the destruction of this world." Yue Ningxiao said. Right now, in the eyes of the Empress. Sun Yuan and the Council of Ministers were no different from the insane. To the point of destroying the whole world.

"Confirm order"

Hong Bao'er checked Yue Ningxiao's access rights. Found that everything was correct And at this moment, Hong Bao'er sent an order to the Sky City Tai Yang Zhou.

In the city of the sky, Tai Yang Zhou, Military personnel receive emergency orders.

When he opened it, he had to exclaim in shock.

"WHAT!?" The soldier's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Is the government going to take it seriously?" He looked at the reckless order with a slight perplexity. But, before deciding to act instantly when it is an order from above, He couldn't refuse. Must follow orders, but by good.

"Launch the highest-level kinetic energy weapon," military officials ordered. They were using the most intense kinetic energy weapon ever.

The original shell of a kinetic energy weapon was a fist-sized bullet. But to destroy the Yanhuang Great Continent would require a much larger shot than that.

This time, the City of the Sky, Tai Yang Zhou, had already prepared.

A gigantic meteorite with a diameter of sixty kilometers, Weighing several thousand tons, ten of them were enough to return the Yanhuang Great Continent back to its actual age. Destroy the rotation angle of the planet until the Earth's core malfunctions.

If all ten meteorites collide with Earth at the same time through detailed calculations, Even if it can't destroy the world now. But within ten years, this planet will indeed explode itself.

"Prepare kinetic energy shell." The spacecraft was sent out from Tai Yang Zhou. Towing a large meteorite according to the coordinates that have been specified The force of fall has been calculated in detail. Ready to launch a meteorite that is a kinetic energy projectile to the Earth as ordered.

      They only just have an order come down. After that, the spacecraft will drop more than ten meteorites to fall below. Impact on the surface of the Yanhuang continent, and By that time, the world would be in great calamity.

"Another hour. The shells will enter the range and be ready to fire," Hong Bao'er informed the government. Notify everyone.

Sun Yuan and Sun Wanping looked at each other again. Before rushing out of the palace immediately.

Since the explosion of the Yanhuang Great Continent was inevitable, they had to survive first.

The Sun family has a ready-to-use spaceship. They want to save their own lives by heading to Tai Yang Zhou to survive.

Sun Yuan had notified the council members. The high-ranking capitalists acknowledge the imperial government's decision at this time.

"What? They are about to explode on the Yanhuang Great Continent." A large number of capitalists who had heard the news did not delay. They quickly moved their property and family. Prepare to set off for refuge in Tai Yang Zhou in advance.

"No, I must escape." Some of the capitalists had their residence in the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou. So they didn't hesitate after hearing the news. They want to survive first. Investors who listened to the information quickly made preparations to go out into the world.

The government has already made arrangements as well.

"Your Highness, I have prepared a space event for you. Let's evacuate," said General Guo Ling. He prepared immigration for the Zhao royal family. To take refuge in Tai Yang Zhou and the Moon, The explosion of the Yanhuang Great Continent would not affect them in the slightest.

Yue Ningxiao shook her head in denial.

"I don't want to escape. I want to die with this world."

Yue Ningxiao's face showed determination. Zhao Lingxin was already dead, and she didn't want to live anymore. So she tried to become extinct with the Yanhuang Great Continent.

General Guo Ling and the Council of Ministers saw Yue Ningxiao's decision and nodded in appreciation. About the determination of their Empress.

"Then let's watch the extinction together." The cabinet summoned Zhao Lingxin. They were preparing to die with this world. Take revenge on the enemy by dragging them to hell together.

The countdown time keeps coming in. Until it's time to release a kinetic energy bullet.

"Let us begin." Yue Ningxiao gave an order to Hong Bao'er. Let the kinetic energy projectiles be released immediately.

At that moment, Hong Bao'er's expression was slightly baffled as he had some hesitation.

"Hong Bao'er, what happened? Why didn't you release kinetic energy weapons?"

Yue Ningxiao rushed to begin the process. They were all ready to die in this world.

"I don't know whether to tell you guys or not. But I have detected Zhao Lingxin's vital signs." Hong Bao'er said hesitantly. As if not wanting to hinder the happiness of destroying the world of this group of people.

Hong Bao'er's words shocked everyone in the room to the point of being helpless.

"Is Zhao Lingxin not dead yet?" Yue Ningxiao asked.

"Yes." Hong Bao'er nodded.

At this moment, the first person to become conscious was General Guo Ling, Prime Minister, and he hurriedly spoke up.

"Stop destroying the world first!" General Guo Ling shouted. If Zhao Lingxin had not died, the destruction of the world would no longer be necessary.

They had to help Zhao Lingxin first.

Yue Ningxiao thought of it. Before ordering out.

"Hong Bao'er, stop  everything first."

Hong Bao'er heard that. Then follow the order to cancel the destruction of the world with kinetic energy bullets.

"I canceled it." Hong Bao'er said regretfully as if wanting to see the world burst into flames.

"Order to go down and put all your strength to bring the emperor back." Yue Ningxiao took command of the situation. At this time, they needed to bring Zhao Lingxin back to the empire as quickly as possible.



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