Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 330: 330 Gu Heng's Ambition

Chapter 330: 330 Gu Heng's Ambition

      Under the chaos, Zhao Lingxin has a decree to remove Gu Heng from the National Assembly Speaker. And the imperial Parliament was closed until the order allowed it. But, of course, Gu Heng had a counterattack. By not accepting Zhao Lingxin's decree.

It was the first time in history that they had violated Zhao Lingxin's orders. The decree was reversed.

It was the first political clash between Zhao Lingxin and the Imperial Congress.

The capital city of Shenzhou was shrouded in the midst of chaos. The ruling classes were lobbying with all their might, trying to keep up with the news because everyone knew that right now, what might have happened.

The power of the state, including the great emperor It's clashing with the power of capitalists and money. Both sides have their own unique capabilities. They are confident in the ability they have. The bourgeoisie wanted to change the political structure of the Empire now.

Those who see such implications each have their own reactions, whether it is neutral, Including traveling to join various parties in secret ways. To negotiate the benefits of joining.

Now at the Royal Palace, There are more than eight parts of the Shenzhou capital. Traveling to meet Zhao Ling Xin, To show what they will think of the emperor and let himself to see.

Zhao Lingxin also ordered the Internal Inspection faction to prepare for a big move. Now, the commanders of the three armies were meeting in unison in charge of the Imperial Army Command. Ready to order troops to move into the capital at any time.

On the streets and shops, People are living everyday life. At this moment, many people are in the capital city of Shenzhou. They are receiving a text message on their cell phone. Whether it's a store employee, Business owners, including students in the university, Everyone looked down at their own message.

"Eighth Order. We ask everyone to come together and prepare for action." As soon as everyone saw the message, Their expressions instantly turned solemn. And within a short time, they stopped their routines. Thus, before finding the city's dark corners and mysteriously disappearing, the Investigation Bureau's spy had received the ultimate mobilization order.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people in the capital city of Shenzhou turned into a black shadow before mysteriously disappearing. However, the organization behind the shadows is about to show its true power.

At the Imperial Army Headquarters, The capital city of Shenzhou.

In this unique pentagonal building, Tens of thousands of military personnel were stationed. Now military personnel are entering a state of alertness because the government ordered them.

Now in the Imperial Army Headquarters, Only the commander of the Air Force is stationed. Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu has ordered an urgent meeting of the military commission.

      "General, we have now prepared an order to deploy to General Li Fengyang. We are ready to move our troops to suppress the incident in the capital at any time.'' They had prepared to move General Li Fengyang's western army into the capital because it was the closest force.

The Military Commission has sent orders to all military bases. To have the highest readiness to prepare troops at any time, If there is an order.

This was Zhao Lingxin's absolute power. The existing military power gave Zhao Lingxin the confidence to face the capitalists who were against him. With military power in their hands, Zhao Lingxin had a solid guarantee. Therefore, don't worry about the change in governance.

"Let all agents be prepared. Right now, the situation in the capital doesn't look certain," Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu urged everyone. Political events like this do not happen often. It is also the first time that capitalists have shown strong resistance.

Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu even ordered the Air Force to prepare bombers at any time.

"I will make them regret that they came against the power of the state."

Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu said in an angry tone of rebellious capitalists.

At this moment, the military force had already shown an expression. They clearly supported Zhao Lingxin. They are prepared to defeat the capitalists at any time if unrest occurs.

At a fifty-story office building.

This was one of the tallest buildings in the capital city of Shenzhou. It's a building for a talented capitalist. On the fiftieth floor, the highest floor of this building.

Ten high-ranking capitalists were having a preparatory meeting.

"Lord Gu Heng, now the Shenzhou side has entered the imperial palace. They want to stand on the emperor's side," said one capitalist. Such a capitalist holds a large number of underground powers in the capital. The movements of the Shenzhou party capitalists were completely aware of them.

"This is truly a betrayal of us." Gu Heng unexpectedly said. He didn't think that that greedy Sun Yuan would choose to stand on the emperor's side.

"It must be wrong that we didn't show our trump cards to attract them. But whatever, it won't be long before that group of people regrets doing this." Gu Heng confidently said. He also had some cards hidden away. Therefore I did not show much concern.

But Gu Heng was not worried. But some of the capitalists had their faces pale and bloodless.

"Lord Gu Heng, is it good for us to do this? I think it is no different from a rebellion against a country." Now some capitalists are aware of the seriousness of what they are doing now.

      "You worry too much is in vain. We have reached a point where we can't go back anymore." Gu Heng spoke the truth.

Now, the Dongzhou capitalist had become the main spearhead of Zhao Lingxin's resistance.

Where everyone was reaching now, Zhao Lingxin had relentlessly surpassed Zhao Lingxin. So now, everyone had no choice but to keep walking until the end of the road in order to negotiate for the highest benefit to occupy.

"This plan we have been preparing for many years. Absolutely cannot allow it to fail," Gu Heng said to everyone.

The capitalists in the room nodded their heads at these words. What happened in the capital, they had been planning for a long time. And this might be the only chance they can get. So no matter what, They could only keep walking.

"Give an order. Within three hours, if the emperor didn't have an answer for us, Order capitalists across the country immediately ceased all manufacturing and service industries," Gu Heng's order was well planned. If all the capitalists acted on that order, the Empire was prepared to paralyze the country. Everything will stop immediately.

Gu Heng issued an order on behalf of the President of the National Assembly. Issue orders to investors all over the country to follow. This was the capitalist power that Gu Heng had always understood. With that power, he was able to coerce the government. To meet their own needs at all times, he knows that the government will absolutely not allow chaos in the country.

"The capitalist of Dongzhou accepted the order," said the capitalist of Dongzhou, saying he was willing to follow the Parliament's order. But, of course, Dongzhou City was Gu Heng's former powerhouse.

Therefore, it is absolutely normal for all Dongzhou investors to support.

The second most fabulous city in the Empire had joined the Parliamentary Party.

"Chang'an city has accepted our orders."

"Qinghua City is willing to obey the orders of the National Assembly."

"Beijing City is ready to halt production at any time," after Gu Heng ordered it. Investors across the country also had positive feedback. Over ninety percent were willing to follow Gu Heng's orders.

Production bases and many industrial plants need the increased power of capitalists. Pushing them to rule the country, Therefore, they are willing to join the Parliament.

The power of Parliament has increased dramatically from the participation of investors all over the country, which is a significant power base of Parliament.

Zhao Lingxin had not thought that the Parliament that he had formed with his own hands.

One day he will turn the knife into his own betrayal.

Gu Heng felt extremely happy. Because the story shows how much power he holds. It was as if he could command the capitalists and money all over the land in one sentence.

The power of control gradually melted into Gu Heng's infatuation.

"Unfortunately, we cannot control the capital." Gu Heng said regretfully. Since the capital was under the control of the Shenzhou-type capitalists, there were three giants Sun Yuan, Shui Weihong, and Deng Laojun leading the system.

This area was critical because the capital city of Shenzhou was a high-end factory area. That takes technology to the next level in production.

All of which was joining Zhao Lingxin. It was causing the Parliament to lose control of this area completely.

At least it shows that some capitalists are willing to support the emperor refusing to join the Parliament.

At this moment, everyone was having a meeting. The elevator door opened. Several men in black enclosed the area on the fiftieth floor of the building.

"I'm afraid your feast is over," the man in black roared. In just a short time on the fiftieth floor, there were dozens of people. Quickly enter various points.

Many investors were shocked by what happened. Should know that this building has a very good security system. Why did these people break in without sounding the alarm? Where have all the security forces gone?

While everyone was wondering, Gu Heng turned around with a glass of wine in his hand.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. Lord Liao Hong of the Inspectorate."

Gu Heng smiled at Colonel Liao Hong, who was indifferent in the front. Under the big panic of the capitalists in the room.



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