Chapter 32: Changing Fate

When they all opened their eyes, all they could see was outlandish trees, but they ignored it and focused on Anthony who was standing this time around.

"Let us get begin as we don't have much time"

He cut his finger with his finger nails and ten golden blood floated out and his face paled for a second before returning to normal due to the recovery speed of his infinite regeneration

(Anthony doesn't have golden blood, it's because it's his blood essence which is unique cause of his physique and bloodline)

The ten golden blood essence were in form of a water drop, which moved and floated in front of the ten children who just stared at it with uncertainty.

Anthony said "This is my blood essence, this will help you increase your talent in whatever you had even the most little talent in no matter how small, even if your talent was throwing stones, my blood essence will simply make you the best in it asides being better than me, in your cases, if different people possess the same talent, you get the same amount of talent but who is better at it depends on who trains and fights more"

They all nodded and proceeded to swallow the golden drop of blood in front of them.

They all immediately started convulsing and screaming, but none of it was heard as Anthony already erected a space barrier, nothing could leave here.

They all laid on the ground vibrating as if they were being electrocuted, blood flowed ouf of their skins and their seven orifices, some of them directly fainted as they couldn't endure anymore pain, only Spectre and Vivian stayed awake as the process, both still screaming their lungs out, if possible they would have coughed out an organ.

Their body and blood was modified down the to lowest form possible, their bones literally broke and healed itself, followed by their muscles, organs, skin, blood, even their souls were nourished, nothing was spared, but if they could endure, no pain they would feel in their life will make them flinch unless it's something like emotional pain.

After an hour of screaming competition between spectre and Vivian, their horror of a pain finally stopped, and they laid on the ground questioning their lives.

Anthony looked at all of them with a smile then waved his hands and all stains were cleansed from their body and the rest woke up from their sleep

"How do you feel now" Anthony asked

They didn't know how they felt, mana kept moving around them in greater degree like children who just saw an ice cream.

As they were about to reply, they were flooded with information directly into their mind.

This information was about their gains and physique and bloodline. After about another two hours, they were done and started smiling like new puppies.

They were about to talk when Anthony snapped his finger and the surrounding changed from the forest to another forest but this time, the mana here felt extremely and absurdly abundant and extremely pure, Anthony had transferred them to the divine realm, since they have absorbed the bloodline and became eternally loyal, they can enter here as they please now.

They looked around feeling like they have been transferred from a small sized swimming pool to an ocean, they didn't know how to explain it but before they could dive in, Anthony spoke first.

"What you are feeling is the primordial mana, which is the purest form of mana that has existed since the concept of mana and this place is my personal realm, no one is able to enter here unless they are absolutely loyal to me and me alone"

"But we haven't signed any mana contract at all since we arrived sir" said Evelyn the light user.

"My blood is basically a contract as you drank it you became my subordinate forever you can't betray me, I won't go into the details" Anthony replied refusing to explain

"Well take a look at yourself" Anthony said smiling as he waved his hand and used ice magic to create a mirror.

They were all shocked as they saw their faces, they didn't know what to say.

They were simply too handsome and beautiful, even the vice president and Dean paled in comparison to such face they possessed.

They literally became the top 10 most charming, of course compared to Anthony they could only curse their gods for their ugly faces that didn't even get anywhere near his.

The men's body were literally packed with chiseled abs and packs, they weren't bulk but they are sure their possessed absurd strength in those muscles.

The women's body were alluring, the fairies dare not say they could compare here, their waist length hair they were too smooth as if crafted and plaited from the universe hands.

Skin so smooth that even a baby's butt paled, such jade like skin has never existed, even the men dare not say they possessed a more charming skin as theirs were still good but thick and strong from too many muscles.

But this didn't mean the women's body was weak, they took possess maddening strength that could crush mountains.

Their eyes sparkles as if it were removed and replaced with the rarest galaxy gems itself, they simply gave every single female from any race no chance to contend even if they used charming magic or make up or elixirs to improve their beauty.

Anthony looked at these people wondering if they would fall into an abyssal hole called narcissism, forgetting that he, himself was already deep in that hole and was suffering to come out in one piece.

Anthony shook his head and destroyed the mirrors and said "Tell me your gains"

Spectre responded first, "I have awakened the Lightning Battle Katana physique, which makes me unparalleled in battle, lightning and in katana" he said with a smile, as he always loved his katana and enjoyed battle but had zero talent for them, him going to fight was no different than courting death or suicide so he kept training

Vivian followed up "I have awakened the Origin Ice Physique which grants me a lot of perks and advantages" she said with her thick blue eyes that radiated ice itself.

Even her body was as if it affected ice, her face becoming cold and she resembling a cold beauty that only smiled in front of her prince charming but kept a cold face in front of other people.

Clement followed up "I awakened the Death Physique, which goes well with my dagger and darkness element"

"I awakened the Spear God Physique" said Litt with pride overflowing his body

"I got the Overlord Physique which makes makes me a master of sword and fire" said mike while sending a smirk to spectre as if challenging him to who has a better physique.

"I have the Origin Aqua Physique which makes me the ruler of water it self" said Danna glancing at Vivian who has almost the same physique.

Her physique gave her a demeanor of someone who was peaceful and serene and loving but if touched unnecessary would crush anything with a single wave

"I have the Origin Light Bloodline, which makes me unmatched in the light element, making me a healer and a mage who is unmatched on the battlefield, also granting me special eyes that can help me see through a lot" said Evelyn as her eyes flashed with golden light.

"I awakened the Forbidden Sabre-Lightning Physique, granting me dominion over sabre and lightning as their ruler" Ross said

"I awakened the Sword Celestial Physique" said Marcus

" I awakened the Universal Spear Physique" said Arnold with a smile sending a glance to Litt as they stared at each other wanting to clash weapons.

"Congratulations to you all, now I will begin with some small explanation of some things" Anthony said

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