MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 213(Lazy Days)

CHAPTER 213(Lazy Days)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


'Just a bit further, I can make it!' A gorgeous older woman thinks as she's crawling across the floor.

Her house was dark and mostly deserted, only two people currently on the property.

She drags her broken leg across the cold tiles as she slowly inches into the kitchen, a trickle of blood running down the middle of her forehead.

'Just need the alarm!' she thinks as she glances back, hearing footsteps encroaching. 'If I can get the police here, there must be a hero nearby to save me!'

Dragging herself into the kitchen, gritting her teeth and failing to ignore the pain, she looks up at the wall beside the counter, and sees the alarm console mounted into it.

One button and the police would be on their way.

She glances back at her right leg, shattered at the knee, the shin, and her foot smashes. Bone protruding from her skin.

But she just takes a deep breath and pushes herself up, "argghhhhhh!" her pained scream echoes through her home as she forces herself to stand.

Leaning heavily against the wall she slips and unfortunately supports herself for a moment with her broken leg.

"Argh!" tears continue streaking down her face as she puts her weight on the wall and onto her good leg, seeing victory at last.

But as she presses the button, nothing happens.

The alarms system doesn't activate, because the button itself doesn't even move.

"Nonononono," her voice becomes even more desperate as tears flow quicker than before.

She smashes her finger into the button until the nail splits and the skin breaks. Her blood begins running down her hands as she tries punching the console to break it, but it won't even move.

"I don't wanna die!" she begs before slamming her forehead into the console, and she hears it cracks and splinter.

But the buttons still don't move, and the shattered pieces hover in place, still immovable for her baseline human strength.

"I don't wanna die," she mutters, defeatedly before collapsing onto the floor, back against the wall as she gives up.

The island counter blocks her vision as the footsteps get closer, and a moment later the lights in the kitchen come on.

She sits there, sobbing, lamenting her fate. Closing her eyes to hide from her future.

"Please, I have kids, I have a family."

"I know," Horizon says as he leans back on the kitchen island.

The woman glances up to see him holding her phone, and his left forearms appears to have a cable connecting it to him.

"Please just let me go," she begs. "I won't tell anyone you were here. I won't warn the villains, I can even help you get more information on them."

"Not worth the risk," he says absentmindedly while sorting the data on her phone.

"You're supposed to be a hero!" The woman screams in frustration. "Heroes don't kill and torture people! They don't break into houses and assault people! They don't act like this!"

"True," he says. "And you're supposed to be some Mother Teresa wannabe...well, I guess stealing from charities is playing the part properly. But secretly helping villains, that's not very saintly either, right?"

"You wouldn't get it," she says, scowling at him. "I didn't have a choice. One of All For One's people contacted me, told me its time to pay up, I had to do this."

"Uh huh," he just keeps looking through her phone.

"Don't you care? Don't you want to know why?"

"Not really, you're just another name on the list," Horizon says. "But, I'm guessing since you were born Quirkless, and so was your husband, your kids got their Quirks from All For One, right?"

She doesn't respond.

"And since they're, 13, 9, and 7, you haven't been in touch with him for long."

"Children and this world are cruel," she says. "We know what its like to be Quirkless, how viscous the world can be toward you, we didn't want them to suffer through that..."

"Mhm," Horizon leaves the phone connected to him but puts it in his jacket pocket, then walks over and turn on the sink.

"I didn't have a choice, anything I did, was for them," she says.

"Does anyone else know that you're working with them?" he asks while walking over to her, and crouching down beside her, gently touching her shoulder.

"No," she grits out, trembling from head to toe. "Only me," he doesn't detect any lies.

"Why didn't you get a Quirk?"

She looks genuinely disgusted by his question, "because this was never about me, this was for my children. I swear I'm not a selfish person."

"It seems you genuinely believe that at least," Horizon says. "Now, everything I need I'll get from your phone, because that'll let me get into your private systems. But, did you ever meet up with any villains?"

The sink begins overflowing onto the floor, which startles her, but she quickly focuses back onto Horizon.

"Only when they had to receive Quirks," she says. "We would call and they had Kurogiri open a portal. I only ever saw Kurogiri since we'd all be knocked out before getting to the other side, I swear that's all."

"So you were just for social influence and money, I figured as much," Horizon says as she water was now pooling and flowing past them, mixing with her blood.

"I swear that's all I know," she says. "Everything else is in my phone, its all in there. I recorded everything incase I had to use it against them someday, but my family doesn't know, not even my husband or children."

"And I'll keep it that way," Horizon says, which surprises her.


"Of course, children should always think highly of their parents," Horizon says. "Besides, if the villains know I'm onto you then they'll hide even better and everything I learn from you becomes useless. So I'll make this look like a generic break-in that went very wrong."

"Wh, what?" her eyes go wide and he palms the back of her skull, lifting her up with his vice grip as he stands up. "Wait! Stop! You're a hero!"

"So those are your last words, really, a lie?" he jokes while taking her over to the sink, and the last thing she sees before he shoves her head under the water is a framed picture of her family.

Her husband, her daughters, her son.

The people she wanted nothing more than to protect and would truly do anything for.

She places both hands at the edge of the sink and  does her best to push against him, to get her head out of the water.

But it's Horizon, and she's Quirkless.

Her legs, broken or not begin flailing about, desperately trying to kick him and throw him off balance, but only the bones in her feet suffer any damage.

She struggles to the bitter end as the burning in her throat and lungs causes her to convulse, and while she's dying, Horizon gets a text.

Keeping her pinned under the water he takes out his phone with the other hand, seeing a message from Ryuko - Pixie-Bob-.

'I haven't seen you in 3 weeks so I'll be calling in sick today, are you at Horizon Tower?'

He thinks about it for a moment, looks out the window to see the sun starting to rise, then responds.

'I'm on a case right now, but I'll be back at around 7.'

'Alright, I'll come over and have breakfast ready! See you in two hours!'

He locks his phone and puts it away, now sure the limp corpse in his grasp wasn't going to cause any problems for him as he drops it.

And the body just crumples onto the kitchen floor.

He shuts off the pipe and casually steps over her, walking toward the bedrooms.

'Her family should be back in a few hours so they'll find her, but I need to steal some shit to make this look like a amature job, and double check the security system to make sure I'm not in it.

So much for being done with this kind of work, huh Nezu, but this is just the most effective method of information gathering. No waiting around for court orders and warrants, no big dramatic fight. Just results, and a trail of bodies when necessary,' he thinks while finishing up his work here.

---Later That Morning...

Standing on his hoverboard Horizon flies into Minato Tokyo, enjoying the view of the sun shining above his Tower, as always.


He activates his Quirk and prepares to warp into his tower from 12km -7.45mi- away, but pauses for a moment as he does a Scan of his tower.

"Ok, I expected her to be gone by now...but maybe this won't blow up in my face."


He warps into his room at the top of Horizon Tower and leaves his Hoverboard there along with the phone he acquired.

Takes a look at himself in the mirror just to be sure that everything was perfect, then warps away.

He appears in the kitchen to see two beautiful women happily chatting and giggling at the counter. Each enjoy and light breakfast of eggs, toast, and some fruits.

"Morning ladies," Horizon says.

"Oh you're back," Ryuko says. "And why didn't you tell me you had a new guest," she gestures to Ryukyu.

"I decided to stay in for a while and enjoy this headquarters of yours," Ryukyu says. "Looks like it was for the best since I got to learn so much about you from your 'friend' here."

"Mhm, like what?" Horizon asks as Ryuko gets up and begins dishing out his breakfast. "Good things I hope."

"Depends on how you look at it," Ryukyu says. "I learned you have a type at least."

"Never would have guessed that," Horizon chuckles. "What gave you that idea?"

"I'm not sure, maybe bumping into another gorgeous---"

"Blonde---" Ryuko cuts off Ryukyu.





"Fit and youthful---"

"Pro Hero," Ryukyu finishes off. "Who shares the first name 'Ryuko' with me...really?"

"Well if it makes you feel any better, you'd be 'Ryuko 1' since I met you first," he tells Ryukyu.

Pixie-Bob gives him a hard pat on the arm as she hands him his food then goes back to her seat.

"Aright, Ryuko and Ryukyu...well, Kyukyu."

Ryukyu rolls her eyes, then looks at Ryuko, "what do you see in him?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Ryuko asks. "According to every news outlet, you guys are the new hot Pro Hero couple," she can't help but laugh. "Good look dealing with all of that attention!"

Ryukyu sighs, "maybe I'll retire too and just come live here, I mean this place has everything."

"Well I like having one Ryuko around, why not two?" Horizon says as he opens the mouthpiece of his visor and begins eating.

"If you can put up with him, sure," Ryuko says.

"Hey, I'm the best," Horizon argues.

"In many things, believe me, you are," she gives him a knowing smirk which makes Ryukyu blush. "But you also think putting condiments on food is an insult."

"It is."

"And you're a workaholic."


"And you don't get that sometimes people need a softer touch."

"I touch you softly all the time."

"Not what I meant."

"Oh I have one," Ryukyu says as she join in the fun. "And he insists on making people realize he's better than them."

"Oh definitely," Ryuko says. "Plus his warping about can be really off-putting sometimes."

"I've noticed, and he almost never asks for permission before warping us around. That's super weird right?"

"Ugh, that was so annoying the first few times I was here. Like you'd turn around and he'd just be there, super creepy sometimes."

"It doesn't help that most of the time he just stands there like a robot too."

"Ok," Horizon interrupts them. "This, is actually worse than if you two didn't get along...actually, I might have preferred that."

Both women look at him, then at each other, and as if rehearsed they begin laughing.

"Is this what you two are gonna do all day?" Horizon asks. "Torment me?"

"Hmm," Ryukyu thinks about it. "Well in a few hours I have to go meet some models at my stores here in Tokyo, my new Dragnoir winter line is dropping soon."

"Fancy," Ryuko says.

"You should come with me, maybe you'd like to model for some photos," Ryukyu suggests.

Ryuko's eyes go wide, "really?!"

"You're gorgeous and it'll be fun, I haven't had a day off in forever to check in with my company."

"That sounds great, oh, but you've got to try out the pool here first---"

Horizon simply warps away with his breakfast, realizing that interaction and introduction went far too well for his own sake.

He warps his costume off for some more casual clothes and sits in bed with his food, still sensing Sero, Juzo and Shinso soundly asleep in their own room.

They got back to the tower only a few hours ago from patrol after all.

But even as everyone else is relaxing or resting, he gets to work, taking out his phone and now sorting all the new data he just collected...


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