MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 207(Festival Excitement)

CHAPTER 207(Festival Excitement)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Can you please get down from there, its making me anxious," Jiro says.

She and Horizon were standing atop UA overlooking Musutafu in the distance, the morning sun shining down on the ocean just beyond the city.

But while she was safely leaning against the wall beside the door to enter the building, he was standing on the ledge scrolling through his phone. Taking some pictures.

"Awe, since when do you worry about me?"

Jiro rolls her eyes, "its natural to be concerned when people stand on ledges...especially when they still can't fly, mister perfect."

"Tch, not everyone can fly."

"Endeavor can."


"---Hawks too," Jiro thinks about it for a moment. "Come to think of it, so can Ryukyu and Edgeshot...well he uses his Quirk to launch through the air. And even All Might used to punch the air to get around."

"You've made your point," Horizon grumbles. "But I don't need to fly, because while they're flying, I'm already there."

Jiro turns the page of her book, "yeah but warping isn't as iconic."

"I'm Horizon, I'll set my own standard, its as simple as that."

"Just don't fall Mr. I Can't Fly, but I guess you could just warp back up here anyway."

"Something like that, Shambles doesn't cancel momentum, so if I warp fast enough then yeah, but if I jump from a plane I'd have to brace for the impact all the same."

"Good thing you're also super strong, because some people get all the cool stuff."

"I rather not rely on my physical strength in such ways, I'm not trying to be another wannabe All Might after all."

Jiro sighs and shuts the book, unable to focus anymore, "but it must still feel pretty good right?" she walks up to the the ledge he's standing on and enjoys the view.

"What must feel good?"

"Being able to just know that you can do some insane things and your Quirk can get you out of it, meanwhile I'm just 'The hearing hero'."

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I don't have Super Hearing," Horizon puts his phone away and turns to her, reaching down to bring her up on the ledge.

Jiro immediately backs away, "uh, I'm no good with heights."

"Then it's a good thing you've got Japan's future #1 Pro Hero to hold onto, right?"

She hesitates for a moment, but eventually gives in and takes his hand, after which he easily pulls her up to stand beside him, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"So, you plan to open your eyes?"

"Nope, this is fine," she holds onto him tightly and keeps her eyes shut.

"You're gonna be running toward villains but can't handle a little altitude, really?"

"Mmm, fine, just for a little bit..." she grips him tighter while opening her eyes, and it takes all of her willpower not to look down. "Yeah, this is still scary, good view but still scary."

"Don't worry, I just started tolerating you, so I won't drop you."

"Thanks a lot, jerk."

After some time enjoying the silence, feeling the cold morning breeze against them, Jiro opens her eyes to enjoy the view. Much more relaxed in Horizon's arms.

"Is this how you spend all your early mornings?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Warping around Musutafu for breakfast, relaxing on the roof before classes start, that sort of thing."

"No, usually I just get an hour of sleep then get back to work, but this morning I decided to take things easy. I got a lot of work done these past few days and I'm sort of between cases at the moment."

"Our resident workaholic."

"Yeah well, when talent works hard, nothing can beat it," Horizon shrugs.

"You aren't the only person in our class that could apply to, you do know that, right?"

"I acknowledge that in the scope of the entire world our class has some individuals like Bakugo, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and even...fucking Deku, who more than likely will become top 20 if not top 10 Pro heroes. Simply based on their abilities and work ethic."

"They why do you still give them such a hard time?" Jiro asks. "I feel like you'd rather die than say anything nice to them."

"Because they misunderstand their place in the world. See I have no issue with them thinking they'll be top Pros, but they're trying to compete with me. The audacity in them thinking they could ever be in the same arena with someone like me is appalling. They need to be taught that life just isn't fair.

That sometimes even if you have all the gifts handed to you, even if you work till you're covered in sweat and blood, till your bones break. You can and will still lose, because I exist, and I'm just better. The fact that they even bother trying to catch up to me is so misguided and arrogant that it disgusts me."

Jiro nods along for a bit as she processes everything, "yup, you definitely need serious therapy."

"As if my mind is weak enough to have some person talking about feelings influence it, besides, I'm perfect."

"Then I guess I need therapy, because you just said all of that and I'm still here with you."

"Yeah well, I always knew you were crazy..." Horizon says.

---Later That Morning...

Horizon as usual had his feet up, scrolling through his phone while waiting for Homeroom to start, trying his best to ignore his chatty classmates.

"Eraser's coming," he says, and as usual everyone quiets down and gets to their seats, but he just remains as he is.

Even as Eraser Head enters the room with his sleeping bag over his shoulder and extra dark bags under his eyes.

"Good morning class," he gets a chorus of responses from his students. "Alright, this morning we've got something big to discuss..."

Then entire room gets tense as he looks around, his eyes land on Horizon, seeing the boy with his feet up and scrolling through his phone. But he ignores it and continues.

"The UA Culture Festival is in three weeks," he says dryly.

Most of the class immediately erupts in cheers.

"Quiet down!" after a second he regains control of the room. "Now, by this time tomorrow I expect all of you to have decided on what you'll be doing for the culture festival. This is a big deal so I need all of you to do your best."

Deku's hand shoots up, "I have a question!"

"What is it Midoriya?"

"Um, sir, won't this be a prime target for villain attacks?"

"I raised that concern with Principal Nezu, as did many others, but he assured us that security will be well taken care of."


"---The decision has already been made Midoriya, now its just up to us to do our best," Eraser Head says. "But, everyone with a Provisional Hero License must remain vigilant. This year it'll be bigger than ever, that means a lot of civilians inside UA's walls, its up to us to keep them safe."

He sees them nod in agreement.

"Good, now I'm going to take a nap, wake me when the bell rings, I'm sure you're all eager to start voting on ideas..."

The moment Aizawa is in his sleeping bag, the entire room is about to erupt in excitement.

Until Horizon gets up from his seat, then he turns around to look at Momo, "Ms. Vice President, tally up the votes and get rid of the stupid ideas some of these idiots will come up with, I need to go speak to Nezu."

He doesn't even wait for a response before warping away.

---Principal Nezu's Office...

"Are you insane?" Horizon asks as he abruptly warps in with no warning, approaching Nezu's desk.

The principal doesn't even look up from his paperwork as he answers, "I'm the only sane person in this room..."

"Very funny," Horizon takes a seat opposite Nezu. "The Culture Festival, what the fuck?"

"Not everyone can spend all their time working like you and I, believe it or not regular people need things that boost their morale."

"At the risk of villains walking into the school. And don't give me that crap about 'Security measures,' when we both know you just mean me."

"You're Horizon, what villain would dare to attack when you're here. Even Shigaraki and his big bad League of Villains avoid you, especially after All For One confessed to the world about how dangerous you are. Plus we'll have many of the Top Pros here, I even got confirmation that Endeavor will be here."

"That's not because of you, he's just trying to spend more time with his loser son, but Eraser mentioned it'll be even bigger this year, so again, what the fuck?"

"Its a show of solidarity and power, if we can pull off a massive festival with thousands of people and no incidents, then Japan can rest that much easier knowing the heroes have things handled."

"And if villains attack people die and I look bad."

Nezu stops writing and looks up at him, "are you more concerned with people dying or you looking bad?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

Nezu sighs and leans back in his chair, "everything will be fine. I just need you to be on duty and use your Quirk to keep an eye on things."

"So I just don't get to enjoy the exciting UA Culture Festival," his words were dripping with sarcasm.

"I assumed you'd rather not be among the 'hero worshipping sheep' as you call them, I'm sure many people are coming just to get pictures or autographs of you."

"Which is exactly why I don't patrol by walking the streets, I always get swarmed."

"I just need you to trust me on this, President Pantu has some sources that are tracking the league, they don't have anything planned for a while. Between them being busy and all the extra security we'll have, no idiot would dare to attack the Culture Festival."

"If she has info on the league she should just send it to me, the faster I arrest those losers the easier our lives get."

"Its a delicate situation, even I'm not fully aware of what she has in the works. But when she needs muscle, I'm sure you're the first person she'll call."

"Well that explains how they knew Kurogiri was busy..."

"What?" Nezu asks.

"When Nighteye saw the two Nomu in the hideout, they called it in to the Commission and got the all clear to engage, Pantu told him Kurogiri isn't in a position to warp anyone there or out of the hideout."

"Hmm, well she's worked with Sir. Nighteye and All Might many times in the past, it makes sense that he'd be trusted with that kind of information. That must mean she can only keep tabs on a few members at once, and she doesn't trust you to not hunt them down immediately."

"Because then they'll know I've got a trail to follow and hide even better," Horizon says. "I guess keeping me out of the loop was the smart move on her end, no villain sticks around if they know I'm hunting them, aside from Wolfram."

"Mhm, speaking of you moving around, you took Kyoka with you for breakfast this morning. Unless she can somehow also warp."


"No, not at all," Nezu says. "I'm just curious as to how this will all play out, between Yaoyorozu, Kyoka, and Ryuko... who will be at the Culture Festival by the way since the other Wild Wild Pussycats are coming to help."

"Well then, it's a good thing I'll be too busy working security huh..."

After a few more minutes of chatting Horizon gets all the info he needed.


He warps back into his seat in the 1A Homeroom, "Alright, what did you guys decide on?" he asks.

"It's between a skit, a bakery, and a concert," Momo says. "But your vote could sway the results."

"I'm not voting, I just had a chat with Nezu and I'll be too busy working security to be a part of the Culture Festival, you'll have to manage without me."

"Well then," Momo thinks for a moment. "I suppose this afternoon we can vote again until we have a decision, since Mr. Aizawa said we have until Homeroom tomorrow to form an answer."

"Dance party!" Mina yells out, hopping out of her seat. "C'mon guys, this time lets vote for a dance party!"

"Oh my fucking god..." Horizon mutters as the class is about to devolve into another loud discussion.

"Settle down everyone," Cementoss walks in, saving Horizon from this early morning chatter. "It's time for math, today we'll be working on chapter seven of---"

Horizon tunes him out and just leans back, putting his feet up and playing music inside his visor.

'I need to find a nice place to go for lunch...' he thinks while pulling up a list of places nearby.


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