MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 204(Small Talk)

CHAPTER 204(Small Talk)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---Monday, 9AM...

"You know, the rest of your class is taking today to relax after a weekend of training, maybe you should join them..." Nezu suggests.

He was currently sitting on the couch in Horizon's room eating an entire wheel of cheese with a knife and fork.

While Law is standing off to the side working on the hologram interface for Nezu's personal supercomputer. His mask and visor were off but his usual more casual Horizon outfit was otherwise in place.

"I appreciate that you gave everyone a day off, for some stupid reason."

"It's a public holiday."

"Whatever," Law says. "That doesn't mean I'll stop working, plus the sooner I get these simulations set the easier it will be to study Eri. You innovated these virtual models so people wouldn't be stuck in labs like you, might as well use them, right?"

"Right," Nezu frowns and just continues eating his cheese. "Where did you get this, I've never tasted anything like it?"

"I have a guy..."

"A guy...for cheese?" Nezu raises a brow at him.

"I'm half Italian, of course I have a cheese guy. Plus I figured if anyone would have a cheese guy it's you," Law shrugs.

"I didn't know that was a thing."

"It's not, I'm just messing with you, but I did do a surgery from some big wine family yesterday morning, they're from Italy and since they make wine a cheese, I asked for some samples. They've been making the stuff since Rome was a new place."

"I thought you were busy getting your tattoos redone onto the new arm yesterday?"

"Did that after, had a guy come to my house and I relaxed there all day, figured I earned it after that whole Overhaul nonsense."

"You mean after you killed a man?"

"Things break all the time Nezu, especially when you're as strong as me, don't dwell on every ant you step on, otherwise you'll have to stop walking forward." Law says this without even looking at him as he continues his work. "Plus it's not like I had many options."

"Is that the truth, or is it that old habits die hard?"

Law stops typing for a moment, the room gets tense, then he gets back to work.

"Are you insinuating that the training my mom gave me overpowered my ability to operate as a Pro Hero due to the stressful circumstances?"

"Or your biases after what he did to Eri, you do have a soft spot for kids after all."

"She's seven, at that point she should have her shit together."

"Did you at seven?"

"That's when I started doing solo surgeries and going on jobs with mom, so yeah."

"That's very concerning, and have you spoken to the girl?" Nezu asks.

"Why would I do that, I just needed this," Law gestures to the horn on his coffee table. Small and detached from Eri so he could operate on it. "I have no use for the babbling of some useless little thing..."

"And yet you want 'little things' of your own, honestly your bedside manner needs serious work."

"I get the job done, and if it's mine then I expect the children to be competent and useful."

"They're children."

"My children, held to the same standards as myself, and look how I turned out, perfect."

"And does Ryuko agree with these views on family and life?" Nezu asks, and sees Law freeze up. "Well?"

Law just rolls his eyes and continues working, "and I assume you knew from the start, spying on Horizon tower as usual?"

"Well I did upgrade your security system for free, you knew why."

"Mhm, and what do you think?"

"I think the world, most notably the women, would be safer if you didn't find it such fun to charm so many of them."

"Well I tried video games, but you know, after having real-life fights to the death...they just don't feel as fun as they used to."

Nezu sighs and continues eating, "Can you please just stay away from the Top Pros."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Mirko is too annoying, Uwabami hates me, Mt. Lady is committed to her secret boyfriend."

"Most of the other pros know about her and Kamui Woods," Nezu says. "They aren't good at being subtle."

"Midnight really really hates me---"

"That's a bit of an understatement," Nezu says. "And she filed an interesting report with me, suspicions of you leaving campus without permission."

"I do that all the time, which one?"

"About two weeks ago, Tuesday. Your pizza night."

"Ahh, yeah I think that day I ate on the roof, guess she saw me. But in my defense, if you only need one hour of sleep, you see all of UA pretty quickly, and even I can only train so much."

"Oh I know you've been stepping out often, but I assume you never get UA out of your 'range' so it's fine. But she wasn't pleased when I told her that."

"She'll get over it, and that's true. UA is always in my range. Now what was I saying, oh right, Ryukyu blocked me on the Hero Network," Law shrugs. "I guess me killing someone then Pantu threatening the throw her in Tartarus if she talks was a bit much...that's too bad because---"

"---Stop it."

Law chuckles, "Hey I'm just saying, she's got big tits for a dragon lady."

"Half the world already thinks you two were a thing, she's had to deny those rumors so much already she now avoids interviews," Nezu says.

"Well what can I say, she looks good on me."

"Have you ever considered going celibate, just for a little while?" Nezu asks. "It might be good for you, and less stressful for me."

"You don't have to worry about me getting your students pregnant, I have full control of my body and its functions."

Nezu releases a relaxing sigh, "that's a relief."

"Yup, you don't have to give me the sex talk."

"Well I know that, and assume Ryuko beat me to the baby talk," Nezu says. "Her recent online shopping history is very...well."

"Baby-feverish, yeah, we had a talk about what she wanted a few weeks ago."


"---That bit of info is only for us to know," Law cuts him off. "But you don't have to worry about me fucking my way through the top pro heroes, most of them are annoying or hate me."

"That's a relief."

"Well," Law thinks about it for a moment. "I'm cool with 13, is she---"

"---You're not seducing a teacher...again. I can't believe I have to say that. I can't believe this is a real conversation."

Law chuckles and shuts off the hologram, "Trust me I'm not interested in someone that might literally rip my dick off with her Black Hole Quirk, only thing between her being a hero and her being a mass murdered are those gloves."

"Says the man in a full-body glove," Nezu says as Horizon sits across from him. "Most people think if it breaks you explode like a bomb."

"Yet the villains still keep trying to hit me, morons," Law leans back and relaxes on the couch.


Law warps away for a moment, then warps back with a bottle of whiskey and a glass, pouring himself a drink.

"I feel like as your principal I should say something," Nezu says. "Wh---"


Law warps away again, and this time returns with a can of apple juice, giving it to Nezu.

"Thank you, but I would have preferred tea," Nezu says.

"Well, I have apple juice, unless you can suddenly drink alcohol."

Nezu opens his drink and takes a sip, "so, how are things with you, the more personal side?"

"Do you mean aside from my sex life?"

"If you don't get any students pregnant I really don't care what you do, I just had to make sure of that," Nezu says. "What about the Shields?"

Law shrugs, "I have a lead, sent someone to check it out, was a dead end. Wolfram is in southern Japan, on the main island, but he keeps moving. He's notably avoiding Minato Tokyo and Musutafu."

"Both places where you're most active."

"He knows the shields are bait, and that I'm hunting him."

"Yet he still continues his task, foolish and commendable," Nezu says. "Reconstruction on I-Island is still far from complete, securing new funding from the united nations has been a bit, slower. They're worried about rebuilding it before Wolfram is captured."

"Well sorry but I can't move any faster, all I can do is wait for a mistake. Nobody wants to go one-on-one with Horizon so everyone is just hiding."

"It seems your reputation is making this more difficult than I expected."

"Well you're not very good at understanding people," Law down his drink and pours another glass. "This was obviously going to be a problem from the start, I'm the next #1 Pro Hero after all."

"Is that working for you, or---"

"I'm allowing it to work," Law says. "But I'm taking it easy tonight. Sero and Momo are still doing hero work, and won't be coming back until tomorrow morning, Jiro is at a sleepover in the 1B dorm with the other girls, and I need to catch up on some Matani business."

"Matani business?" Nezu asks. "That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with a certain shipping company suddenly selling 49% of their company shares to a currently anonymous buyer now would it?"

Law takes a sip of his drink, "Well with how much trigger has been moving through their ships, shareholders are worried, and if someone expected them to frantically try and sell shares to gain capital and stabilize the business, that person would be in a position to make a good deal."

"But 49%, seems like a suspicious amount," Nezu says.

Law shrugs, "apparently Horizon found out that the head of the family is in on the whole Trigger operation, the arrest happens tomorrow, but the Matani dynasty got wind of it early and offered to buy up some business before the raid."

"You gave a criminal a head start because it benefits you?" Nezu was not pleased by this.

"Trust me, he'll wish he didn't run from the cops, because this way Horizon has to track him down...with the tracker I already put on him. And when I get my hands on him, I will get the answers I want before I hand him over for some pathetic excuse of an interrogation that they'll give him."

"So this is a play to, get the Matani Dynasty another business, take down a part of the Trigger operation, and get more information than the police would have about the operation itself."

"Oh yeah, chances are high some crooked cop is already being paid to kill him during the raid, better dead than arrested is what the other villains are probably thinking. So I'm also saving his life."

"And making yourself look like an even bigger hero in the process," Nezu narrows his eyes at him.

"Nope," Law says. "The police get all the credit for this. I won't gain enough on this to make it worth having the police look incompetent, and since I always express my support of our brave officers...and I'm friends with the Tokyo police chief since we met at All Might's tribute, I'm sure he'll appreciate me being quiet about them losing the target."

"Wow," Nezu takes a sip of his drink. "Well, we're lucky you aren't a villain."

"Never planned to be---"

"---Most people never do, unless it's All For One."

"What I meant was, having the entire world hunting you just seems exhausting. Being a Pro hero and having all the fortune and fame and women and money and women is so much better. I'm actually starting to like it."

"Really?" Nezu's eyes lite up.

"Just a little bit, it has its benefits. Having the entire world groveling at my feet and praising me, it just feels like this is how my life was always meant to be."

"That's concerning," Nezu swallows nervously. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"Only sometimes, I still hate having to save so many useless fucks. Every day its 'oh no a villain is here and I'm a useless piece of shit that can't fight back or run away, please save me...' dumb fucks. Honestly, humanity would be better off without them. But I'm the moron with the job of protecting people who don't deserve to fun."

Nezu sighs, "Just when I thought I was making progress..."


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