MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 191(Homeroom)

CHAPTER 191(Homeroom)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---7:05 AM...

"Look, I just don't see what the big deal is, I didn't even say anything wrong," Sero says.

He was sitting on Tokoyami's desk, because strangely he and Horizon are in the 1A homeroom before anyone else arrives.

Even the obsessively polite Momo Yaoyorozu.

Horizon was in his custom uniform, leaning back with his feet up, scrolling through a few of his fan pages on his phone.

Forever entertained by the insane rumors and assumptions the internet has about him. And this week the latest gossip is him joining the Edgeshot Hero Agency, since Cellophane is working with them.

"Just tell her she's pretty or something, or get her cake, girls love cake," Horizon says.

"It's flowers, the saying is 'girls like flowers'. Besides, Yui like tomatoes more."

"Ew, and I said cake because they can't eat flowers, but seriously, Yui is head over heels for you...for some reason---"


"If you actually like her then probably don't reward bad behavior with cake, that'll be bad long term, and hey, why apologize if you're right," Horizon shrugs.

"Exactly, but I don't get why she's mad."

"She's a girl, doesn't matter if you were right, just how it made her feel, I try not to take them seriously."

"Well I'm sorry I actually have a heart," Sero shakes his head. "And it really likes Yui."

"Sounds like a personal problem. Just tell her to get over it, you've got hero stuff to do, so what if you don't want to go see some stupid poetry show nonsense, who gives a fuck."

"Her apparently," Sero groans. "It's just gonna suck so much, those things are super lame."

"Hey you wanted a girlfriend, this is what you get. I did tell you to just ---"

"I remember what you told me, but I happen to like Yui as a person, and not as 'playthings' or whatever you said."

"Then bite the bullet and go to the poetry show, I'll be over in Tokyo enjoying the perks of being a hero. Honestly man, who gets fame and fortune to settle for one girl..." Horizon scoffs.

"Well let's not get ahead of ourselves," Sero says. "I said I like her, not that I'd nev---"

The door at the back of the room slides open, and Momo Yaourorozu stares at both her classmates before her eyes settle on Horizon.

"Hey, Yaomomo!" Sero doesn't miss a beat or notice the strange look she gave Horizon. "You're usually the first one here, everything ok?"

Momo walks over to her seat as she responds, "Good morning Sero, and things have never been better, just a bit of a late start this morning."

She takes her seat and begins setting up her books.

"Hey, can I get your opinion on some girl stuff Yaomomo?"

"Um, certainly, but I'm not sure if I'm experienced enough to be of any help."

"More than most of our class," Horizon blurts out.

And Momo can see the thoughts connect through Sero's expression as he looks between them, then he looks surprised, eyes widening a bit, then quickly moves past it.

"It's about Yui," Sero says, and Momo's oh-so thankful he didn't say anything. "She wants to go to some poetry night next week, it's in Musutafu, but it really isn't my kind of thing, plus I just feel like I'd get more done by doing my usual training, you know?"

Momo nods along.

"Right, so I told her this, and now she's mad, what do you think I should do?"

"Well, training is important, and we are here mainly for training. But also you entered into a relationship knowing there'd have to be some moments where you put each other first, as that is part of having a romantic relationship..." Momo furrows her brow, trying to think of a solution to this.

"One more reason heroes shouldn't have serious relationships," Horizon says as he continues scrolling on his phone. "I'll add it to the list."

Momo frowns, "Everyone needs someone to be there for them in the quiet moments."

"Yeah, the quiet moments, not to drop what you're doing just because of them. Anyway, what do you think he should do?"

"Hmm, I think he should go, if it makes her happy that alone should be enough reason."

"I think he should go," Horizon says, surprising both of them. "If only to understand why women shouldn't be allowed to distract you from your goals, suffer through some garbage amateur poetry, and learn a valuable lesson."

"Are you saying you'd never go to one of these for a girl?" Sero asks.

"Fuck no!" Horizon actually put down his phone, then gestures back to Momo. "I've got the girl that'll be happy with me taking the time to buy her a new interesting book, not dragging me to some horrific and pretentious poetry event."

"Mhm," Momo nods along, elated by the way he's so open about whatever they are.

"Because I think ahead, while you just think with your dick."

"I think with my heart," Sero says.

"Well you think with both of those," Horizon says. "I think with all three. If you wanted to avoid this you should have asked out Momo," he shrugs.

"I did, on the first day of school, but she already had that crush on you."

"She has good taste," Horizon says.

"Can both of you please stop speaking about me as if I'm not here," Horizon glances back to see her face beet red. "And for the record, I also happen to enjoy live shows, and poetry."

"Really?" Horizon spins his chair around to face her. "Want to go to this poetry thing?"

Momo's eyes open wide, 'he's asking me out, on a real date, maybe a double date with his friend. Oh my god! Did he change his mind, does he want me to be his girlfriend, only me? Yes! It must be!'

"Yes!" Momo says, with a bit too much energy, then quickly covers her mouth. "I mean, of course, I think I'd quite enjoy some amateur poetry."

"Perfect," Horizon says. "Then just get all the girls to go, Sero buys the tickets, then everyone is happy, a 'girls night'," he shrugs.

Momo's smile falls and Sero begins grinning, "what?"

"It's the obvious solution," Horizon says. "Obviously I can't go because then the public would know who Cellophane is...and I don't want to go. But I'm sure Yui would appreciate her boyfriend doing this, plus the girls will like it.

Especially Jiro and Mina, since they failed their exams they can only leave campus if a teacher is with them, or me. But I'm sure Eraser won't mind if so many Provisional License holders are out together, you girls can defend yourselves."

"Dude! You're a genius!" Sero praises him.

"I know, and I get that a lot."

"Well, I'm sure Kyoka will appreciate not being stuck on campus for a change," Momo says. "Alright, I'll speak to the others about it!"

"Thanks Yaomomo, you're the best," Sero says, and she just sheepishly nods along.

And internally Momo berates herself, 'Stupid stupid stupid, of course he can't go out in public with you, that would make you a target and he can't allow that...but I suppose that also means he cares in his own strange way. Ugh, why is having a love life so complicated!'

After they chat a bit to sort out the details, Sero turns to Horizon.

"So what would you do for a night out with your girlfriend? Yui doesn't work anywhere near me, but Edgeshot has a case that puts me close to her area next month, figured we could spend some time together on patrol for a change."

Horizon shrugs, "I have Horizon Tower, it's pretty much got everything, why would we ever need to go anywhere."

"C'mon, tell me something helpful," Sero whines.

"Is there really nothing you like?" Momo asks. "Or someplace you enjoy going?"

"Well, I like the beach," Horizon says. "Its always been a nice place to relax, since I was a kid, even built my house there."

"House?" Sero asks.

"I own a lot of places, but before I went public and built Horizon Tower, I enjoyed my time at the beach. Now it's just hopping between UA, Horizon Tower, and Central Hospital."

"I guess a beach trip could be fun," Sero says. "But that's probably something we should do as a class, right?"

"Absolutely!" Momo is excited at the idea. "I can have mother ready the beach h---" she freezes, and looks, for the first time since they've met her, sad.

"You ok?" Horizon asks.

"I um, I just remembered we sold that house," she lied, and not very well. "It was always my favorite..."

"Well how about we try to get through the semester before planning any victory celebrations," Horizon says. "One thing at a time..."

After a few more minutes, someone else finally gets to their homeroom.

"Glass face!" Bakugo yells out as he enters through the front door.

"It's too early for this shit," Horizon grumbles as everyone looks at Bakugo.

The blonde had his bag over his shoulder, and both hands in his pockets, staring intently at Horizon.

"What do you want?"

"To fight you," Bakugo says. "Rematch, just you and me."

"That's a waste of my time, how about you just take your seat and be quiet till class starts."

"Rematch," Bakugo demands.

Horizon sighs, "and how would this be any different than the Sports Festival, I'm stronger than I was then, and I promise I improve faster than you."

"Tch, because I'm stronger too, and faster, and have better control. And I've been studying you, and thinking about exactly how I'll kick your ass!"

"Well, I hope you think about your girlfriend that much."

"Don't have one."

"Probably because you think about me so much," Horizon hears Sero laugh, and Momo stifles a chuckle behind him.

"Don't need useless distractions! I just need to be the best, and that means beating you."

"I'm Horizon, unless you've got Star and Stripe in your pocket, I'm invincible, and you'll always be, at best, the runner-up. Just accept your place, silver medal..."

"Argh!" Bakguo slams his hand down on Horizon's desk, but he doesn't get any reaction out of the boy. "Fight me! If you're so invincible then why are you so scared, huh?! Think you'll lose?!"

"No, I simply know you aren't worth my time," Horizon says. "But fine, this afternoon, just to shut you up, but first, you should really hurry, atleast if you want to get to homeroom in time..."

Bakugo and the others look confused at that, since they were already in homeroom.

Until Horizon raises a hand and snaps his fingers.


In Bakugo's place is a single leaf from the other side of UA, over 14 km away. And hovering in the air, Bakugo's phone, was selectively left behind when Horizon sent him away.

So he can't call for help, so they get just a bit longer without his yelling.

"Where did you send him?" Momo asks, concern in her voice.



"Ugh, he's just at the other side of UA, he'll walk back in...a bit."

"He'll be late for homeroom, Mr. Aizawa could be upset," Momo says. "You could get in trouble."

"Momo, babe, relax, Eraser Head and I have an understanding, I'll be fine..."


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