MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 188(One Task Complete)

CHAPTER 188(One Task Complete)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Hearing Momo knock on his door, Horizon pauses his hologram and decides to walk over instead of his usual Warping.

Not wanting to make her any more nervous than she already is.

But when he opens the door, just for a tiny moment, he freezes.

Because while his Quirk allows him to sense anything within his Room, it doesn't give him any sense of color.

So looking at Momo, wearing only a sweater dress, white with blue lining, and his logo proudly displayed at the bottom above her left thigh. And the faint pink lip-gloss on her lips, he's completely caught off guard.

He completely ignored the folder in her hands and just watches her for a moment, taking it all in as she nervously fidgets before him.

"Huh, I always knew I'd look good on you..." He nods to her outfit.

"Well, I, I was told you'd like it."

"Oh, believe me, I do," he steps aside for her to enter, and she scans the hallways quickly as if expecting someone to stop her or yell at her for what she's doing. "But I don't think that's licensed merchandise from my website..."

"Oh, I, made it myself, I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind."

"The view is well worth it, make whatever you like with my signature on it," Momo's cheeks blush slightly as she sheepishly nods.

"It still feels strange being in a boy's room," Momo says, following his lead as he gestures to the couch.

"You'll get used to being in here," he turns his back to her and begins making some adjustments to the hologram, which finally catches her eye.

"You have one of those in your room?"

"Nezu let me design my own room, and this helps me manage my current cases," he gestures to the map as he makes a few adjustments. "Look familiar?"

Momo thinks about it for a moment while trying, and failing -because of how nervous she is-, to get comfortable on the couch. "A map of Japan's highways?"

"Close," he saves his work and takes a seat to her left, resting his arm on the back of the couch. "I put this case together myself, very confidential, and what you're looking at is the known transport route for all manner of contraband, a lot of people work together so Heroes never learn about this, but I'm not just any hero."

"So how did you find out about this?" Momo's eyes widen in amazement as she speaks, carefully analyzing the map.

"I have my ways."

"Always one step ahead," she mutters, still trying to comprehend the magnitude of the map he's displaying.

"And I see you brought something too," he gestures to the folder beside her.

"Oh, well, you seemed interested in the rifle designs I came up with so I could see what the Shields and I have been working on together, they're almost ready."

"Maybe some other time, but right now it's already nine o'clock, so I'd rather just focus on you," he gently reaches out and lifts her chin so she's staring at him, and he can almost see the excitement in her eyes.

Then something many of the girls have been wondering pops into her head.

"Will you take off the visor?"

Horizon pauses for a moment, then retracts his hand, and she leans forward slightly, not wanting him to let go, before catching herself.

"I'll have to, but I'd rather you cover your eyes, for your own safety. I'm so handsome it could give you a heart attack."

Momo gives him a skeptical look, "I won't look if you don't want me to, I respect your privacy."

He considers it for a moment, ready to use his UA tie like a blindfold as he'd done with Ryuko at the summer camp. But before that, takes a different approach.

"Thank you, but honestly, how about I show you..."

Momo's breath hitches.

"But its a bit...intense, because of my Quirk, and you can't look for long, it can be dangerous for you."

"Well, if you're comfortable with it."

"I trust you," Horizon says.

And he slowly reaches behind his neck and deactivates his visor. Sensing it unbind from his body glove around his neck and begins folding away.

And Momo's eyes widen in genuine surprise at what she sees.

His face was still covered in the white matching ski mask as he always is, but through the eye holes were steady thick streams of the blue energy vapor.

His eyeballs themselves were bright blue, glowing like bulbs. And Momo finds herself squinting when looking at them for more than a moment.

A clever use of Booster Shot to create this effect, gives a bit more justification for his body glove and visor being Lifestyle Support Items, in the unlikely case that Momo gossips atleast.

And hopefully makes this entire situation easier for her to stomach.

"So, not what you expected?" he asks playfully, seeing her brain trying and failing to process this.

Without a word she slowly reaches up, and touches the energy vapor pouring out of his face.

She feels the cool and soothing sensation flowing through her finger, familiar, the same as his healing energy from earlier that day.

'It's a containment suit for his must have taken him a lot to trust me like this,' she forms her own conclusions. 'I can't imagine what terrible things he's had to deal with to live like this...'

And in her eyes he's elevated that much higher, overcoming adversity she can't even fathom.

Giving him a joyful smile, so glad that he trusted her with such a secret, Momo lets some of her inhibitions go and leans forward, sitting up properly to clumsily crash her lips into his.

She feels a tingling sensation in her body before the soothing and relaxing feeling overcomes her, helping her to melt into his gasp much easier as his hands hold onto her.

Nearly two minutes pass before they finally separate, and Momo leans back completely out of breath with her arms around his shoulders, feeling one of his hands at the small of her back and another holding onto her rear.

"I'm so sorry, I should have asked you first," she says between quick breaths.

At this Horizon just chuckles, and she feels the vibration of it in her entire body, "Momo, I'm Horizon, if I don't want someone touching me, they can't touch me, and as you can feel, I'm very happy with how this is going..."

And that's all she needed to hear before greedily diving back in.

Twenty minutes later and Momo is straddling his lap, now wearing a comfortable blindfold she made in his colors, on his bed.

And it's only when he gently begins lifting the edge of her sweater dress, which only has her naked body under it, that she realizes exactly how badly she'd really wanted this.

Years of being prim and proper and never getting to have friends or talk to boys. Never even having so much as a crush.

And now she's here, in the bed of her first crush, dear she says her idol. Her gold standard for what she needs to become, and she's about to give him everything, to share the most intimate experience with him.

She wants more than anything to give in and finally cast aside her inhibitions, but that nagging feeling haunts her and she reaches for his hands, stopping him from undressing her as she holds onto them.

"Are you alright?" Horizon asks, and his voice hits her in a way that sets her blood on fire, her heart pounding in her ears.

"I just," she takes a few short breaths. "I don't know if, am I being a good person."

"Momo, you're one of the best people I know, golden-hearted to a fault honestly, but you always doubt yourself."

"But, what am I doing?"

Horizon rolls his eyes, "babe---"

She feels her heart skip a beat, that word having such a strong effect on her, like honey to her ears.

"---you aren't doing anything, this isn't on you, it's on me, because you're just following my lead, right?"

And with those few words all the responsibility falls away from her, and her inhibitions with them.

Momo leans forward, grabbing his face and kissing him as he removes her sweater dress.

Showing off her naked body below...

The start of a very good night for both of them. And certainly one that they'd never forget.

Minutes later, as the lights are finally off so he can stop excessively burning energy, Horizon lays her down on his bed, the now disheveled mess that was Momo Yaoyorozu, to begin the rest of their night.

He does one last scan of the dorms, and notices something interesting, someone eavesdropping on them, and enjoying herself while doing so.

He has to stop himself from laughing and just decided to ignore it for now, because he had more than enough to focus on in his bed at the moment.

'One task at a time, I'll get to her later...'


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