MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 180(Character Witness)

CHAPTER 180(Character Witness)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---10 PM, Judge Hoka's Chamber...

"I can't believe I'm doing this, you had better not back out of our agreement," Horizon says.

He was sitting in a luxurious but small office, with shelves of older books on either side.

Yagi sat beside him as they wait for the man they'd come to meet.

"What you're doing now is no different from what I'll be doing during that interview, but I think the push you'll get from me speaking so highly of you to the people is well worth it."

"Every bit helps, just keep him in line, or I'll do it myself, and I promise you don't want that."

"Right," Yagi rubs his one palm on his leg nervously. "I'm just glad Lemillion didn't get into any trouble, but from the sounds of it, and since Nighteye didn't even try to help, looks like Midoriya will have to find another agency to work at."

"Assuming he doesn't get banned from Hero Work," Horizon says. "Let's deal with one thing at a time. How about you focus on getting your fuckup out of this mess before throwing him into the next one..."

A moment later the side door to this chamber opens and a slim senior Japanese man walks in, before Horizon and Yagi get up to greet him he gestures for them to remain seated.

"No need to get up," Judge Hoka says as he hangs up his robes and sits down in his chair. "It really is an honor to be meeting both of you, I just wish it was under more delightful circumstances...or that I had more time."

"The honor is ours," Yagi says, and Horizon only nods. "But as I said on the phone we're here to discuss Izuku Midoriya."

"Midoriya?" Hoka thinks for a moment as he leans back in his chair. He flips through some files on his desk and then finds what he's looking for. "Oh, the green-haired boy who got arrested this morning. Tried to kidnap a little girl, assaulted a civilian, didn't resist arrest, is locked up for the next few hours before we ship him off to a reinforced cell...what about him?"

"Right, young Midoriya," Yagi says. "We're here to discuss perhaps...not having such a permanent sentence for this, misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Hoka leans forward a bit, "he tried to kidnap a little girl and assaulted her dad, the entire thing was recorded by the security cameras from the store across the street, it's quite simple."

"Well, um," Yagi rubs the back of his head nervously. "Midoriya is one of my students, and I've spoken to him on the phone since he's been locked up, he explained it quite differently to me."

Hoka looks a bit concerned, "right, the story about the girl needing saving and being abused by her dad. But we pulled her medical records and we've got dozens of people testifying that she's just clumsy. She was just a child acting out, as children tend to do. Your student had no reason to act in such a way."

"Well I'm sure the situation was much different in person," Yagi says. "Young Midoriya has excellent instincts, he's yet to be wrong, and I trust his judgment on this situation."

"Too bad instincts can't be measured on paper, like witness accounts, video evidence, and medical records."

"Enough," Horizon interrupts them. "Look, your honor, we've all had long days here, you especially. But we're here because you're the head judge in charge of Pro Hero Vs Civilian cases, All Might really believes in Deku and doesn't want his hero career to end like this, what are the chances of that happening?"

"Right, well the Commission handles most Pro Hero business, but when citizens take issue with them then that's my jurisdiction, and as the head of this department I don't see a good way out of this for your boy."

"None?" Yagi asks.

"Well, before this he didn't have much of a record, aside from one minor case of involving himself in a Slime Villain incident, luckily he didn't use his Quirk so that wasn't illegal."

"Just very stupid," Horizon says. "Deku has a bad habit of leaping the moment he sees someone in trouble, as you can tell, it gets him in trouble."

"Right," Judge Hoka sighs. "Well, rules are rules, and the result of any sort of violation of the law during the Provisional License period is grounds for immediate annulment of the license and permanent disbarment from taking the exams again. But that would be a slap on the wrist for him, being caught assaulting innocent civilians and kidnapping children is arguably worse than just killing someone."

"And he'll be tried as an adult since he has a Provisional License," Horizon says.

"Naturally," Judge Hoka says. "Look, just between us, I don't think the kid has it in him to hurt a fly, seems like a softie. But...he's kind of an idiot for going about it like this, and the law is the law. My hands are tied."

"Right, well Nezu figured as much," Yagi says. "So he came up with an alternative." Yagi takes out a stack of papers and gently puts them on the table.

Judge Hoka looks at it skeptically, then leans forward and begins reading, "had anyone less than the past and future Symbols of Peace been sitting across from me, I'd already be telling both of you to get out..." he says as he continues reading.

"Which is why...I am here," Horizon says in a tired voice, already sick of this entire process.

Almost half an hour later the judge is finally done reading the documents, then sits back and takes a deep breath.

"Well, Nezu found a loophole that I'll have to seal up, after this case..."

"Meaning?" Yagi sounded a bit hopeful.

"It'll work," Judge Hoka says. "But he'll be on house arrest for the next year. Will you be putting that location as UA?"

"Of course, he won't be able to go home but he can continue his studies," Yagi says. "Anything else."

"Well, his Provisional License is annulled, and he'll have to redo the exam next, the following year since he can't leave UA until that round of exams. Plus he'll be very closely watched in terms of any time he reports an incident he resolved, and any violation will result in him being arrested and spending his initial sentence of 25 prison, with no chance of early release or bail."

Yagi feels his heart drop at that, finally realizing exactly what kind of bullet they narrowly dodged.

"Now, this only works because I trust both of you, as does all of Japan, and because this event has been kept quiet by the Commission since it makes Pro Heroes look bad. But since teachers and UA staff aren't allowed to be legal character witnesses in cases like this, the only person I trust is you."

He spins the papers around and points to a dotted line, "you'll have to sign as a witness of his good character Horizon."

Horizon just stiffly takes the pen and leans forward to sign, "which I can do since legally I'm treated as an adult, even before my Provisional License..." his hands stop a moment before he signs, then looks at Yagi, and shakes his head. "Can't believe I'm doing this..." he reluctantly signs the agreement.

"Right," Judge Hoda takes the papers and files them away. "I'll call and have him released in the morning, but this matter will stay on the record, and reflect poorly on Horizon if this student does turn out to be some child-stealing psychopath."

"I promise, if I see him straying I'll deal with him before you ever find out," Horizon says. "Can't have my reputation being sullied after all."

Judge Hoda gives him a strange look, then glances over at Yagi to see him genuinely worried.

"Right, now that we're all settled," the Judge takes out his phone. "My grandkids are big Horizon fans, can we take a few pictures, maybe you can sign some stuff?"

"Well I'm always happy to spread some joy," Horizon chuckles as he gets up and takes out some of his metal cards, which he usually doesn't give out, but on this occasion, he decides to hand the man a pair.

Because new political friends are always useful.

---2 Hours Later...

Yagi and Horizon have been sitting in silence since leaving the office, still in the back of an armored SUV on the way back to Musutafu where UA is.

"So..." Yagi tries making conversation. "That went very well."


"The interview you asked me to do with your friend Chitose, and the things you want me to say, you asked me to stake my reputation on you, so I feel like it was fair to ask you to do the same."

"But I'm not Deku," Horizon growls out. "I'm perfect, and he's a fuckup."


"Plus your career is over, mine is only just starting, much bigger risk on my end of the deal...luckily I don't plan to do this hero bullshit forever like you."

"Right, you'll be focusing on medicine more after the first few years," Yagi sighs. "And you're right, I'm sorry my student is causing you this much trouble."

"Just fix it."

"I'm sure he had goo---"

"Don't care, reasons don't matter, just results. And his are atrocious."

Yagi awkwardly nods, and smartly decides to change the topic, "well, are you staying in UA or heading back to Tokyo?"

"I promise you don't want me there when Deku shows his face...I'll be in Tokyo for the next week to cool off, then I'll come back."

"Uh, but you've only got permission to spend Thursday and Friday in Tokyo, it's Sunday."

Horizon just silently turns to Yagi. And the man can feel the angry and annoyed energy radiating from him.

"Right, I'll just explain it to Nezu," Yagi says nervously.

And they go back to traveling in silence back to UA...


Upload schedule changing from every weekday to Monday-Wednesday-Friday so I don't work myself to death, hopefully it changes back eventually, that's all :p

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