MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 162(Self Diagnosis)

CHAPTER 162(Self Diagnosis)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---5:40 AM, 1A Dorms...

The basement of each UA dorm building hosts a gym for its residents.

And as expected of a gym for super-humans, the devices and equipment are much more extreme than most of the nation would have access to.

Most people have no interest in training Quirks because they aren't legally allowed to use them, so why bother training a muscle you can never use?

But at the moment Horizon was laying on a bench, aiming to check his personal bench-press record.

The machine was a padded solid metal rectangle rising out of the floor, on either side were large square metal columns.

Perfectly attached to a plate that connects the columns and hangs above the bench, like a massive hydraulic press.

But instead of crushing whatever was on the bench, its role is to resist the pushing force acting upward upon it.

Wearing his body glove and visor, Horizon almost appeared to be in some sort of armor. The image of a muscular and tall person, covered head to toe in a skin-tight white outfit, with blue accents and grooves between the very thin reactive gel pads atop his muscles.

Allowing anyone who sees this to easily imagine the physique beneath it.

Aside from that, his new 'watch', that Mei designed for him, which usually sits under his Rolex, is on his wrist.

Now laying on the bench he takes a deep breath before placing his hands flat on the metal plate above him.

"C'mon," he mutters as he starts pushing upward.

He feels the device move freely at first, then a few inches more it becomes difficult to move.

"Mmmm!" he growls as he pushes harder and harder, feeling his arms burning as his muscles are at their limits.

"NnnAH!" he finally relents, bringing his arms down and away from the device. Both his arms hang at his sides as he takes a deep breath, feeling like fire was coursing through them.

The device stays in place above him for a moment before it slowly descends to the starting position he had set.

While it does that he gets up and paces back and forth, focusing on his breathing as he activates his Quirk.

Now making a Room only a few meters wide, just enough to cover the device.

Booster Shot!

The healing energy begins flowing through his body, focused on his arms which immediately begin to feel much better.

Walking over to the machine's control console, he sees his new record, 1.5 Tons -3000lbs/1360KG.

"Ok, so I can lift a car and my top sprinting speed is almost 50 mph -80kmph-," he cracks his neck. "Now to test the Quirk...again."

Resetting the machine he gets back into position, both hands raised to press against the device.

Now fully healed and recovered he takes a deep breath, leaving his Room active as he begins pushing.


He immediately breaks past 1 Ton.


He hits 2 Tons with surprising ease.


Now he sees blue energy vapor being released from his arms, thin like a light morning fog.

'Just keep pushing!'


He hits 3 Tons, doubling his standard record.


As he hits 3.2 Tons, -6400lbs/ 2450kgs-.


His vision goes black for a moment as excruciating pain wracks his mind. He feels as if someone was trying to split his skull in two and rip out his brain with their bare hands.

Then his Quirk shuts off without his consent.

His hands leave the device as he clutches his head, moments like these are why most of UA's machines replaced free weights.

So nobody would accidentally drop the weight of an SUV on themselves while training.

"Fuck!" Horizon yells out, and the pain subsides moments later as he gets up, leaning on the metal column for support as he feels blood flowing out of his nose, ears, and eyes.

Taking a minute to compose himself he stands normally and raises his left arm to look at his forearm. With a flick of his arm, the watch Mei created for him projected a hologram onto his inner forearm, displaying his biometrics for the past few hours.

He immediately begins looking for the moment his Quirk went wild.

But doesn't see anything too unusual in his scans from that moment.

"Heart good, organs fine, blood sugar is fine, then wha---" he fiddles with it a bit to look at the particular brain scans. "Abnormal brain activity?" he sits back on the bench while reading the data.

"Left and right hemispheres had different levels of brainwaves?" Horizon tilts his head slightly, having genuinely never seen anything like that before in himself.

This was different from his previous tests. As he gains more power by constantly improving his Quirk, the effect becomes more and more apparent.

"That doesn't make any sense, the integration was done perfectly, they should all just be Hand Of God already."

He delves even deeper into the scans, then displays a holographic 3D map of his brain from the device.

The display had pieces of the left half in red and sections of the right half in blue.

And it knocked the wind out of Horizon.

"What the fuck..." he mutters quietly, drawing a blank as he tries to come up with any sane solution.

While it took Dr. Ujiko -Garaki-, a century to solve this problem.

It now hovered before Horizon who's only had it for not even 5 weeks.

And while he would naturally flip through his incredible amount of potential solutions. Combining his Quirk, medical expertise, and experience.

There wasn't anything that seemed viable.

The solution Dr. Garaki came up with was to remove the consciousness from the subject, and upon waking them up fully, all the Quirks would harmonize for a mutually beneficial objective.

But he was a mad scientist of the highest order, even sacrificing his own grandchildren to create Nomu for his master.

And since Horizon's subject is himself, he naturally would never think of that solution, and even if he did, he would never commit to it.

Atleast that's what Dr. Ujiko thinks.

He expects the young man to be blinded by his own genius and pushed to insanity by this issue.

But Horizon was far too cold and logical for that.

"So I can't do a partial lobotomy," he says. "If I do that then it could really fuck up my Quirk, and technically there isn't anything wrong with my brain so I can't just use Hand of God to manipulate my body and fix it.

This isn't a physical medical problem, it's something more than that," he ponders for a few minutes before his shoulders slump down. "Fuck..."

He sits back in disbelief as he can't think of a solution.

For the first time in his life, there is no clear path to progress forward.

He just sits there looking at the diagram, hoping for some random idea to pop into his mind.

But he gets nothing, Horizon doesn't have the answer.

There are many people, including Dr. Ujiko, who'd be willing to pay a lot of money or do bad things just to get a glimpse of this moment.

Especially after constantly hearing everyone, even his dear friend and master All For One put this one man on a pedestal.

But aside from All For One, he's the only person who knows exactly why that's being done.

With a loud annoyed groan, Horizon mutters "I hate this hero-villain bullshit,"  to himself as he gets up.

Walking back to the control console he's looking down at the device on this arm, taps a few options, and opens the connection to his phone.

"None of my sources have anything yet, well isn't that just freaking great," he says in an annoyed tone.

Truthfully that's exactly why he's down here. He hardly ever does a proper workout anymore, and even so he'd save it until after school when he's training.

But this morning instead of following up on information his sources gathered, putting together cases and organizing his work between the Hero work and the Miracle Ward.

This particular morning he just couldn't focus because of how annoyed he was.

Having nothing to do but sit on his hands and wait, something he's always hated. Feeling powerless to guide his own life.

He hated it, so he came down here to blow off some steam.

Only to get even more annoyed.

Shutting down the hologram he taps the console, resetting the device before he walks over to the special heavy bags to practice his striking.

Because while his form is perfect, it was therapeutic, and the only form of therapy he needed.

According to himself, that is.

But before that, he sees an option to add his score to the leaderboard for this machine, which means it must have made it into the top 3.

Tapping the console he sees the current rankings.

Deku- 7 Tons -14,000lbs/ 6350kgs-.

Shoji- 0.85 Tons -1700lbs/ 771kgs-.

Red Riot!- 0.7 Tons -1400lbs/ 635kgs.

Horizon isn't surprised by these records, or the names use to record them, not in the least. If Sato had lived to see the dorms, he's sure that Sato would be a close 3rd place behind himself and Deku.

"Well, it's no surprise you're too strong and fast, physically fast atleast, for me to ever hope to match. You'll be stronger than All Might eventually so it's expected."

He considers entering his own record, if only to show Deku and the others that while he doesn't focus on his physical capabilities often.

Even in that regard, he's well above average.

To show that there isn't anything that he can't compete at, atleast at the moment, even against those whose entire power is their physicality.

But he moves his finger across to the 'rest' button and clears his record.

"I don't need Kirishima asking me to join them in the gym, and I think I'll leave my physical power as a pleasant surprise for now," Horizon says as he walks off to the punching bag area of the gym...


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