MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 158(Of Hearts and Mind Pt-3)

CHAPTER 158(Of Hearts and Mind Pt-3)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Well I think that's just about everything I wanted to know," Law says as their lunch comes to an end.

"Well this was certainly a pleasant meeting if that's the case," Koku -Trumpet-, says.

"Well I just have one more question, the most important of them all," Law says, causing all three men to look at each other somewhat nervously.

"And what might that be?" Slide N Go asks.

"Well, it can wait, but before that. Have you ever wondered what you should order to eat for a meeting like this?"

The men give each other strange looks, then Koku takes the lead, "what do you mean?"

Law looks at his phone, seeing a confirmation message, then leans back and begins explaining.

"Well, for a business meeting your order has a subconscious effect on the people at the table. Like myself and Slide N Go, we're big so steak makes sense, especially with muscles like that," he gestures to the Pro Hero.

"Then we've got your Sashimi Platter," Law nods toward Koku, "not bad but it could leave the wrong impression with ladies. And then we come to you," he shakes his head at Tomoyasu -Skeptic-.

"What's wrong with my order?" Skeptic gestures to the half-eaten bowl of Miso Soup.

"Well it's the number one thing you should never order from a restaurant," Law says. "There are mainly three reasons. The first, is that it's where the head chef will put all the ingredients that are about to go bad and aren't presentable anymore, especially if it's a fish soup of any kind."

"Ugh," Skeptic groans, looking at the bowl with distrust.

"The second, is that you don't want anything that can splash about or be loud for a business meeting like this. Plus, it's just not a good look."

"Uh...ok," they all give him weird looks before Skeptic asks, "and what's the third reason."

"Well, I'll explain after my next question, if it's needed."

"And what question might that be?" Trumpet asks.


All three men have their faces splattered with bits of Slide N Go's brains as a bullet hollows out his skull from the back to the front.

Law doesn't react but both men jump back in their seats, almost falling over.

But the people at the table behind them immediately get up and keep them in their chairs.

As the dead Pro Hero slumps onto the table, they see the women on the table behind him all holding guns and looking at them.

"Take anything you want!" Trumpet says with his hands raised, just like Skeptic, expecting to be robbed.

But the woman only chuckles slightly, keeping her pistol aimed at them as one of her friends walks over to the dead Pro Hero, and gets his phone out of his pocket.

"You aren't being robbed, dumbass," Law says, pulling their attention over to him. To see him completely relaxed in his seat with blood on the side of his face. "These aren't customers, they're my friends."

They see everyone on the rooftop immediately take out their weapons or in some cases just turn to look at them, presumably having Quirks that make guns obsolete.

"Friend?!" Trumpet yells, "your friend just killed someone!"

"Obviously," Law says. "Why wouldn't she? I mean, I take care of her, and her family, send her kids to whatever school she wants. Keep the college funds topped of course my friends would look out for me in even the most drastic cases."

"They're your security!" Skeptic says.

"No no no, friends," Law corrects him. Noting how neither man looks awfully bothered by the corpse slumped forward on the table. "Security would make me responsible for this mess, but I can't be held accountable for the independent actions of my friends, now can I?"

"What do you want?" Trumpet asks.

"Well, usually I'd wonder why a politician and a tech nerd aren't bothered by the corpse of a person right here, but I think we're already past that," Law says. "So, why were you wannabe anarchists trying to clone my phone?"

"What are you talking about?" Skeptic asks, a surprisingly convincing lie judging by his confused expression.

Law had the woman hand him the clone phone, "it couldn't even get past my login screen, guess my I.T. guy is better than yours."

He sees Skeptic's eyes narrow slightly at that, just for an instant.

"Ohh, I'm guessing you did personally make this program, good, now tell me what you were aiming for."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Skeptic insists.

Law sighs and rolls his eyes, and as if in queue them men behind them hold their arms down flat onto the table, making sure his guests couldn't move.

"Do you know what the third reason you don't order soup it?" Law asks. "Well, if you're at a table with me, then...a cold dark river, the open ocean, a lake maybe, bathtub...or a bowl of fucking soup. You can drown in them all the same..."

"Wh---" Before Skeptic can even comprehend what he meant, his face was being held down in two inches of soup, drowning him in his lunch.

As Skeptic is drowning Trumpet begins speaking, "you can't do this! You killed and Pro Hero, the police will arrest you!"

Law has to visibly stop himself from laughing in his face, "do you have any idea of who I am. I'm Law Matani. There isn't a judge in the country willing to sign an arrest warrant for me, there isn't a cop willing to pull me over. And obviously, I don't give a shit about these idiots," he gestures to Slide N Go's corpse.


"But nothing. Because even if All Might himself came to arrest me, even if the judges wanted it and they pulled it off, nothing would happen," Law says. "In the past few months I've both sooooo sooooooooo many companies in Japan, mostly Tokyo. And you can't imagine how many people would lose jobs the moment I'm locked up."


"Oh, you didn't consider that, did you," Law says. "The first thing that happens when you have over a few million employees is they give you a call to make sure you won't suddenly dump a million unemployed people into the system, because the government hates having to take care of unemployed poor people even more than you think."

As he's explaining he notices Skeptic no long twitching in the bowl of soup, and gestures for the men to wake him up. They pull him out of the bowl and give him a hard punch to the gut, causing him to cough and vomit up everything he ate today back into the bowl.

"As I was saying, they won't do a damn thing, because the economy can't afford it in this current state. I'm a very important piece of the wall holding back an unemployment crisis in Japan...well, a bigger one."

"That's why you've been operating like this," it finally clicks in Trumpet's head. "You weren't just going for legacy, you bought a way to stay out of jail, because Japan needs you right now."

Law gives a devious and victorious smile. "Crisis is opportunity."

A moment later Skeptic is done trying to cough his lungs out and snaps back to his senses, tears and snot running down his face.

"Enjoying the soup?" Law asks.

"Ngnnnn," Skeptic groans, swaying from side to side like he was drunk.

"Well, he's useless. Let's hook these guys up and ask some questions.

While Trumpet was confused a woman walked between them, with the men still behind them holding them down. Her fingernails extend half an inch like scales then she stabs them each in the shoulder, leaving her hands in them.

"Ahhh!" Both men cry out.

"Ready," The woman says. "I'll give them a shock if I sense any lies," she nods at Law.

"I'm so glad I hired all of you after that whole hostage nightmare, could have saved me a lot of trouble that night," Law says. "But anyway, Koku, my least favorite politician, why were you trying to break into my phone?"

"We didn't ARGH!" he screams as a small current flows through his body from the woman.

"Oh, you lied, that'll cost a finger..."

"What!?" Trumpet panics as a man from a nearby table get up and walk over, reaching for one of his hands being held to the table and grabbing his little finger. "Wait don't break it please?"

Hearing this Law chuckles, "break it, don't be ridiculous..."

"ARGRRGHHHHH!" Trumpet screams at the top of his lungs as the man rips off the finger completely, leaving it on the table. And a moment later he releases another scream as the man makes a small candle flame in his palm and burns the wound shut.

Three questions and three fingers later, each, neither man has spoken. So Law leans away, leaving the interrogation to his 'friends' while another man walks up beside him.

"Sir," the man says.

"What's wrong?"

"We questioned their driver, he didn't know anything but we dealt with him anyway, just in case."

Law looks over to the man, one of his Power Types, and sees both his sleeves bloodied, "right, good job..."

Turning back to his guests Law sees both men covered in sweat and slumped forward.

Only four fingers each and they were already beginning to pass out, he couldn't help but be disgusted by their weakness.

"Alright, this is getting tedious, will either of you ever tell me what I want?"

"Never!" Trumpet says.

"Never!" Skeptic says, but he immediately gets shocked, caught in a lie.

"Ohh, well that makes things easier," he then turns to Trumpet. "Well, you politicians never say anything useful either way, and you always lie to the public sooo...why don't you just stop talking all together, yeah?"

Trumpet and Skeptic look confused at that, then their expression turn to horror and panic as one of the nearby men grab a knife from Slide N Go's plate, and reaches into the politician's mouth for his tongue.

Skeptic is forced to watch his friend has his tongue cut out and the wound burnt shut, then he passes out on the table.

The man releases Skeptic's mouth, but the covert villain doesn't say anything.

He just laments the choices that lead to this, his fate for bringing him here. And his hate for the man sitting across from him just grew and grew.

"You're a monster!" Skeptic says, giving Law a hateful glare.

"Monster?" Law asks playfully. "The monsters are locked in Tartarus, but I'm infinitely worse...because I'm right here. And I really don't like that look you're giving me, with that left eye..."

"Wha---WAIT, PLEASE!" Skeptic screams as he feels a large hand covers the side of his face from behind him, and a finger digging into his eye socket.

"I promise I'll release what's left of you when I get what I want," Law says, words barely heard through Skeptic's screaming. "But let's see how many pieces I have to take until we get there..."


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