MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 156(Of Hearts and Mind)

CHAPTER 156(Of Hearts and Mind)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Sitting in the back of an armored SUV was Koku Hanabata.

The leader of Japan's Hearts and Mind political party and the leader of Re-Destro's Metal Liberation Army's political influence division.

He was a plain-looking Japanese man with a thin mustache, modern glasses and slicked back hear reaching down to his neck. He wore an exquisite black suit with a long matching scarf draped around his shoulders, atop his long black coat.

His villain name, Trumpet, was chosen based on his Quirk -or as his people call it, Meta Ability-, Incite.

This ability allows him to enhance the physical and mental abilities of anyone he commands so long as they are devoted to him.

The louder his voice the more powerful the specific effect.

As his driver was taking him around Tokyo, the seats opposite him were empty aside from a small briefcase resting across it.

Looking out the window he sees mid-day Tokyo passing by, somewhat disgusted by all the people walking on the street. So content with being sheep in a crowd. Ignoring and limiting what makes them truly unique just because the government tells them that's what they should do.

Shaking his head he takes out his phone to check it, seeing dozens of notifications. The average day for a man of his station. As the leader of one of Japan's 12 political parties, people always tried to get his attention.

But currently, they were among the less popular groups, something which he hoped to solve with this meeting.

As he's checking his schedule for today his assistant gives him a call, which he gladly answers.


"Sir, I managed to get you onto the 'Aftermath Special' tonight, to discuss the future ramifications of the Kamino Ward incident."

"Good, make some time for me in the schedule tonight and I'll be there. That will be a great time to open the eyes of the public as to why Quirk Regulations shouldn't be so strict..."

"Yes sir, and should I move ahead with the expanded marketing budgets for the district elections next month?"

"Not just yet," he tells her. "I'm currently heading to the meeting I mentioned, he accepted at the last minute so I had to rush over."

"Oh, with---"

"Yeah. If he joins our cause, or atleast supports our political party, then we'll be able to afford the new marketing easily. But even more important than that, we'll more easily be able to win over the public..."

"Yes sir, but, if he doesn't?" she asks.

"He will," Koku says. "But even if he doesn't, Re-Destro will simply use Detnerat to fund us as he always has."

"But aren't we doing this to avoid looking owned by one major company?" she asks.

"Yes, but nobody will be surprised if a company that makes Quirk Support Equipment for Pro Heroes and civilians supports the political party that encourages regular people to use their Quirks. That's just good business on their part, after all, a mutually beneficial arrangement on both sides."

"Right, good point sir."

"Oh, one more thing," Koku says. "UA will be starting the second semester tomorrow, which means Horizon won't be in Tokyo. Contact Geten, I want to stage a villain attack and have some of our people playing the part of civilians successfully chase off the villains, that should raise interest in our cause."

"Right, but why wait until UA opens tomorrow?"

Koku shakes his head, "because, for the first day of school Horizon will obviously be present. And that means he won't be in Tokyo to arrest our people posing as villains."

"Oh, good point, I'll get in contact with him right away sir."

"Good," Koku sees them arrive at the front of Feel Good Inc.'s building in Minato Tokyo. "I need to go, I'll call you when the meeting is over."

And as they part in front of the building currently housing one of Japan's top pharmaceutical companies, the door opens and Tomoyasu Chikazoku, one of its board members enters the vehicle.

He takes the seat opposite Koku and shuts the door behind him.

Tomoyasu Chikazoku was a lanky man of average height, wearing an all-black suit with hair to match. His hair was long, reaching his waist, with long bangs covering his eyes.

"This had better be good Trumpet," Tomoyasu says.

"Trust me Skeptic, this is worth leaving that board meeting early," Koku says.

Skeptic is Tomoyasu's codename within the Meta Liberation Army. The leader of their intelligence division and also the manager of their technological infrastructure.

While his Quirk: Anthropomorph, allows him to transform human-sized objects into realistic doll copies of himself or other people and remotely control them, he rarely ever uses it.

His true worth comes from his ability to hack into almost any system he's encountered. He's also a genius at logistical management, making him the perfect accountant and resource manager for the entire army.

"So what are we doing?" Skeptic asks.

"I got the meeting, it was last minute but he said he has a free lunch opening today and only today," Koku says.

"Ahh," Skeptic looks at the briefcase on the seat beside him and opens it, taking out the new laptop and phone inside and getting to work. "I'll have this phone ready to make a clone of his in a few minutes, but we'll have to be at the same table for atleast thirty minutes for it to clone his phone."

"That won't be a problem," Skeptic says. "We'll be eating at that new restaurant, Golden Hearts..."

"Golden Hearts?" Skeptic asks. "I've heard about there, they ask you to leave all phones outside of the dining area, this won't work."

"It will," Koku says. "You let me worry about that, but now the things I asked you about, how did it go?"

"Mmm," Skeptic grumbles while typing away. "Just a bunch of rumors and nonsense. Can't tell what's real and what's fake."

"Even you can't tell?"

"Mhm, but this phone should solve that," he gestures to the phone. "But all the research I've done tells me this dude is pretty well connected. All the rumors say he's Yakuza royalty."

"But Yakuza don't have money like this," Koku says. "And besides they're barely a street gang anymore."

"Yeah well, aside from a few parties here and there, he keeps to himself, just buys up anything he can. It's like he's playing monopoly, but instead of making money he's slowly losing money."

"Losing money?"

"Mhm, his profitable companies make a good amount but he's still losing maybe two million each month in payroll alone."

"And the chances of him supporting us?"

"Hmm, can't tell," Skeptic says. "He hasn't been in the public eye enough to say anything for or against our cause. But that's the point right? You're offering him some political power in Japan."

"Exactly," Koku says. "But we need him more than he needs us, as far as I can tell he doesn't care about politics. But having his name attached to us would mean quite a lot."

"So if he says no, we use this," Skeptic waves the phone in the air. "I've been unable to track his money or break into his companies systems remotely, being this close to him should make that much easier. Then I'm sure we'll find some dirt we can use, but how do you plan to keep this phone close enough to his?"

As Skeptic asks that, as if one queue the vehicle comes to a stop, and a tall muscular man enters, sitting beside Kuko.

"Oh," Skeptic says. "That makes things a lot easier," he goes back to work.

The man who entered was Tatsuyuki Tokoname, aka the Pro Hero known as Slide N Go. At the moment however he was wearing a simple suit instead of his skin-tight Hero Costume.

His Quirk: Slip and Slide allows him to remove the friction between his body and anything he touches, increasing his mobility and allowing him to chase down villains at high speeds.

"Most unusual," Slide N Go says. "How come we're all meeting like this in public, this is against MLA regulation for commanders and captains to meet in public like this."

"We have a good cover," Koku says, "Honesty. You're one of the spokespersons for the Hearts and Mind party and we're on our way to meet a new potential sponsor. And Skeptic is a backer of the party, it's all legit."

"Right, and the MLA business?"

"You'll just have to hold onto this," Skeptic hands him the phone. "The restaurant we're going to doesn't allow guests to keep their phones on them, but since you're a Pro Hero they have to allow you to keep yours."

"I see," Slide N Go nods and puts it in his jacket pocket. "Using the unfairness of this flawed society to bring it down."

"Alright," Skeptic shuts the laptop. "The phone is ready, when it's within a few feet of his phone it'll recognize his number and begin closing everything from his phone, including his account info, into itself."

"Good, because we're here," Koku says as they pull up to the front of the hotel.

The Golden Hearts Hotel. A 60-story hotel with the now extremely popular restaurant on the roof. New and already incredibly popular, as well as recognizable with its dark colors and golden accents.

As well as the intricate golden heart logo, also known now as the Matani Estate Logo on the front of the building. The same design that Law Matani has on his shoulders, not that the world is aware of that.

The men step out of the building and look up at it, knowing their host was on the roof already.

"Well, time to make a new friend," Koku says as he enters the building, marching toward Law Matani.

But not at all ready for the monster he was about to experience...


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