MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 152(Yaoyorozus & Matanis)

CHAPTER 152(Yaoyorozus & Matanis)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Fix that scowl, it's unladylike," Mrs. Yaoyorozu says. The woman was a striking beauty, only 33 years old. A less curvy version of her daughter, with short brown hair, who was currently sitting opposite her in the limo.

They both wore similar red gowns, the family color, and clearly one was more enthused to be here than the other.

Momo schools her features and continues looking out the window, but doesn't even spare her mother a glance.

Soon they arrive at the hotel, and before she knows it, Momo is being escorted into a open ballroom on the upper floors.

Filled with people in their best formal wear. Suits and pearls, the most expensive watches money could buy.

'A room of parasites and fake people,' Momo thinks, looking at everyone in disgust as the walk down the stairs.

"Hngh," she groans as her mother pinches her.

"Fix your face dear..."

"Yes mother," she growls out.

Being pulled back and forth by her mother to meet all of their family friends was as boring as every other, but a certain someone caught her eye throughout the night.

A young man appeared only slightly older than her, tall with wide shoulders. A black suit with a strange yellow heart on each shoulder.

'He seems young, maybe he finds this as torturous as I do...' she was hopeful atleast.

And eventually, the crowd around this man thins, and her mother drags us over there, and his bright blue eyes seem to bore right through her.

"Momo, this is our host, mister Law Matani," her mother says, giving the man a polite smile.

"Mrs. Yaoyorozu, even more beautiful than all the rumors I've heard," he kisses her mother's hand before turning to her. "I suppose that goes for both of you..."

And the look he gave almost had Momo rolling her eyes, because he was clearly undressing her with his.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," She nods politely. "I hadn't expected our host to be so young."

"These charity events are usually hosted by old bored people, true," he agrees. "But with the state of Japan as it is, I figured we should do what we can to help the less fortunate, don't you agree?"

"Oh, my daughter certainly agrees," her mother cuts in. "But sadly she prefers to help people one at a time than by the thousands like us."

Law looks a bit confused by that, "what do you mean?"

"What mother that I'm currently a Provisional Hero, at UA," he gives him a proud look.

"Wow, that's incredible, so your Quirk must be amazing to get into UA," Law says, clearly excited.

Momo cracks a genuine smile at that, "yes, sadly its not the most impressive in our class, not by a mile. But I'm sure it can help many people."

"Momo can create any non-living thing she knows the molecular structure of," her mother says. "She's as brilliant as she is beautiful."

"What a useful Quirk," Law says. "I don't follow heroes much sadly. Not enough time in the day. But I do know your family started the very first Hero Agency in Japan, quite an incredible legacy...but mine has never really had heroic Quirks."

"Oh, how so?" Momo asks.

"Well, my Quirk helps me looks a bit younger, not very good against villains, right?"

Momo nods, "I see..."

"But I'd certainly gladly swap with you," her mother giggles. "As would most of the world."

"Well the women atleast," Law shrugs. "But that's why I'm helping people in the ways I can."

"Oh, and how might that be exactly?" Momo seemed genuinely intrigued by this.

"He's helping to solve the employment crisis," her mother says. "The Matani Estate has been quietly buying any business that would be shutting down and keeping them open, at his own personal expense."

"It's better than having tens of thousands of people in the streets or becoming villains."

"And more effective the running around in a scandalous outfit hitting people with a stick..."

Law looks a bit confused at her statement, then Momo looks at the woman.

"I changed the costume, monther, and being a Pro Hero is helping people."

"You could help many more by doing what this young man is," she gestures to Law, who just awkwardly looks between both women.

"By profiting from the crisis?" Momo looks disgusted by her mother's statement.

"Hey I'm helping people," Law says.

Momo snaps her gaze toward him, "and when the real heroes stabilize Japan, all those businesses you bought for pennies will start making you a fortune every month, right? You're just another selfish person consumed by greed," she hisses out.

Momo's entire body jolts up as her mother pinches her side, almost hard enough to make her bleed, and pulls her close, "you will not insult our host young lady," she hisses out.

Momo glares at the woman, "I know what you're trying to do, but I'm not an object to be traded, especially to someone like that..."

"Excuse me?" Law was now genuinely confused for the first time tonight. "What's that supposed to me."

Momo shrugs off her mother's grip and looks at him, "it means if you want to leave your bloodied past behind, wear gloves..." she says before storming off to the balcony.

Law looks down at his hands, seeing his knuckle and hand tattoos. Intentionally similar to gang tattoos.

'Huh, these were supposed to put distance between Horizon and Law...worked perfectly. And I got to avoid that family bullshit...'

"I'm terribly sorry about my daughter, please forgive her," her mother gives a slight bow.

"It's fine...but keep her away from me. I have no interest in women like that," Law takes his drink and just walks away.

'No more Yaoyorozu drama, whew,' Law thinks as he walks over to Gild on the other side of the room. The man was about to leave with his date...and someone who was not his date, and had a wedding ring on her finger.

Law shakes his head, just imagining the stories that will come of tonight.


"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Momo's mother yells as she closes the balcony door, separating them from the party.

"Me? You're the one trying to show me off like a piece of meat, do you have any idea of how objectifying that felt!"

"I'm doing this because you forced my hand. I just want what's best for you!"

"No, you only care about the family name and expanding it, no matter what you have to make me do to achieve that, right?" Momo glares at her, crossing her arms and turning her back to the railing.

"That's not true..."

"It is! And you can't imagine a person like me, who wants more. I want to actually help people, not just sign cheques and act like it'll solve anyone's problems.

I want to go out there and actually contribute to the world with my own hands. I don't want to be some wealthy man's miserable baby breeder like you!"

Momo immediately slaps a hand over her mouth, seeing the hurt look on her mother's face.

"Mom, I---"

"It's fine," her cold voice rang out, hollow of all emotion. "Then just go. And as we agreed, you get nothing from us so long as you continue this nonsense...but I hope you come to your senses before it's too late.

Because all I wanted was my daughter, but you're determined to give me another dead Yaoyorozu in the history books..."

Before those words could even settle in, before broken hearts could properly form.


A single gunshot rings out from inside, and through the glass doors, they can see people looking toward the middle of the room, terrified.

Momo immediately rushes forward, toward the danger, but the moment she tries to get past her mother the woman tackles her to the floor.

"No! Don't go in there, they could kill you!" the woman screams, hysterically.

"No! I need to make sure everyone is alright!"

"Just wait for the Pros!"

"I'm...sorry!" Momo pushes her mom to the side and rushes through the doors, and as the woman gets up to follow her.

"Hn!" she feels a sharp pain on her wrist, then looks down to see a handcuff on her, attached to a large metal ball on the floor.

Looking down she easily unclips the cuffs from the ball, realizing it was only a distraction to keep her out of danger.

But she wastes no time taking out her phone to call the police.

Rushing inside Momo forces her way through the crowd, seeing and hearing a helicopter now arriving on the rooftop.

And in the middle of the room, four men with rifles and masks, in full tactical gear.

"Mister Matani!" One of the men yells. "That's all we want, the big shot behind this whole show! Where is he!"

The man fires a few shots into the ceiling, causing another chorus of screaming.

Momo's brain is immediately working overtime.

'They're too spread out for me to subdue them all quickly and safely.

I don't know what Quirks they have so I can't prepare properly.

If I use gas it will hurt the civilians.

What should I do, maybe...tasers.

No, I still don't know their Quirks.'

"I'm right here!" Law says, stepping out of the crowd not far away from Momo.

"Well, that makes this easy," the man chuckles as Law walks toward him.

"Wait!" Momo's body seems to move on its own, stepping out of the crowd and taking a fighting stance. "You can't take him!"

"Ok," the man says, and before Momo could form a plan---


He shoots Law in the shoulder.

He closes his eyes to hide the glow, and his hand immediately goes up to the wound to block the blue energy vapor from showing, as Hand Of God automatically heals the wound.

And he's unable to stop it.

"Ahhhh!" Law screams in agony as he drops to his knees.

And the man just looks back at Momo, "so you wanna get back in the crowd, or should I just kill him...since you don't want us to just take him after all."

Seeing no other option Momo just raises her hands and steps back, returning to the crowd.

And she has no choice but to watch them kidnap Law Matani from his own charity event.

Taken to the roof, the first person that she, as a Provisional Pro Hero, couldn't save...


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