MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 140(Another Imposter)

CHAPTER 140(Another Imposter)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Under the moonlight on a quiet countryside road, a fully armored convoy was currently in chaos.

The main prisoner transport truck was currently flipped onto its side, with the last remaining member of the security division sitting behind it, back against the cold steel as he cradles his rifle.

"C'mon damn it, work," the man mutters, desperately tapping his radio, still not getting any signal.

"Grarh!" he hears one of his friends take his final breath just a few meters behind him.


He hears someone drop onto the main truck he was hiding behind, and carefully he cranes his neck upward, locking eyes with the cold emotionless killer.

"Wait please!" The man tries to jump to his feet, hoping to maybe get one shot off.

But Hawk's feathers are just too fast. Two pierce his heart and exit through his back before the man can even get off the ground.

His body crumples over, bleeding out as he takes his final pained breaths.

"Damn it, this had better be worth it," Hawk grumbles. He truly hates taking innocent lives, but orders were orders.

And for the greater good, their sacrifices are necessary.

Looking back he sees more bodies scattered about the road, some shot after the fact. Using their own guns to mix things up, rather than have everyone killed with 'blades'.

Hovering down from the truck using his feather wings, all the loose feathers return to his back while one long feather hovers into each of his hands. Playing the part of a feather sword.

He walks to the back of the truck, then glances over to Ryukyu, the woman was currently face down on the street in a pool of her own blood, with a dozen stab wounds in her back.

Taken by surprise, his first victim of the night. Barely left alive, much too close to death for his comfort.

Reaching into his jacket pocket Hawks takes out a communicator and hits one button. And moments later a Warp Gate opens a few meters away.

"Not bad," Dabi says as he walks out, hands in his pocket, as casual as ever. Looking around at the carnage he gives a nod of approval.

"I'll save you!" Twice screams as he rushes out of the Warp Gate, followed by a hulking Nomu that then easily rips the doors off the truck.

"I had the key," Hawks says, as Twice begins to multiply himself to haul his allies back through the Warp Gate.

"He gets excited easily," Dabi shrugs, standing between Hawks and the Warp Gate, keeping the hero in his sights at all times while Twice takes their allies to safety.

They have an intense staring contest for a while, until Twice and the other commanders are gone. Leaving Hawks, Dabi, the Nomu, and the unconscious Ryukyu as the only living people here.

Dabi takes his hands out of his pockets, ready for action, "so, what's your endgame here?"

"A world where people that can fly, are free to do so. I'm sick of being a bird in a cage."

"Of course, you'd talk in bird crap," Dabi says. "Well you helped us get these guys back, that's a start. But obviously, we still don't trust you, so I'll be in touch."

"Of course," Hawks says, relieved that atleast this part went smoothly.

"Ngh," Ryukyu makes just enough noise for them to hear, and Hawks immediately curses his luck.

"Ohh, missed one," Dabi gives a sinister smile as he aims his flames at Ryukyu, only for Hawks to step to the side, blocking his shot. "Dropping the crappy villain act already, huh?"

"I'm a freedom fighter, not a villain," Hawks says. "And if I'm the only survivor it looks too suspicious, I need her."

"You want me to pass up on a chance to kill a top 10 pro? Well, I could just make it two, how about it?"

"And kill the only intel source you have that can tell you what the other top 10 Pro Heroes are planning, right?"

Dabi clenches his jaw at that, and drops his hands. "She could become a problem for us later, kill her."

Hawks just sighs and shakes his head at that horrible idea, "Horizon already doesn't like me, I bet he'll think this is suspicious. If I'm the only survivor he'll be in my face in no time. And neither of us wants him knocking on our door, right?"

Dabi just rolls his eyes and blasts fire away from them, down the street and torching all the other vehicles and corpses, "there, alibi secure. But I see your point, we aren't ready for that fight just yet. For the record, I still think you're full of shit, and a bad actor, but the boss thinks you're useful. Try to stay useful, Hawks..."

Dabi turns around and casually walks into the Warp Gate followed by the Nomu, leaving Hawks and Ryukyu alone on the secluded street.

Hawks immediately shuts off the signal jammer, but the backup was dispatched when their signal disappeared. It was mostly so nobody could relay exactly who was attacking them.

'Twice was here, could have killed him already. But that's not the mission. Twice, Kurogiri, and whoever is producing all these damn Nomu for the league. When I get enough info on those 3, then we can take them all down, but for now...'

As he's thinking Hawk's arrives at one of the unburnt corpses, seeing a grenade on his belt.

"This is gonna hurt, sometimes I hate this job..." he mutters while reaching for the grenade.

The final piece, hurting himself enough to make it more believable...

---Minato Tokyo...

While Hawks was making himself a believable victim, Horizon got caught up in another situation.

Because of course with his luck, he'd be flying back to his building in Minato Tokyo, and soar directly above a convenience store hostage situation.

Sitting on his hoverboard he descends to street level, just behind the police barricade where the officers had the store surrounded.

"What happened?"

"Some idiot tried to rob the store when one of my guys was just on the sidewalk over here," the officer says. "He freaked out and hold the owner hostage, we've been here ever since."

Horizon takes an annoyed breath, "I'm too tired for this nonsense, what's his Quirk?"

"Uh, tough skin, like tough as leather."

Looking at the store Horizon sees the windows all spray painted from the inside, but that doesn't matter to him.


He 'sees' the man pacing back and forth, a gun in one hand and a phone in the other, negotiating with the detective in charge.

"I try not to use this much since it's not very 'heroic'...but you're keeping me from my bed, so you deserve it," he mutters in annoyance, causing the nearby police officer to give him a curios look.

Horizon raises his sword and aims it directly at the man's thigh, "Injection Shot."

"ARGHHH!" The man's pained scream rings out as he feels as if a bullet tore through the flesh and bone of his leg, yet didn't break the skin. All the obstacles between the blade and the target were completely pulverized as well.

"Injection Shot."

Another pained scream rings out, but before the man can even fall over.


Horizon swaps the man with his katana, grabbing him by the face and slamming him into the pavement, leaving the gun in the store.

The officers nearby take a cautious step back, realizing the Hero was exceptionally annoyed at the moment.

It only took minutes to get the paperwork done for this on the scene, and make a public statement. And as Horizon finished talking to the officers and the press, ready to warp to his nearby building.

"Horizon!" one of the officers yells out. "Fire on 28th street!"

'FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK! I hate this hero bullshit!' Horizon's inner voice screams, but on the outside, he was as calm and eager to help as always.

"I'll take care of it, stay safe everyone," he tells the crowd before warping away.

---40 Minutes Later...

Stepping out of the shower, Law dries off before warping some shorts on and warping himself into the kitchen.

Getting some takeout that he'd ordered before getting back here out of the fridge he puts it in the microwave while checking his phone.

He sees a 'thank you' message from Nejire...for, snacks?

Then a moment later he opens his message from Burnin, seeing that both ladies were in his office at Endeavor's Agency and enjoying his snacks.

"Great, now they're multiplying," Law groans as his food is ready.

Taking it out he warps onto the couch and turns on the TV, hoping to watch some of the formula one races he missed today.

But only two minutes in, and after nearly 80 hours of being awake and constantly fighting villains or saving people.

His eyes were already closing.

Finally drifting off into a very well-deserved rest.


"Huh!" he jolts awake, the familiar emergency alert snapping him out of his restful state.

He checks his phone to see an emergency call for the Endeavor Hero Agency, with he and Endeavor listed by name.

He immediately calls Endeavor, intending to tell him he can't make it.

"What's going on?" he asks.

"The convoy was attacked, Ryukyu and Hawks are critical," and just like that, all hopes of skipping this task was washed away.

"Fuck, alright I'll prepare to work on Ryukyu, send her to my Operating Suite in your building."

"What about Hawks?" Endeavor asks.

"...What about him?"


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