MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 136(Popularity Contest)

CHAPTER 136(Popularity Contest)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Within the Endeavor Hero Agency, there are nearly thirty Sidekicks.

Acting under Endeavor they operate under his name as support, either within the Agency for investigations or on the field as combat or rescue support.

Horizon is currently acting as a Sidekick in accordance with the contract he signed when receiving his Provisional Hero License. It's not illegal to sign a Provisional Hero to an official agency, its quite rare for such a case to happen.

Before Horizon joined the Hero Agency, Burnin was the most famous Sidekick in Japan. But because of her disposition, not wanting the stress of running an entire agency, she's gotten rather comfortable being in Endeavor's shadow.

But Burnin wasn't the only person Horizon usurped in popularity. Many 'rookie' Pro Heroes were forced into his shadow.

While Mt. Lady or Kamui Woods may occupy the full stage on their own, they're quickly ignored when Horizon steps onto the same stage.

Other students also felt this effect, even if the most affected trio couldn't care any less.

The Big Three, Japan's top 3 Hero Course students that gain immense popularity during their training time.

Currently the most popular of them was Nejire-Chan. Nejire Hado, a 3rd year Hero Course student from UA's class 3B. Already signed with Ryukyu's Hero Agency.

Second would be Suneater, Tamaki Amajiki, another 3rd year Hero Course student from UA's class 3B. Signed by the Fatgum Hero Agency since his first year.

Currently, UA's 2nd most outright powerful student, if not for the limitations that come with heroics.

And finally, Lemillion, Mirio Togata, a 3rd year Hero Course student from UA's class 3A. Signed with the Nighteye Hero Agency in his first year.

The protege of Sir Nighteye, All Might's former Sidekick and the leading Hero Agency in terms of investigations.

Principal Nezu and Sir Nighteye's first and only choice to receive One For All from All Might.

Modern Pro Heroes truly have their career made or broken based on popularity. With All Might existing there wasn't enough crime for the 115k heroes to share.

And since they mostly get paid by how many incidents are resolved.

Merchandise and popularity are what made the heroes that couldn't respond fast enough or simply couldn't compete against the top Pro Heroes money so they could live.

Bonuses are handed out based on public perception as well, for example, the Pro Hero that boosts the public's confidence in Pros the most would receive a bonus.

Of course All Might has received the largest bonus for the past 35 years, but now that would likely fall to Best Jeanist until Horizon goes pro.

Simply put, being strong isn't enough. If you aren't marketable you won't get anywhere. Super Moves certainly help with this and the more flashy the better.

Being able to actually get to the villains quickly is also important. These are two things Endeavor is better at than any other acting Pro.

Charisma is another important factor, arguably the only thing that stopped Endeavor from ever taking the Rank #1 spot from All Might.

Even having the world record for incidents resolved and a superhuman work ethic wasn't enough to match All Might's inspirational charisma.

The benefits of excelling in these categories are immeasurable, and are currently what Horizon is enjoying.

After the news reported that Horizon signed a 3-year contract with the Endeavor Hero Agency, many donations and contributions poured in, more than usual.

And some of it went toward building the office he was currently sitting in. Behind his fancy desk, looking at the news on his computer.

There was one couch off to the side and two seats on the other side of his desk. As well as a door on either side of the room, not including the door leading out to the open floor where most Sidekicks have their desk setup.

The switchboard desk where all incoming requests are filtered is also on this floor, while Endeavor's office is a few floors above on the top floor.

Behind Horizon was a large glass wall with Saitama Tokyo behind him, the moon hidden away by the clouds.

"Kamui Woods," Horizon mutters as he checks the charts. Seeing this 'rookie hero' spike in popularity and working overtime to resolve incidents in these past few days.

He was also at the League Of Villains raid and captured a dozen grey Nomu.

'He can't hope to keep up with me, Endeavor, Hawks, or even best Jeanist...but at this rate, he could be in the top 10. Being a part of that raid certainly helps...'

As Horizon is checking up on what other heroes are up to he receives a call. Connecting it to his visor he hears Chitose's voice, unknowingly talking to the publicity agent for the Meta Liberation Army.

"How's my favorite young hero doing?" Chitose asks.

"Busy, waiting for a meeting. What's got you calling me?"

"Well with the entire country in chaos and no heroes having the time or willing to make statements, I was curious if you'd be willing to do a short interview. Maybe help ease public sentiment.

You're not one to be fearful of saying the wrong thing and having people rioting against you after all. So, how about it?"

"Have you seen that creepy blog that tracks how many hours a day I'm out working?"

"Hey, my blog isn't creepy!"

"Wait, that was you?"

"It was done to show people how much the Pro Heroes care about them."

"It makes all but the top Pro Heroes look like lazy uncaring fucks...certainly doesn't help that a lot of Heroes immediately migrated away from Japan after All Might retired."

"Or they got poached," Chitose says. "But I only report the facts, it's not my fault or intention if it makes most Pro Heroes look back," true, but that was her agenda.

"Yeah, but then you know I've been working the most hours, if the people see me sitting in some studio on TV it could cause even more unrest, you'll atleast have to wait until after this crisis to get an interview."

"How about some questions on the record, just over the phone?"

"Mmmm, you've got a few minutes, go."

"All Might, did you know about his thinner form before that night?" She immediately brings out the big questions.

But luckily Nezu, Yagi, and Horizon had sorted out exactly what he was allowed to discuss with the media about this.

"I've been his doctor for a year before joining UA, his health has been in rapid decline for reasons I'm not allowed to discuss before that. All Might literally gave his entire being to protect others and never wanted anyone to know the pain behind his smile.

Even as I urged him to retire earlier he simply couldn't live knowing there were people that needed saving and he had the power to save them, yet didn't do anything. Heroic to his own detriment."

"I see, and about you buying your way into UA because you're All Might's doctor?"

"No, I showed my capabilities as a potential Pro Hero before Principal Nezu knew I was a doctor, or Mystery Class."

"Right, and is All For One related to you?"

"No, he just happens to dress well, as do I. The visor and his mask are a coincidence."

"Yet both your visor and his are listed as 'lifestyle support items', the similarities have people concerned."

"We aren't related," Horizon growls out.

"Right, understood, now..."

As their interview continues Burnin stumbles into his office with some cuts across her face and her Hero Costume caked with rubble. The fire on her head was entirely gone -leaving her bald-, needing her to eat and rest before it comes back.

She's about to speak, but is silenced as Horizon taps the side of his visor, indicating he's on the phone.

So instead she just walks over to the fridge in his office to get some snacks and a drink, and lays down flat on his couch.

"Final questions now," Chitose says after a few minutes of talking. "Do you think the state of Japan proves what you were saying as correct? That your warning of us depending too much on a single pillar has unfortunately been proven true?"

"Entirely so, I tried to tell people about it but unfortunately I didn't expect something like Kamino to happen so soon. I thought we would have had more time to spread the pressure of maintaining the status quo across all Heroes, but life rarely goes as we want."

"So you were thinking years ahead of all of us?"

"I always am."

"Right, and you healed both Buakaw and Hodori after the Gigantomachia even, how was that?"

"They're perfectly fine, no hard feelings at all. They understand villains attack us at our lowest."

"And about people and corporations as well as other nations withdrawing from Japan because of that event?"

"Would you go somewhere that the government can't keep you safe?"


"Then why should they?" Horizon asks. "We can't blame them because we failed, we just have to do better, and we will."

"And do you have any idea of a timeline for some semblance of peace to be restored?"

"Hmm," he actually thinks about it for a moment. "This first wave will only last another few days at worst, then things should get a lot quieter for a while. After that, it's just the league and Machia to bring down."

Chitose giggles, "you make it sound so easy..."

"All I need is time, and I'll clean up this country."

"Right, and finally, are there any Pro Heroes you've been impressed by during these hard times?"

"No, they've just been doing their job, nothing particularly commendable about it, even for myself or Endeavor."

"So harsh, alright I think I have enough, I'll send you a message when the interview is published alright?"

"Sure thing," Horizon hangs up.

Then he looks over to the couch to see Burnin half asleep after finishing her snack.

"Is your call done?" Burnin asks, her usual hyper mood replaced by exhaustion.

"Yeah, you know you're the only other Sidekick with an office, right, you can go sleep there."

"But you've got all the good snacks."

"You would too, but you're just cheap."

"No you're rich, there's a difference. Besides it's not like you mind..."

"How are you so sure?"

"If you didn't want me here I'd be laying in a street somewhere with one Shambles."

Horizon just sighs, then gets up from his seat and walks over to her, "what the hell happened to you?" he asks while reaching down and placing a hand on her shoulder.


The cuts and bruises across her face begin healing at a visible pace.

"Penguin villain."

"Penguin villain? Really."

She opens her eyes to give him an annoyed look, "he could shoot ice from his beak ok, and he had a lot of friends..."

"Excuses excuses," Horizon mutters as he gets back to his seat.

A moment later he senses someone step into the lobby on the ground floor, takes out a card and throws if forward.


Nejire-Chan appears in his office, in full Hero Costume. A light green body glove with a turquoise swirl across it. Her blue hair in large curls reaching past her knees with her bangs swirled into two horns.

And as Horizon warps his card back into his hand the girl finally snaps to her senses, realizing what just happened.

"That's so weird? How does that work? Can you see through walls and stuff? Does that make you tired? Is the mask your face?" And a dozen more questions are shot at him before he can raise a hand to silence her.

"Can you please just give me whatever you're here to deliver?"

"Oh, right, I'm Nejire Hado by the way, Ryukyu sent me to give you this, it's super important so I had to secure it!"

She reaches into her utility belt and takes out a small green vial.

Horizon takes the vial from her and holds it closer to his visor, noticing it just looks like green water.

"Oh, are you gonna drink it?!"

"No, where'd she find this?"

"Oh it was on a smuggler she caught, but he uh...he took some desperate measures to avoid being captured alive ya know," she says in a sad tone.

"Makes sense," Horizon says, holding it carefully in his hands. "This kind of thing is gonna be worth a lot of money, the cost of talking would have been a lot more than his life, probably his entire bloodline, assuming he even knew."

"OH, you know what it is?" Nejire asks.

"Already scanned it," Horizon tosses it over to her, and the girl nearly has a heart attack as she catches it.

"You should be more careful!"

"It doesn't work unless it's injected into your bloodstream, if you drink it then you'll just get a stomach ache and need to go to a hospital."

"What is it?"

"A new strand of Trigger, mixed with something a lot more organic, human in fact."

"A Quirk?"

"Yeah, the user is likely mid-twenties."

"You can tell?"

"Hormones and other markers make it easy to tell, but this variation is still unstable. If you took it then you'd probably be forced to use your Quirk until it killed you or drained you."

Nejire holds the vial a lot more carefully after hearing that.

"It was probably headed to a chemist or something, have Ryukyu check where she found this guy or where he was going to and find some leads."

Nejire immediately takes out her phone to update Ryukyu, what would have taken atleast a week to solve for a crime lab, and they wouldn't have been able to find as much info, took Horizon all of 3 minutes.

Meanwhile, Horizon gets an alert directly into his visor.

"Alright, thanks, I'll get out of here now, it's a long trip back to the agency," Nejire says.

"Not yet," Horizon says as he gets up, walking around to her. Standing in front of the rather short girl. "You're coming with Endeavor and me to deal with something first, just outside of Tokyo."


"Normally we'd have her but," he gestures to Burnin who was asleep on the couch, without her massive fiery hair. "She's tired and her Quirk is spent, you're subbing in since most of this agency can't match your firepower."

Nejire giggles at the horrible and unintentional pun, "alright, so what's the situation?"

"We're hunting the League Of Villains..."


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