MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 134(Stretched Thin)

CHAPTER 134(Stretched Thin)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


After nearly 70 Hours of non-stop Hero work, Horizon is walking down the sidewalk of Tokyo, feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

The lunchtime crowd was looking at him, as if unsure of if this was.

Horizon rarely ever walks around on the street because of the crowds that always swarm him, and as people come to their senses, he seemingly randomly walks into the street.

Even after days of constant Hero work, his Hero Costume was perfectly clean -aside from the gloves-, even if the man below desperately desired a shower and nap.

Horizon raises a hand and casually signals for the cars on the street to stop.

"Clear the street for a minute please, Hero stuff!" he yells out as he stands in the middle of the road.

Everyone looks around, not seeing anything out of the usual.

Only a few people begin moving, others are unsure of what he's talking about, and a few idiots still take out their phones to ask him for a picture or record whatever they think is about to happen.


Two gunshots ring out, and Horizon just rolls his eyes, yawning below his visor as people finally begin to clear out.

This has been the state of Tokyo and the more populated cities for the past 3 days.

Ever since Gigantomachia showed the world what happens to any aid they send to Japan, international companies immediately began to withdraw their physical businesses.

Investments instantly dropped all across the country.

And overnight, a new wave of unemployment struck Japan.

And sadly with unemployment, comes new would-be villains, because while 99% of people would simply struggle for a while and then get a new job, some bad apples decided to take these drastic measures immediately.

All around Japan heroes have been working overtime to put out fires and keep everyone safe and maintain a presence, but the villains, and the new wave of starting villains, are truly relentless.

This is the direct consequence of a nation appearing weak on the international stage.

If you're #1 Hero cannot suppress the villain threats within your borders other countries cannot trust you to protect their citizens, investments, or visiting Heroes.

And through it all, Horizon is determined to stay on the streets as long as possible. This is the time everyone is looking to anyone to take the lead and hold the country together.

All eyes are on two people to accomplish this task, two men that have been working non-stop since that night.

Endeavor, the acting #1 Hero.

And Horizon, who everyone is betting on as their future #1 Hero.

So of course he's out in the public eye trying to soak in as much good publicity as possible.

As the street mostly clears out, some people run into stores and record him on the street, as expected.

'Well at least they're off the street, morons,' Horizon thinks as he looks around, then looks down the street toward where he hears more gunshots, closer this time.

And he senses the chase moving toward him, as predicted.

'Police are right behind them so I shouldn't have to wait more than a few minutes to get out of here. Finally, I can get some food and sleep then get back to work.

Actually, fuck these people, I don't think I'll be heading out until later tonight, I need to relax for a bit. I'm just barely keeping my eyes open right now.'


Two more gunshots ring out as a car rounds the corner.

In the front seat is a woman, leaning out the passenger window and shooting back at the cop cars chasing them.

In the driver's seat is a man entirely focused on driving.

And in the back seat is another man firing back at the police.

Horizon sees the panicked look on the driver's face, as he notices Horizon standing in the middle of the street.

The man looks terrified as he yells to his accomplices, who both look forward to see Horizon and begin yelling at each other.

Even from this far away, out of earshot, he could tell they were not infinitely more scared of his appearance on the scene.

The woman screams at the driver and points at Horizon as the man in the back seat just continues firing back at the police, missing every shot.

She points at Horizon, clearly arguing with the driver, then the man relents and just speeds up.

'Did this bitch just tell him to ram me?' Horizon wonders. 'Well, I hope she enjoys hospital time...'

As the car is only a dozen meters away from him, fully intending to ram into him at full speed, he raises a hand.


The entire car stopped, as if the air around it became solid in an instant.


The woman flies through the windscreen, past Horizon who doesn't even bother to catch her or soften the fall, leaving her to ragdoll across the street.

Grating apart enough skin to disfigure her.

Breaking enough bones to put her in the hospital for months, and in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Unless a certain someone performs a miracle for the shattered nerves in her legs and spine...he wouldn't.

The driver has his nose broken as his face slams into the steering wheel, and while he's coming back to his senses the man in the back seat gets out of the car, stumbling to his feet.

As everyone is trying to wrap their minds around what just happened, the police come to a stop two dozen meters away, opening their doors for cover and drawing their guns, but not firing.

Horizon was on the scene after all, adding bullets that could potentially hurt civilians into the mix was unnecessary.

Eventually, both men stumble out of opposite sides of the car, one holding his head and the other holding his broken nose. The steering wheel itself was warped from the impact.

'Durability Quirk?' Horizon wonders.

Then both of them look past Horizon to the woman, slowly bleeding out, completely blacked out.

"Damn it!" The driver yells. "That's my wife!"

Horizon shrugs, "get a smarter one next time..."

And both men immediately rush Horizon. The driver raises his fists which seem to glow with orange energy, while the other man transforms his fingernails into meter-long blades.

Horizon holds the hilt of his sword, still sheathed at his side, then throws it out at the man with blades.

TAKT: Dancing Sword!

Scalpel -Horizon's sword- flies through the air and begins fighting the man with bladed fingers seemingly on its own as Horizon casually walks toward the driver.

"Lets wrap this up," Horizon taunts.


"Exactly," he responds with a chuckle as the driver swings wildly at him, a strong right, sloppy and untrained. The strike of a desperate man with no other options.


Horizon meets the man with his own strike, and as their fists collide he feels the man's fingers shatter.

Then his wrist buckles.

Then the man's forearm shatters and his shoulder is dislocated.

"AHHHH!" the man screams out, only to receive a left hook, knocking him out completely and leaving him on the street.

The sound of steel crossing steel echoes out as Horizon looks down at his fist, seeing some blood on his gloves from this opponent and some wear and tear from the past 70 hours.

But he also sees the now familiar blue vapor-like energy radiating from his hand, feeling his mind now at its limit.

As if he were standing on the edge of a skyscraper and the hurricane was closing in.

Ready to push him off...

'Problems for later...' he decides, looking toward his sword and its opponent. Even controlled by his TAKT the blade was a thing of beauty fighting on its own.

'I guess Sero was right, it's not very economical so I certainly never would have thought of it...but damn does it look cool, and the media will surely agree.'

Currently, the final opponent was trying to get past Scalpel -Horizon's sword- to close in on the Hero, but he couldn't even manage that.

Horizon just shakes his head and looks toward the police while walking toward his sword, "I'm done here, you can come and arrest these losers!"

"Hey I'm not done yet!" the man says as Horizon now takes his sword back into his hand, standing across from him. Even while he was trembling in fear, he refused to back down, because his friends were on the line.

"Yes, you are, Incision."

As the ten finger-blades clash with Scalpel, unlike all the other clashes, this time Horizon's sword easily cleaves through the man's Quirk, only stopping at his throat because of Horizon's perfect control.

Feeling the cold metal alloy against his throat the man raises his hands in surrender as the police approach him.

On its own Scalpel is just an admittedly unwieldy, heavy, and terribly balanced weapon for most people. But in his hand, with Hand Of God amplifying its attacks, it can easily cleave through such simple things as blades.

---12 Minutes Later...

Standing behind a police car Horizon is treating one of the officers who was currently sitting on the trunk.

And as he takes the bullet out of the man's shoulder he casually placed a palm on his arm, and the surrounding officers watch in amazement as they can see the injury healing in real-time.

"Did anyone else get hurt, is that everyone?" Horizon asks as he gives the man a final check.

"That's it," one of the other men says. "Thanks for this, the guys really appreciate it, having someone looking out for us."

"We're all on the same team," Horizon shrugs. "It's the least I can do."

"Well, we appreciate it all the same."

"Likewise, now if you don't mind I need to go get some food."

"Oh, right, you've been fighting for days right, I can't even imagine that..." One of the other men says, causing Horizon to turn and look at him.

"How do you know that?"

The man looks genuinely surprised at this, "it's...on the news, and some people online have been trying to figure out when you sleep, sorry I thought you knew....wait, it's true? That's crazy."

Horizon just shakes his head, hating this Celebrity Hero nonsense more every day, "how can I sleep when villains are hurting people? Anyway, I'm gonna get some fo---"

Horizon's phone immediately goes off, and an emergency alert gets projected into his visor.

And everyone hears him respond with a loud groan.

"Bank robbery in progress, guess my food will have to wait a while..."


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