Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 8: Joy 5-Member Group

Chapter 8: Joy 5-Member Group

"This doesn't sound like something a man called [Red Beast] would say." Takasugi said with a sneer.

"This time, I had a long, long dream. We were all still in the original classroom in the dream, daydreaming one after another. Takaji, can we go back?"

"How many times have I told you to call me Takasugi or Shinsuke?" Takasugi couldn't help but remind him loudly. But the next moment, Takasugi also looked at the stars in the sky, and his voice was much softer, "I will definitely go back, back to the original [Shoka Sonjuku] ."

"The two of you, let's go relax together! I heard that there is a good shop nearby." Gintoki stood below and shouted at the two people on the roof, "Takasugi is treating!"

"Why is it me who is treating? Speaking of which, I haven't said that I want to go yet, you bastard!" But Takasugi couldn't help but ask, "What are you talking about?"

Ever since Shouyou was taken away, Kawaki rarely fought with Gintoki. The one who fought with Gintoki became Takasugi, and Kawaki and Katsura became the mediator.

In fact, Kawaki couldn't understand why such a strong Shouyou would choose to leave with those men in black. 'If, if Shouyou wanted to, he could definitely get rid of those people. What exactly was it that made Shouyou have no reason to fight?' Kawaki couldn't think of it.

Moreover, at that time, he followed Shouyou's words and didn't fight. He chose to protect the small and fragile lives behind him.

'What about now? During the war, he personally took many lives and lost countless companions. Does this violate the original agreement with Shouyou?' Kawaki did not dare to think about it.

"You guys go; I won't go," Kawaki said.

"What a disappointing fellow," Gintoki couldn't help but mutter and look at Takasugi, "Takasugi!"

Takasugi understood and pulled Kawaki to jump down.

"Sometimes, you need to relax. This time, it's my treat!" Takasugi dragged Kawaki and followed Gintoki out the door.

"Where is Zura?" Seeing this, Kawaki also knew that he could not push it, so he could only follow the two of them.

"Don't you know him?" Gintoki asked back.


A few days later.

Everyone stood by the sea and looked at the big ship coming over. At the front of the big boat stood a man. The man was the Sakamoto [The Dragon of Katsurahama] Tatsuma, who Gintoki said before.

"Is that the Sakamoto [The Dragon of Katsurahama] Tatsuma?" Takasugi crossed his arms and said.

"It's not Katsurahama, it's Katsura!" Katsura stood beside Takasugi and said, "Ah, no, this sentence seems to have been said in the last chapter."

"Who's talking to you?" Takasugi continued, "It looks pretty good." Takasugi was referring to Sakamoto Tatsuma in the bow.

"Not looks; it's Katsura!"

"No one talked to you!"

"I don't like him," Gintoki said as he walked over. Kawaki, who was standing in the front row, and Takasugi and Katsura looked at Gintoki at the same time, "I don't get along well with wealthy people. Aren't their plenty of long-haired men like him who come from a Samurai family?"

Gintoki continued as he walked. "Rather than a long-haired man, it was more accurate to say that he was a short-haired man. Anyway, that ship was also a toy his father bought for him. It was the same as the little guy who asked his father to buy a pile of lego soldiers and made himself the governor. He must have never used a cardboard box as a mini 4WD runway, right?"

At this time, Takasugi's face had already darkened, and the veins on his face were bulging. His eyes(_) were staring at Gintoki.

As if he did not notice, Gintoki continued to talk to himself, "The reason why your life runs so smoothly is that your father bought you a runway. Isn't it just that daddy is more awesome?"

"Whose army are you calling lego!" Takasugi could not help but retort, "Besides, I've already cut off all ties with my family!"

Gintoki finally seemed to realize something , "Huh? I didn't say a word about you.

It turns out that Student Takasugi thinks he is the child of a wealthy family. He claims to be a rich boy~."

"Well, that kid is going to go ashore," Kawaki advised from the side.

"Huh? That kid!" Gintoki and Takasugi couldn't help but feel a little angry when they saw Sakamoto Tatsuma, which had already changed into a boat, covering its mouth and trembling.

"What is that idiot laughing at" Takasugi continued while the veins on his face bulged.

"That bastard dares to look down on Student Takasugi," Gintoki interrupted.

"Student Takasugi, your head! It's all your fault for being looked down upon by him!" Takasugi complained.

At this time, Sakamoto Tatsuma finally came ashore. However, Kawaki found that the Sakamoto Tatsuma did not look down at anyone but looked behind everyone with a refreshed face.

This made Kawaki even more curious about this man named Sakamoto.

"You, are you stupid? What are you laughing at?" Gintoki looked at the Sakamoto Tatsuma at the bow of the boat and said in a strange tone, "How is Takasugi funny? Is it because he is short and called "Taka" sugi?"

(TL note: Taka means high.)

"The one who looked down on me should be you, Gintoki!" Takasugi said.

However, Sakamoto did not say anything. His eyes were still looking at the distance behind them.

"This arrogant attitude, should I say it is worthy of being called [The Dragon of Katsurahama]?" Kawaki said as he walked towards the Sakamoto Tatsuma, "Hey, it's almost enough to put on a show."

"This guy is not ordinary. His eyes are staring at the battlefield behind us, and he doesn't even want to look at us. It seems that [The Dragon of Katsurahama] is not an undeserved reputation." At this time, Katsura no longer jokes around.

However, just as Katsura finished speaking. Sakamoto Tatsuma... vomited, and was facing Kawaki, Gintoki, and Takasugi.

"Ah, sorry, I was seasick and felt uncomfortable. I was looking at the distance just now and didn't see you." Sakamoto immediately wiped his mouth and looked at the three people whose faces were covered with mosaic. "You guys... who are you?"

"God's Retribution!" The three of them shouted at the same time and beat up Sakamoto Tatsuma.

This was the beginning of the four-member groups becoming a group of five

Sakamoto Tatsuma quickly integrated into Kawaki and the others from then on. Kawaki also gradually discovered the extraordinary aspects of this man. The Sakamoto Tatsuma relied on the talent of hooking into the other party's heart to guide and support, raise funds, deploy weapons, and his ability to collect money was comparable to that of a master fraudster. He did not use a sword in this war but used business to fight. It was not that Sakamoto Tatsuma could not use a sword. But in fact, he was also an expert with a sword.

Since Sakamoto joined, the gathering of funds finally did not need to rely on Gintoki and Kawaki. Now, the one who supported Kawaki and the rest in the battle was Sakamoto, this swindler master.

"Sakamoto!" Kawaki looked at Sakamoto on the stretcher and could not help but shout, "Who did this!" Kawaki asked with a gloomy face.

He saw a huge wound on Sakamoto's entire right arm. Although he had survived, he should no longer be able to use the sword

Kawaki turned around and rushed out. Revenge! This was the only thing Kawaki wanted to do right now. Kawaki held the blue umbrella in his right hand and did not take anything with his left hand. However, there was a sword at Kawaki's waist. It was a sword that Shouyou had once given to Kawaki

"It seems that you really need to be taught a lesson." Takasugi could not help but say to Sakamoto.

"Hey, hey, spare me. It was not easy to save my life. Do you want me to die?" Sakamoto said unhurriedly.

"As Samurai, you are already dead." Takasugi looked at the wound on Sakamoto's forearm and replied.

"As expected? I can't use a sword to peel the apple anymore. It's so inconvenient." Sakamoto said in a self-deprecating manner.

"You don't have the proper Samurai style in the first place. This kind of death may be suitable for a fool like you." Takasugi's eyes revealed a bit of gentleness.

"Not dead yet! A samurai is not only to wield swords, and fighting may not only kill the enemy. Sakamoto's battle is not so petty. He can't even handle a stick. " Gintoki leaned on a rock behind him and said.

"Do you still remember the enemy's appearance?" Takasugi turned around. Just as he finished speaking, a ball wrapped in clothes flew over.

The ball fell to the ground, revealing a bloody head.

"I have already avenged you. Next, you will stay on your exclusive battlefield. We will also stay on our exclusive battlefield!" Kawaki walked over and said.

"As expected of Lord Kawaki!" A soldier could not help but exclaim.

"Aren't you too fast? If a man is too fast, he won't be able to win the heart of a woman..." Gintoki couldn't help but ridicule.

"The Yato Tribe is known as the strongest combat race in the universe. That umbrella and your strength might be the best proof, but you might be a mutated Yato." Takasugi said in a deep voice.

Kawaki did not explain.

"Isn't the strongest combat race in the universe a Saiyan?" Gintoki could not help but ridicule.

"What race is not important, as long as you remember that we are partners," Kawaki said and rushed out again.

"I have checked a lot of information. Although the Yato Tribe is the most powerful combat tribe, they are already on the verge of extinction. Moreover, the Yato Tribe has a weakness: they hate sunlight, so they all hold an umbrella. Moreover, once their emotions break through a limit, they will become a monster who has no reason and only knows how to kill." Looking at the back of Kawaki, who was getting far away, Takasugi slowly said.

"How is that possible? Kawaki like basking in the sun the most!" Gintoki couldn't help but retort.

"Maybe it's some kind of mutation, and don't you think the latter part is very similar to the drunk Kawaki?"

"If you say it like that..." Gintoki was stunned.

"Moreover, maybe it's just that he himself thinks he likes sunlight. Maybe this is why he sleeps for a few days every month. Because his body can't withstand the sunlight, he chose a certain state to adjust his body." Takasugi analyzed.

In fact, Takasugi's analysis was reasonable. But in the end, it was wrong. The umbrella was not Kawaki's, and Kawaki was indeed not a Yato.

However, Kawaki did not want to explain. Perhaps, it was good to let them think like this.

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