Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

“We’re now irrelevant to the Holy Knight Quest! You know what that means, right?”

That is to say, if Ghibrid awakened in an incomplete form?

What were the conditions for the success of the Holy Knight quest? The conditions for failure!

Hyein felt an intuition of the quest’s success at that moment.

Regardless of the completion rate, there was a belief that as long as they could report to the Papacy in a logical and rational manner that Ghibrid had awakened ‘incomplete,’ the quest would undoubtedly be cleared. Hyein shared the details of their conversation at the time with Leeha.

Hyein: Kay hadn’t thought that far… but I prioritized the quest’s success and returned to Juma City with Bobae.

Leeha: Surely, Hyein, you’re the best person to handle such a matter. Then what about Kijung…?

Hyein: He got annihilated by Ghibrid.

Hyein and Leeha did not continue their conversation.

Leeha: Let’s logout for a moment to make a call.

Hyein: Ah, there’s also good news, so I’ll logout now to contact you. I’ve already asked Jin Gonggong to head to Kay’s last location within our guild.

Leeha: The location – oh, for dropped items?

Hyein: We might not know what’s there but we should collect whatever we can. After all, Kay is our guild master.

Leeha: Haha, now he is also the [Cardinal of Demon Hunting] and a [Holy Knight]. We ought to make a good impression on Kijung.

“It was a judgment calm and quick enough to remind one of a ‘former guild master.’”

“And yet, he doesn’t brag about what he did right. In a way, it’s truly remarkable.”

Leeha nodded in agreement to Hyein’s thoughts.

However, the one who was truly admiring was Hyein.

Hyein: The last person Kay sought was Leeha-ssi, didn’t he say anything?

Leeha: What?

Hyein: He asked me to communicate everything. That the current guild master, Master Kay, the [Cardinal of Demon Hunting] and [Holy Knight], relies on you the most.

Leeha: Me?

Hyein was not unaware of Kijung and Leeha’s relationship. However, it wasn’t his place to recklessly share all these details without Kijung’s permission.

From the moment Hyein agreed to share everything, the underlying condition was that “Kijung had already given his permission,” but Leeha, overwhelmed by the circumstances, had failed to deduce this far.

Hyein: Haha, isn’t it obvious? Aside from being cousins, you are [Toon Slayer] and the strategist behind the [Use of Mystical creatures in Resistance Operations]. It would be odd not to rely on him. Oh, since Kay has changed class to Holy Knight, we’ll have to start planning in ten days.

Leeha: Ahhh, right. Didn’t expect it to come to this so soon.

Hyein: There’s no one else but Leeha-ssi for this task. So, I’ll be trusting you.

To trust. To rely upon.

Hyein’s words, though light and smiling, made Leeha feel a certain tightness in his chest.

“Looking at your expression, it seems things have gone well. No, the fact that your ‘dongsaeng’ has become Cardinal and a Holy Knight seems to be quite an achievement,” Kidd didn’t inquire further about Leeha’s musings.

Leeha preferred Kidd’s approach, who didn’t press for more but listened, over anyone else’s.

“Well, it’s not so much that things have gone smoothly, but rather, another troublesome matter has cropped up. Let’s hurry and catch up with those people.”

Leeha smiled.

Kijung had become a Holy Knight.

The reconnection period is ten days later in Middle Earth’s time.

Leeha thought it was time to think of a gift to give Kijung until then, as he started to chase the marked targets on the map.

“Let’s start by checking this out first. Character window?”

Then, he opened the character window.

Name: Ha Leeha / Race: Human

Occupation: Musketeer / Level: 246 (92.8%)

Title: Shadow Hitman / Achievements: 142

HP: 8,180 (5,726)

MP: 2,430











Strength 675 (+590)

Agility 4,000 (+1,382)

Intelligence 488 (+299)

Stamina 291 (+198)

Mind 125 (+115)

Remaining Stat Points: 0

There was no change in level. However, by successfully completing the quest to acquire the Curve Shot skill and obtaining the achievement “Rising Rookie,” along with being inducted into the hall of fame for S-rank achievements, he earned 18 and 36 stat points respectively, which he then distributed between Agility and Intelligence.

“Ha, having 4,000 in Agility feels good no matter when I see it.”

Of course, he didn’t open the character window just to feel good about his stats. What Leeha intended to do now was to tail someone, and naturally, he would have to use his Agility stats most efficiently.

“Stat Detail Adjustment: Agility! 100%… might be too much, maybe around 70%?”

One must be prepared for any unforeseen situation. But, if he applies 70% to a single stat of 4,000?

That would still be plenty. Casual players and most users wouldn’t even catch a glimpse of Leeha’s shadow.

The architecture of the capital of the Ezwen Papacy was a bit different from other nations.

Unlike the usual structure with an inner wall and a palace-fortress within the capital, the Vatican was almost entirely open. Thus, at the beginning of the chase, it was not difficult to follow the targets.

The harder part was avoiding the eyes of the patrol guards around the Vatican Square. But how long had it been since they began to tail the targets when their movements started to become suspicious?

“Here they come!”

“I see them, move back, quickly!”

Following Kidd’s words, Leeha began to run swiftly. The dots on the map closed in at an astonishing speed, but as long as he could clearly see their movements, there was no chance of being caught. Unless their speed was just average.

“Into that door over there!”

Kidd rushed into what seemed to be a shop, with Leeha sliding in after him. Bang! As soon as they closed the door, the targets turned the corner, entering the alley where Leeha and Kidd had been.

“Ha, ha, how are we doing?”

“Still… just a moment longer.”

The targets lingered at the entrance of the alley and then started moving again. They did not come all the way to where Leeha and Kidd were hiding.

“Haaaa… Phew.”

Both men sighed in relief.

“Crazy, how did they get so fast!? If we hadn’t adjusted the details, we would’ve been caught.”

Leeha was not the only one surprised. Kidd, who prided himself on not being outdone by anyone in terms of movement, was visibly flustered. Who are these people? How could they possibly match the movements of Leeha and Kidd, who are among the top even among outsiders?

“Well, that’s what we’re trying to figure out by following them.”

Leeha felt his legs go weak and had to put strength into his calves to stand.

“But how do they know? Did they see us?”

They had maintained a good distance from their tracking targets. They had never been exposed in a straight line. They intended to not reveal themselves until they clearly understood their goal, or until they arrived at a presumed secret meeting place or hideout.

“But how did they catch on?”

Leeha and Kidd were just one corner behind the targets. However, the targets seemed to pretend to turn the corner but would suddenly stop when Leeha and Kidd tried to follow, or even, as now, quickly run in the opposite direction, namely towards where Leeha and Kidd are likely to be.

Could they really do that just based on a hunch? Leeha suddenly had an ominous feeling. He carefully opened the store door and peeked out to survey the surroundings.

“What’s going on?”

“A tail on our tail? We’re not being followed, are we?”

As Leeha carefully looked around, Kidd shook his head. There was no sign of it.

“I had been suspecting it myself for a while too.”

“Hmm, that sounds a bit like a lie but anyway… How did they find out then? If they used a scroll to prevent marking, the skill wouldn’t have worked in the first place.”

The skill had definitely taken effect. Using a scroll now was meaningless. It prevents, not releases.

“No, I can’t say I figured it out clearly, but is it just a sense of unease? As if someone feels like they’re being followed, perhaps.

“We’ll reach the outer wall if we go a little further. There will be no more alleys. It’s time to make a decision.”

Whether to chase them down and reveal their identity completely, or to continue following them from behind and let them go. If they hadn’t sensed anything, one might pretend to be a passerby or a novice hunting outside the city, taking the opportunity to observe their faces and attire.

But now, they are suspicious that someone is trailing behind them.

“They’ll probably choose the least crowded paths. It’s dangerous to come across them recklessly. Fortunately, we have a ‘sniper’ here.”

Leeha made a quick decision,

“Let them go.”

“You mean just let them go?”

“We can’t just let them go. I’ll climb up the city wall and watch them from there. Kidd, draw the attention of the guards near the wall for me.”

“Why is it always me who has to do the annoying stuff…”

“Huh? Or you could do it. But knowing they’re being followed, they’ll sprint away as soon as they get past the wall, creating a huge gap. Do you think you can keep up without being noticed? We have to protect Colonel Browless.”

“… Who’s complaining? I’ll draw their attention.”

Kidd took out the [Crimson Geckos]. The shop owner gasped in alarm, but Leeha and Kidd paid no mind and stepped out of the building. They had reached near the city gate in no time.

Leeha and Kidd followed them as well. And the moment they stepped outside the city gate, a series of gunshots rang out.

“What’s this!?”

“Drop your weapons! What do you think you’re doing in the capital of our kingdom?”

“We have no intention of hurting anyone.”

“Put down your weapon now and raise your hands in the air!”

The local securities and the city gate guards started surrounding Kidd in an instant. As soon as they left the gate, there was a shadow climbing over the city wall, but no one noticed it.

Opening the trio’s friend window, Kidd confirmed Leeha’s location had changed to ‘on top of the Ezwen papal city wall’ before swiftly escaping.

If Kidd, with movements nearly as agile as Leeha’s, decided to escape with all his might, it would be impossible for the local securities and the city gate guards to catch him.

“[Eagle’s Eye], [Mana Clairvoyance].”

After spotting Kidd running away, Leeha activated his skills and took out Black Bass. There was no longer any need to look at the map.

The group moving away swiftly from the main road and heading somewhere quickly caught Leeha’s eyes immediately.

“Who are you guys?”

Incredible speed!

Leeha alternated between using the Eagle’s Eye and the scope to follow them. They were running at a fast pace towards a small forest on the left side of the road.

With that kind of speed, unless one keeps their head down while running, the hood is bound to come off.

The fluttering cloaks couldn’t completely conceal their attire either.

At least, that was the case for two of them.

“White hair, sports cut, scar over the left eye, no guild mark visible, several daggers at the waist.”

“Light Brown short hair, fair skin, a clean face, no guild mark visible, carrying two wands simultaneously?”

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