Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 64: Gupta, 400 CE

Chapter 64: Gupta, 400 CE

[Pluto’s POV]

Travelling… the most boring part of the journey, me and the others were travelling to India, where we would stay there for a couple of years. As humanity grew smarter, we cannot use the Domo freely anymore, as the chances of getting discovered were getting higher and higher as humans developed.

We are travelling with horses, Ajak and Kingo were in front, because Ajak said that they were similar in terms of looks by the locals. I also heard some talks about Ikaris and Sersi getting ‘married’ here, they’ve been talking to Ajak about it, and I saw Thena sneaking a couple of glances at me… this is not good…

I approached Sprite, who was looking at Sersi and Ikaris in front rather jealously. She was clenching the saddle quite hard, and she tried so hard not to scowl.

“You okay Sprite?” I questioned.

She looked at me, and scoffed. “None of your business dude.”

I just chuckled, she’s really moody today. “Are you jealous, Sprite? Your idol is getting married?”

Sprite side eyed me, and spoke. “You got a problem with that?”

I looked at Sprite with pity, and sighed. “You need to move on Sprite. It’s not going to happen.”

Sprite looked at me with rage, but her gaze softened. She looked at her horses’ head, and she waved her hand, and I could feel the sound around us dampened.

“Why did Arishem make me this way?” questioned Sprite, still looking at Sersi and Ikaris in front. “I never age, people thought that I was a kid, and once they realise I never grow up, they freak out.”

Honestly, I pity her, trapped in the body of a little girl all this time, it must be hell for her. “Sprite… Arishem made you like this for a reason.”

“Then what was the reason then?”

“Well, honestly I don’t know.” I answered, making Sprite snort. “But, I got a theory that Arishem makes you this way because children tend to be trusted. When humans encounter you alone in the city, what is most of their reaction?”

“Well, if they’re nice, they’ll offer me food, offer me shelter…” answered Sprite. “If they’re not, they’ll try to r*pe me…”

“Okayy…” I coughed. “That turned dark. Well, the point is, because you’re a kid, humans trust you more, because in their eyes you’re just an innocent little kid. You will be offered help by nice people, and because of that, you’ll be able to do your job efficiently.”

“Efficiently huh?” murmured Sprite. “In the end, it’s about efficiency, not my feelings.”

“Well, maybe someday you’ll find someone.” I comforted her. “Someday… when you grow up of course.”

“Could I?” questioned Sprite. Her head then snapped to me, looking at me with hopeful eyes. “Could you—”

I shook my head quickly. “Sorry Sprite, I can’t.”

She quickly turned disappointed, she cancelled the illusion barrier around us, and just quickened her pace, leaving me alone.

Maybe someday I’ll help her.

As we arrived at a building that looks like a wall, we were told to continue our journey on top of the wall. Going to the capital using the wall was much faster, said the guards, and of course we followed their lead.

Once we were on top of the wall, we continued our journey, but we were near the capital. On the road, we saw their architecture. It’s a breath of fresh air after living millennials in Greece and around it. It was unique and strange at the same time.

A couple of hours of refreshing rides on the walls, we finally arrived at the city of Pataliputra. It was a magnificent sight. Again, a breath of fresh air from Greek architecture.

“It’s quite beautiful.” suddenly Thena said beside me.

“Yeah, it is.” I nodded in agreement.

“Ikaris and Sersi chose the perfect place to marry.” she continued, smiling at me widely.

But that smile… something makes me shiver between that smile.

“Yeah… lucky for them…” I answered nervously.

She just hummed majestically like she usually does, and fastened her pace, riding away from me…

“Did I do something wrong?” I questioned myself.

As we settled in the capital and Ajak was arranging Ikaris and Sersi’s marriage, we had a bit of a break in that city. We were free to do what we liked for a time, and the others who weren’t usually free were quite happy with it.

Meanwhile, I was just sitting on the walls, seeing people come and go doing their own business. I quite like it, it’s a peaceful thing to see, away from the blood of the battlefield, blood of the deviants or humans alike.

Suddenly, I sensed someone walking towards me, I turned, and saw Sersi, looking quite happy with herself.

“Hello Sersi.” I smiled.

“Pluto.” She greeted me. She sat beside me, joining my watch.

“It’s a peaceful thing to do.” I commented. “Watching people walk around, doing their own business… I’m quite tired of seeing deviant blood.”

Sersi nodded. “It’s quite nice to see you pick up some great hobbies like this.”

I scoffed. “Hey, I do sculpting, you should see Helen’s statue in my house back in Sparta, It’s quite great.”

Sersi chuckled. “I would like to see your art someday. Maybe you’ll do painting too, or act like Kingo.”

I shrugged. “Eh, I don’t know… I could do poems though, Greeks love my poems.”

“Oh you mean that poem about death?”

“You’ve read it?” I questioned.

“Yeah, quite good, demented, but good.” said Sersi casually.

“Well, I’m glad you liked it.” I chuckled.

We then sat in comfortable silence for a while. The winds were blowing towards us, it was a warm wind, and it was nice as the weather was quite hot right now.

“So…” I continued the conversation. “You’ll be married to Ikaris in a couple of days…”

“Yeah…” she chuckled nervously. “It’s quite strange… marrying him.”

“Why is it strange?”

“It’s just… we’ve been together for so long… yet why now?”

“So you think it’s overdue?”

She hummed. “Yes. but, can’t complain are we?”

“Well, I’m happy for you.” I smiled at her, patting her shoulder. “I will task you with controlling Ikaris from now on.”

She laughed at my words. “He’s only like that to you.”

I also laughed. “Fair enough.” I looked at her, and massaged her shoulder. “Could I ask something from you?”

“Sure, anything.” she smiled.

“Take care of him for me.” I said. “Don’t give up on him… I know me and him don’t often see eye to eye, but at the end of the day, we’re still brothers. Don’t make him take the wrong path.”

She nodded softly. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.”

I smiled widely at her. “Good.”

“Thank you Pluto.” added Sersi. “You still care about him, and I thank you for that.”

“We’re family Sersi.” I answered. “It’s only natural.”

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